THRIVING OUT OF A BUCKET, this great plant just loves the little nook a corner gives her, and is in almost continuous flower. Esther, my little wife, just loves flowers and apart from stocking her little green house with dozens of African Violets, also add a pot or two around the front of the house, such as the Lilly to the left, plus even a bush or tree or two.
And yes, the sun is shining again today, making the garden look its best. But it is also still raining, on and off.
TO THE LEFT ABOVE IS A PALM TREE Esther planted. It is about 4 years old, and doing well, though it is a slow grower. The main trunk puts on only about a couple of inches a year. Even now it looks more like a bush than at tree. The weaver birds like it for the fronds of its leaves which they come to garner for their nests that hang almost upside down on the nearby trees of another kind
NOT being a gardener myself I'm afraid I cannot definitely identify the plant to the RIGHT It look as if it could be a Fuchsia, but on the other hand the leaves look similar to an ice plant - so having confused the picture thoroughly, I leave it to you to guess or perhaps even professionally label it.
It can go quite a long time without any sign of blossom, and then quiet suddenly it bursts forth in an abundant, almost overwhelming cloud of them. A Fantastic Show. Totally dependent on God, the Creator. O to be like them!
Across the page is a photo of Elizabeth our daughter, and two close friends she grew up with in Testimony House with us circa 1985. Liz, now married with a fifteen year old daughter and seventeen year old son of her own, is currently 42 and just in the middle of training for a new career in Nursing in the U.K. To her left is Sarah now a Bank Manager, also Mum to a boy and girl - twins. and on the far right is Catherine, with a degree in Pastoral Studies and now Mum to her own son and daughter AND another 35 in Tyndale Cottage where she and her husband are Mum and Dad. All three still close to each other, and to US as their Mum and Dad.
AND TO CONCLUDE FOR THIS WEEK a photo of some the youngest NOW part of the Jacaranda and Tyndale Families across the road.
Happy as could be together - I wonder what THEY will be doing when they have grown up?
Will they still be in touch with each other? Will they, perhaps, also be expecting to see each other at the Family Reunion, some August in their future? Well I think it is very likely. So many family links have been forged together here and have endured through many years for so many that have gone before them. Truly God has very wonderfully brought to pass HIS Vision which was and IS, still, in building a Family.
God Bless you all. I have sent the Update, and the Invitation to the Jubilee out, and also a copy of our updated information leaflet. Hope you manage to receive one way or another. Our love and Thanksgiving as always from us all, past, present and future!
John, Esther and Daryl Green