Saturday 3 May 2008


Technically Government Primary Education in Kenya is FREE.      Tuition costs are not charged generally speaking, and Schools are discouraged from loading charges on parents.    BUT this ideological idea has been dogged by troubles - mainly because the Government really cannot afford it.      Usually these 'promises' go hand in hand with pre-election gimmicks to win votes.      Primary School has been 'free' for some time now - but on the other hand one might not immediately realise it.      All Schools require a student to wear UNIFORM and this must be supplied and paid for by the parent as a necessity.
In many school even the DESK, and books have to be supplied and paid for by the parent, together with other 'extra' levies for this and that in order to assist the school run.       The Government in fact has only promised to pay the teachers salaries - NOTHING ELSE.       Cleaners, ground-staff etc., have to be paid by the School itself +++
Free Tuition was recently extended to Government Secondary Schools as well.
NOW as the 2nd School Term is about to open, the Government is saying SORRY you may have to spend more on your child -  WHY?
'Because of the rise in prices of food,
AND the delays by the Government in disbursing free tuition money.'
'ALSO electricity charges are going up'
'The announcement by School Principals to increase the fees means parents,
most of whom are reeling under the burden of high inflation (since January)
will have to dig deeper into their pockets to keep their children in school.'
A FEW DAYS AGO it was announced that the cost of running the new government for the next TWO months would exceed thirty three billion shillings.     As I shared way back Ministers and their Assistants - and even MPs are paid well in excess of £10,000 a month in cash and perks.      When it was suggested they might take a reduction of these remunerations, they voted (predictably) against it.      On LABOUR DAY a mass Rally was held in Nairobi attended by the President, Prime-minister and many other Government Elite.    The President, addressed by the Head of the Labour Union urged the President to there and then  increase the basic wage nationally.      He said nothing in return, and many just walked away so disgusted they felt.  And well they might when working harder and for longer hours for something in the region of £40 a month, if factory workers, labourers, or domestic staff.     Even Teachers are lucky to find a job paying as much as £165 per month.       What possible understanding or appreciation can there be between the Ruling Class and the People ruled?        One might wonder how long the mass will be content enough to say and do nothing.
TESTIMONY SCHOOL, employs and pays Government Teachers.    Averagely their salaries range from £150-£200 per month depending on their seniority.    The School has some 45 teachers spread from Pre-School to Secondary Form 4 level.    This expense has to be met by the parents of those wishing to attend the School.    
In addition, to pay for the materials, utility costs of Electricity, water, transport, and upkeep, the School needs to find almost as much again - and this also has be found by the parents.     THUS our School is HIGH COST,     Each student must pay in Primary something in the region of £130, and in Secondary £163 per Term (3 terms in a school year).        The children we care for in our HOMES all attend school totally free - their cost included in the Fee charged to those from outside.
MANY HAVE FELT that we should trust God for the School and NOT charge Fees to anyone, thus opening up chances to EVERYONE and especially the poor.    And we have indeed put this to the LORD but it seems that He has not been ready to do this.
HOWEVER we DO give FREE places to those whose academic performance is good but who are too poor to find the smaller Fee necessary to attend even a Government School.     The School carries almost 50 such places in excess to our own children, but the cost of this is paid out from TFH itself, .
WE are NOT going to increase OUR fee structure at this time.    Our Term opens on Monday.  I gave another FREE place away yesterday to a Secondary scholar whose parents both died of AIDS last term, and his remaining family dispossessed in the recent Troubles.             It will be a 'squeeze' on our resources, but although we run the School on the basis of a Fee-paying venture, we also rest - at base - on Faith in the Lord to secure us and to still permit us to WITNESS to His goodness and to His Keeping Power.        The School is well known and with a good testimony.    Our parents from outside all very encouraging, supporting, and committed to trusting God with us for the safety and blessing of their children    -     We PRAISE THE LORD.
AND ARE THANKFUL that because of our School we do not have to worry about the cost of sending any of our 115 children to school as from Pre-primary through to Form 4.
After Form 4  - though it is a different matter for each young person wishing to go on to College or further.     He or she has to trust the Lord to provide as we present the need at the Throne of Grace.    We have 21 in College and 4 in University currently at an individual cost of between £320 and £1,230 per term or semester.         It is always strange to us that the Lord seems so willing to provide against this enormous need, whilst NOT permitting us to do the same at the lower spectrum.     Quite a poser, but in all - at all levels - we still see that in Education and its provision He declares and demonstrates His Care and Power to undertake.
To bring this session to a close let me include another item found in the DAILY NATION today!
OVER     Ksh.106,000/
Mr. David Sanguli's hand was chopped off by a machine he was operating
on 7th May 2007
It was taken to the MORTUARY of the local hospital
as a police exhibit in the case that followed.
Recently the 33 year old father of four
went to collect his limb for burial.
He was told by the hospital management that he would have to pay
for storage and preservation of the limb for the period.
A cost of Ksh.106,000/- or £870!!
For me I think I would have left the hand where it was.     I certainly would not have thought of giving it a funeral!     God will know where to find it and is able to link it up with me.       Many will be dust when He Comes YET that dust will be reconstituted to be a recognisable body on that Day.       I remember once when I was 24 I was having some dentil work done.     My mouth was propped open by some device and I could not speak or even move my mouth as the surgeon dug up a molar which he then dropped into a sanitary bucket - 'There!' he exclaimed with a satisfied air, 'That's a part of you that won't be with you in the Resurrection!'          I was amazed to hear such words, and immediately felt within me that wherever that molar ended up it would not be beyond finding and being returning to me if it was needed on the Last Day.    I told my dentist so when at last he gave my jaw back to me.
God bless and Be with you all.
John and Esther

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