Needless to say we were very disappointed and I, for one, was not too keen to continue the project. But there again ,to leave such a carefully and lovingly constructed Facility to just decay did not seem either right or wise. Just before this year's Tyndale Team arrived an old friend of the Homes came and donated us a very nice Guernsey type heifer, now in calf. Tyndale School also, before they left, donated us funds to purchase a second Frisian type heifer also in calf!! SO it looks as if we should continue on.
The cows we have had before have not been very friendly, almost 'stand-offish' in their attitude. But our two NEW cows are very outgoing, full of curiosity and contentment. We also have a new Dairy-man who is well experienced and very keen. The LORD knows his plans.
These two animals are predicted to be able to supply, once more, enough daily milk for all four of our Homes AND also milk for the School Children as well! A great SAVING financially.
Well I will try to leave you with a few photos of 'Gert And Daisy' as I like to call them!
This is DAISY! My name for her. Doesn't she look welcoming and ready for a chat? Well she is indeed just like that, and I am sure to be drawn to have a word or two with her from time to time.
Well it is easy to fall in love with an animal, and especially so when they seem to be willing to start a relationship!!
LET ME CONCLUDE by including A.A. Milne's lovable poem
The King's Breakfast
The King asked the Queen, and the Queen asked the Dairymaid"
Could we have some butter for the Royal slice of bread?"
The dairymaid said "Certainly!
I'll go and tell the cow - now - before she goes to bed.
The Dairymaid, she curtsied, and went and told the Alderney:
"Don't forget the butter for the Royal slice of bread
The ALDERNY said sleepily"
You'd better tell His Majesty
that many people nowadays like Marmalade instead!"
The Dairymaid said "Fancy!" and went to Her Majesty
She curtsied to the Queen and she turned a little red:
but Marmalade is tasty if it's very thickly spread!"
The Queen said "Oh!" and went to His Majesty;
"Talking of the butter for the Royal slice of bread,
Many people think that Marmalade is nicer,
Would you like to try a little Marmalade instead?"
The King said, "Bother!" And the he said "Oh dear me!"
The King sobbed, "Oh deary me!" And went back to bed.
"Nobody," he whimpered, "Could call me a fussy man;
I only want a little bit of butter for my bread
The Queen said "There, there!" and went to the Dairymaid.
The Dairymaid said "There, there!" and went to the cow.
The cow said "There, there! I didn't really mean it!
Here's milk for his porringer, and BUTTER for his bread
The Queen took the the butter, and brought it to His Majesty,
The King said "Butter, eh?" and bounced out of bed.
'Nobody', he said as he kissed her tenderly,
"Nobody" he said as he slid down the bannisters.
'Nobody my Darling could call me a fussy man..
I do like a little bit of butter to my bread
I a,m a day early this week - due to the Server who is busy relaying, joining, and otherwise enjoying fun and games with their fibre optic cable which has once again got into a tangle somewhere. Might be unable to get to the Web again until Monday, or even later. Such the advantages of living on the Equator in the RAINY Season, The MOON is full tonight - could mean a change in the weather for us - or it might mean ANOTHER month of RAIN.
Our love to you all in Jesus
John, Esther and Daryl Green