Thursday 26 July 2018

(as at July 2018)

We have been using this house as a Hostel for Boys who are 18 and over in age.    It had originally been our original First Children's Home, where Esther and I lived and parented an average of 35 kids as a family, from 1972 to 1998.     Our own three biological children plus another four we adopted into our own blood family were all brought up together in the greater family.    It was, and still is in our memory, home - both to ourselves, and those who shared it with us over those years, and the Flagship of all we have endeavoured to do.

a statement of our belief in home and family for children who need both.
Nothing has really changed with the Government Policies regarding to the basic need of children everywhere.
BUT WE SHALL CARRY ON, one way or another, to offer what we have, as we have always done, with respect to the laws of the land, but also without allowing children in need to unduly suffer destitution.

Brave Words, but said with God, and the Bible, in mind, and realising that to achieve this, (and at the same time be a Testimony and example against the need to totally eradicate the idea and Vision of Extended Family Care in the general pattern, and principle that we have proved viable and successful over almost half a century of practice),  we must walk hand in hand with HIM.       There will be further discussion with government, no doubt, and maybe we shall have to adjust some of what we still want to be seen in this ministry, but we believe the Lord will be with us, and will guide us all to finally achieve what is best for children in need.     After all not ALL children can or will be fostered or adopted.     We remain with a very real option.

THUS we have virtually positioned ourselves at a New Beginning, and with the Repainting and Redecoration of the FIRST Cottage Home we restate our faith in God to be behind us, and in His ability to keep what we commit to His Keeping.   But we are not issuing a Challenge; not throwing down the Gauntlet to the government.   We are just digging our heels in a bit in order to make sure the Government might see reason to keep the door to çhange' still open. and perhaps, as I have often said before, not be led to 'throw out the babies with the bath water.''

Our friends from Tyndale Christian School in South Australia have now left us, having spent a wet, and cold fifteen days helping to achieve the bulk of the repair and redecoration to Testimony House.  They repaired, and re-painted an interior of some eleven plus rooms that hadn't been touched for more than a decade.
In this they have truly identified yet again with our history, and our Vision, and shared our determination to press on regardless to bring this as an ongoing Gift and Help to our Kenyan society.We could not have done this at this time, without them.
I was personally a bit crippled by two kidney stones that decided to be on the move from my right kidney, and so did not see a lot of them, except from a distance.    But I never saw them still for a  moment, and there is no doubt they wore themselves out every day.     This time we feel their visit was in a sense very encouraging and supportive at a moment when we had been feeling rather low, and out on a limb.   We received so much by their just being here once again, with us.     We pray they were themselves able to receive a Blessing.    HERE is the 2018 Group Photo of them all:-

The photo was taken in the sitting room of Testimony House just after it had been repainted. All the furniture had been removed of course. Some of the group also spent time with Joshua and Miriam Mbithe at Neema Children's Home just a few kilometres away from us.

A BIG THANK YOU to all of them, and for their School Management and their parents for being so willing for them to come to us, and for also trusting us with their care and safety

 Our Daughter Elizabeth's son John-Finney, 16, plus Steve's children, Eric, 18 and Tonia, 19, all arrived to stay for about a fortnight, all together with Steven - although Steven was only with us for part of the time, as he had business to attend to in Nairobi.    They were with us from Sunday 8th till the 21st.   The Australian Team were also working with us about the same time.   The weather was foul, WET and COLD for the time of year.    Still, on the whole it was a worthwhile time for us all, though regretfully I myself was quite unwell for most of the days.  I had awoken on the 10th with severe pain in the right kidney area; I could barely move.    I had the pain before in 1980 and I was apprehensive.    On the 11th I saw my doctor, and after an ultra-sound it was discovered there were two small stones in the right kidney causing the pain.     Nothing to be done but to DRINK a lot, and suffer.     Fortunately after a day in bed the pains subsided progressively, but I had to be a bit careful how I moved.     I felt very under the weather.     By the time the family came to leave I was feeling much better and relieved - but no sign of any stones passing.     We had really looked forward to fellowship with our grandchildren whom we had not seen since 2011, and I felt quite miserable not to be myself, and rather disabled most of the days.       BUT they all seemed delighted to have been with us, and want to come again soon!!   
(photo - left to right - Esther, Tonia, Me, John, and Eric. taken on the last day of their stay)

It was also the School Parents & Prize Giving Day on Saturday 21st.    I still did not feel well enough to attend it, but Esther did, and it seemed to be a very good day.  It even did not rain.
Then on Wednesday this week Daryl took me off to see the Urinologist who operated on me in 2010.
As it turned out, we were at the hospital some time, from 2 p.m. until 5.30,  having further tests.
We should get the Results some time today.  the consultant confirmed, though, that stones were in the right kidney.    They had been in the left one in 1980.   Can't complain really, since I have been free of them for almost 40 years!!   God is Good - ALL the time.    In all other ways I feel well and fine in myself.     AND Jesus, in Luke 10v18, said that He had seen Satan fall like lightening from heaven; He had seen Satan's authority and power weakened by the Power that was in HIM, and He had now bestowed that power on ALL those who Believed in Him as their Lord and Saviour - NOTHING would ever be able to hurt THEM because He had given them of His power, power over ALL the power of the Enemy.       So let us not fear;  Yes we are in a fight but we will come through into Victory - indeed, already we have passed from DEATH to Eternal LIFE, and yea, even though we might die, YET shall we LIVE on.    Nothing can keep us down no matter  how many times we may appear to be stricken.    In this knowledge let us face every event and circumstance, refusing to budge from our Faith,      The World around us, in which we live, is indeed very intimidating;  Satan full of persuasion that we shall be no match for what may come upon us.  But he is not only a liar, he is unable to destroy us in Christ.      All we need to KNOW is whether or not we are, in deed and truth, IN CHRIST.      Remember to take constant 'Rain Checks' as urged by Paul the Apostle, who suffered many things along the way of life on Earth, but yet was Victor over all things - 2. Corinthians 13v5-6

EXAMINE and test and evaluate your own selves
to see whether or not you are holding to your faith
and showing the proper fruits of it.
TEST and prove yourselves (not Christ).
Do you not yourselves realise and know
(thoroughly by ever increasing experience)
that Christ is IN you -
UNLESS you be counterfeits
disproved on trial and rejected?
BUT I hope you will recognise and know
that we (who say we are His)
are not disapproved on trial and rejected.

I GREET YOU ALL IN JESUS NAME!......I am not dead, or fallen as some may have wondered from our silence and quietness.    NO, we are alive and strong in the Faith that Saves and Strengthens us.     I warned that this year I might not be as regular as previously - but the Blog will still remain open, until He comes.......

Our Love to you all, and may His Love and Grace continue to wash over you, constantly refreshing and re-establishing your faith and the knowledge of Christ with you.

John, Esther, and Daryl Green