THESE THREE KINGS! Yes, I suppose I like to think of them as the Carol pictures them, and without endeavouring to prove their authenticity, or number, or even their nationality. To me it doesn't really matter. What matters, I think, is that they GOT UP to look for the True King, the King of all the Earth, as soon as He was born. They followed the Star until they found HIM, and they did not leave home empty handed. They took with them Gifts out of a WILLING heart. There is such a simple and honest humility about them, as they laid aside their power, position and lives, just to cast themselves at the Saviour's feet.
IT IS 39 Christmases ago. In 1974 we had been in Testimony House for two years, here in Eldoret. We had arrived on Boxing Day 1972 with 12 steel bunk beds, and some rickety cow hide chairs. Twenty eight boys and girls, me and Esther and baby Steven just six months old. We arrived with virtually nothing except the JOY of the house itself - a Gift from God for Christmas.
Writing in in January 1975, I shared -
CHRISTMAS this year past has been so FULL of good things; such a Blessed time. The house was full of joy and happiness, and more than at any previous time we felt like a FAMILY at last. And the Lord provided in such a wonderful way for our peace and comfort! A little before Christmas we were quite without money, and were wondering how we should manage, but on the 23rd December a dear sister came to my office and left a 1975 Calender for us. I was too busy to attend to it at the time, and for the whole day it was left lying on top of my desk. In the evening I noticed it to be still there, and taking it up I unrolled it, only to find a cheque fall to the ground from within. Stooping to pick it up I found it was made out to Testimony Faith Homes for 250 pounds sterling. And suddenly, from the thought of a rather materially poor Christmas we suddenly found warmth and colour flood in upon us.'
That Christmas morning, the children all excited and full of fun and laughter, and we ourselves joined together for our Christmas Service. Halfway through, Wilson, the boy we had first brought into our home in 1969 in Maseno, now 17 stood up among us and gave his Testimony for Christ. For four years he had pulled away from Jesus, but on THAT day he fully committed himself. In the afternoon, after lunch, we all congregated in the huge sitting room of Testimony House, and enjoyed the Christmas Tree and the fellowship. But OUR joy was to see Wilson in the Kingdom of Heaven. He had given himself to Jesus in 1969, when he was 12, but a year later had begun to slip away again.
Wonderful to see that Jesus ever loses HIS grip. This was our Christmas Present for that year and our JOY was full indeed.
We have, of course, grown since then! more than three hundred have come and gone, and our current family number (for those under 18) is 96
PLUS 42 who are eighteen and over now staying in Testimony House as I shared last week, making a total of 138. Quite a crowd.
Last night we held our last Board Meeting for the year. Our treasurer noted that over the last three years our income has dropped by some three million Kenya shillings (20,000 pounds) per annum. I pointed out that although this was certainly noticeable and had made a difference, YET we were still alive, and managing. We had from our beginning never been a 'well healed' ministry, and had much in common with the Israelites in their desert wanderings. Yet we had been kept. We were not alarmed by the drop. Happiness and Well being, were not dependant on bread alone. Too much bread might even tend to satisfaction leading to laziness of life, and an even worse poverty. Riches, were not known to produce much FINE gold in humanity. What is it the Scripture says in Proverbs 30v8 -
'Give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me'
Interesting to notice, there, that RICHES are as undesirable as poverty!! In this world, where money seems to count for everything, one would not think so!! Philippians 4v11-12 is also very applicable reading - especially in the Amplified Bible.
THUS our journey in life together here in TFH has never been always comfortable, it has been bearable, and we have endured, and grown, and been productive. Yes, we need everything every day, and this is not a secret, but we leave to our Father to communicate this need by His Spirit and to provide for it as He sees fit. We have walked and talked with Him for 46 years. Some have got lost along the way, but the rest of us are well and pressing on, inspired by hope and faith in His Watchful Goodness and Mercy. It has been a testimony, and a statement concerning the Faithfulness and Reality of the Living God. It has not been a demonstration of sensational power, but an emphasis and evidence that GOD is there for whosoever will trust Him for their need, whatever it is may be, great or small. We are not many, not well known - but we are HERE, and can be seen, experienced, and proved. A very little thing - just like the 'grain of mustard seed' but potentially reproductive anywhere, with anyone.
TODAY, in Kenya it is JAMHURI DAY - our Independence Day. Tonight the children will Celebrate with 'pop' and Queen Cakes! Not highly political or Nationalistic, but just a marker as to how Kenya came to be a Nation rather than merely a Colony.
God be with you all. May He Bless you all progressively day by day.
Lovingly in Him,
John, Esther, and Daryl