'It happened that my bedroom in that large house in Maseno, was also the Office for the Mission I worked for
(Trinity Fellowship). It was about30 feet square, with one side given entirely to french windows. My bed was on the opposite side, cosely set in a corner out of the way of the three desks, where accounts and correspondence was done. The walls were hung with large sheets of soft -board on which were pasted ordinance survey maps of the immediate district. They were hung all around the three sides of the room by thick copper wiring, suspended from nails firmly set in the walls.
Every morning I was woken up with a cup of tea by an African servant who just walked in, woke me up, and left the tea by my bedside. I did not want to be disturbed so early and asked him not to come, and not to knock - as he usually did -.as part of the 'wake-up' procedure my co worker had laid down. SO on Boxing Day morning (the first day after my instructions) I was not expecting him.
In fact I had even turned the key in my lock so that he could not get in. We had a busy day and both my friend and I retired to our seperate bedrooms quite early - about 10p.m., and I was soon asleep. Suddenly I found myself half awake, and with the sure conviction that the door had opened and that someone was in my room. It was still dark outside, and no light filtered in through the french widows which were of course also shut. I began to say drowsily that I didn't want any tea......IMMEDIATELY the whole room erupted into frightening noise and activity! Dull thumps and LOUD crashes resounded all around the room, and something enormous and heavy seemed to jump upon my bed!~
I remember screaming 'Murder!....MURDER! Oh God help me! JESUS! Then I heard myself shouting even more in a language I could not determine - I was shouting out in 'tongues'! SILENCE! A stillness so intense and profound that I dared hardly breath. My heart was pounding, a cold sweat was upon my face! The light-switch was on the far wall near the door.............'
well, there was no one in the room, the door was still shut and locked! ALL the Boards with the Maps had fallen down - all at the same time, and one on my bed. On examination each board's wire seemed to have been CUT in the same placed. I was still shaking! I felt if God had not been so quickly there to keep me sane I may well have left Kenya the next day.....Some years later I found out that the previous owners of the house had left it because they believed it had what they called an 'Evil Spirit'. After I left it became a Night Club and within months burned down. All this happened before God called me to care for children. It had its place as part of my preparation for all that has come to pass since. Had I turned tail and fled from what happened that night Testimony Faith Homes would never have come to pass; I would not have met Esther, or had any of my wonderful family.
Hogley and Hendrika Natal will be leaving soon - Hendrika on Sunday, and the Hogleys on Tuesday, I think. It has been good to have them with us, and we hope they will have also enjoyed themselves. BOXING day we thought the RAIN would come to spoil everything, but no - the LORD held back the clouds and everyone was swimming and pic-nicking as usual - a great day. Daryl was especially responsible for the success of this day, and put himself into it heart and soul! Carol and the family also joined with us all. It was a VERY happy and satisfying time. Now we have to think of School opening on the 6th January and getting every ready and geared up for the new Term. A LOT to do, but it WILL all get done, as always.
All by God's Grace.
BUILDING HAS CONTINUED on usual working days. There has been some rain, but this seems not to upset anything, and now the trenches are finished to hold the foundation work. THEN the SLAB......Things look good.
The Sun is shining again today, and our children, not tired of water, are again swimming, this time in our own pool. Still a bit chilly though, with a brisk breeze blowing from the east. But our pool is sheltered on all sides and is always quite warm - helps keep the water bearable. And tomorrow is Sunday once more, and this week one of our senior boys from Jacaranda, Mariko Epa will be speaking........
Our very best wishes to you all, in the hope that you will have also been Blessed. Much love to you all in Jesus Name, and Thanks to all who sent US Greetings, and who helped to make OUR Christmas SO happy. One dear sister and friends donated almost 200 sausages! And we also received more than five goats from local friends and well wishers - including TWO from the Vice President!! The Lord moved hearts to provide great and small needs, and we are all so very grateful.
Always in the Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ
John, Esther, Daryl and all our staff.