130 of our Old Boys and Girls, their husbands, wives and children
plus house parents and others of our staff Celebrating 49 Years of Family.
Commencing in August 1969 in Maseno, Western Kenya, and moving to Eldoret in 1972 the numbers of young people and children helped within the family circles of Testimony Faith Homes, are more than four hundred - 130 of them still in residence with us. From time to timed, we have tried to have Reunions for those who may have left and wanting to keep in touch with us. The first was in
1979 - our 10th Anniversary, then in 1994, our Silver Jubilee. Since then we somehow missed having any definite 'Family' Meeting, with so many just calling in from time to time. SO this year we thought we would 'test the water' and see how many would actually be moved to accept a definite Invitation to lunch on this our 49th Anniversary. If a fair number accepted then we would press on with arrangements to mark our GOLDEN Jubilee in 2019. We Invited 71 Old Boys and Girls who, having left us over the years, had remained in the locality. Fifty Three accepted, AND arrived on Saturday, 25th August, many with their wives and children, and even some grandchildren to make a final gathering of 130 plus some of our staff. It was a truly heartening and wonderful occasion, and so we are NOW beginning to plan for next year when we shall expect treble the attendance plus all the friends and well wishers we hope will also come. None of those who have lived out their childhood with us, who now live and work in other parts of Kenya, joined us this time round, but next
year we will be inviting ALL of them from all over the State to where they may have gone. So far about two hundred and fifty plus.
The Weather, on Saturday managed to keep reasonably dry, but it was not too warm. We managed to all cram into the School dining-room for Lunch of Roast Chicken, Rice, Beef stew, vegetables, and Chapati with Ice-cream and cake to finish, plus sodas, and tea. Then we all repaired to the School Hall for fellowship from about 2 p.m. till 4.30. I want to now fill up with as many photos as I can of those attending. .
And on to the School Dining room where lunch is about to be provided by our Caterers
I am unable to put up all the photos that were taken. Some were shot rather carelessly and people were out of focus or just not ready. The photographer had a good camera but was not too hot on picture composition. My apologies if you miss a photo you were hoping to see. I am going to try and now include as many as I can, and which are fairly representative - only about 50% of those who were actually there with us,
Francis Lahol & family |
Catherin Senge & family |
Miriam Peter and Joshua |
Vincent Aluusa |
Left is Miriam Peter (now Mbithi). Miriam came to Testimony when she was seven, and trained to be a Nurse, married Joshua and returned to care for Jacaranda Cottage with him for 19 years before starting their HOME, -Neema Childrens HOME.
Right - Vincent Aluusa, a graduate from our Trade Training Centre in the 70s, and ever since our loyal and well loved Maintenance Officer. He also did a stint at Jacaranda Cottage as a PARENT. He is married. He likes 'caps' like Mzee Oginga Odinga - not sure why~!
To the Right is The Venerable Jotham Chege, Archdeacon for the Nandi Hills CPK Diocese. He is the brother of Rev. Francis Wainaina who was Deputy Director from 1972 until 79. When Jotham's Parents died he and his sister came to Testimony House. Rev. Chege is married with children.
More than 14 children from Testimony have grown up to serve the Lord in one capacity or another. A great joy for us all.
Pastor Wykliff Onganga, below left, seen with his wife Miriam, came to us when he was about 15 in 1975. He trained as a teacher
He has been very much engaged in evangelism within the Homes, and we thank God for the many who have turned to Christ over the years as a result of his patient, loving ministry.
Miriam, Wyckliffe's wife is Headmistress of our Nursery School. They have two lovely children.
NB - might be of interest to note many of our boys see to choose wives who are teaches or chefs!
There are some 'families' that have stood the test of time, and that catch the eye when seen together at an time. I will bring to our notice one or two more at this time.
George was a special member of our Family in
Testimony House. A great happiness to have
them with us today.
AND to the right is Richard Ochieng with his children.
Richard was with us from just a few months old in 1978. He is a Business man, and is into Building and Road works. He has known what it is to struggle, but keeping his mind on God, he has managed to keep going and to bring his family up in peace and strength.
You cannot imagine how glad and happy Esther and I have been to see them all. Oh my!
ABOVE is Mwangi Macharia and his Family. Mwangi was only about 11 when he decided to take my little car for a drive! I still don't know how he managed to get his short legs onto the pedals, but he brought it back safely. A bit of a cheeky lad! But we somehow felt there was a future in him. He is into the transport business these days, but I have known him when he was a butcher as well! He might be said to be a man of many parts, but look at him now! He came to us in 1976 - so still in his forties he is already a Grandfather!!! I love this photo. And I can see that Mwangi loves God, and loves his family two. God Bless you some more.
AND TO WRAP IT ALL UP a final look at those who came, but from the opposite side. Carol is now sitting in the front row at the left, and Daryl at the far Right. Esther and me just to the left of the flagpole. Now indeed we Thank Thee all, our God for all you have done in reaching lives and establishing families. And it all began with an English sixpenny piece !
All our love to you all in Jesus Name
John, Esther. Daryl and Carol Green
All our love to you all in Jesus Name
John, Esther. Daryl and Carol Green