HEREWITH a photo of MICAH AND CATHERINE YEGO who are Dad and Mum in Tyndale (previously Trinity) Cottage. Catherine also grew up in Testimony House with me and Esther from when she was just about 15 months. She was born in prison where her Mum was confined. She remained in our care until she completed her Bible School Training, graduating with a B.Th. She was known as 'Senge' in those days. She married Micah in 2003. Micah was by then working with the Homes as an assistant houseparent. They are a very loving and affectionate couple, and although not yet with children of their own, they have a delightful family of 30 boys and girls to care for. About half of them are between 3 and 10. Always a delight to visit them in their beautifully kept house, which is sited at the bottom end of Jacaranda Cottage compound.
Micah and Catherine are in their mid thirties, and Catherine is also School Librarian, helping out there five days a week in the mornings. Micah is also busy helping out with shopping and other works around the compound. We feel very fortunate to have them with us in the homes.
Having grown up in Testimony House Catherine is well able to identify with the daily routine and able to build on them. It has also been a great blessing to me and Esther to have a 'son. and 'daughter' in Steve and Catherine working with us and caring on in the way we brought them up.
Wanted to put a few photos of their home right here, but for some reason I am being refused to 'add an image' AGAIN at this point so will have to forgo. I have circulated them before so you may still have them by you to link up with. Just wanted you to get to 'know' the other Homes as it is often the case that we speak so generally that you might not get a clear picture of who is here working with us, and exactly who is looking after who!! Confusing.
Was staggered to hear a report from SKY NEWS that the Chinese spent something in the region of £3000 per SECOND on the Opening Ceremonies and arrangements for the Olympics! Took our breath away for a moment. We could run the Homes for twelve months with something in hand for just ONE MINUTE of what they spent in four hours! How extraordinary the way money is put to use, and how irrelevantly spent it is, so often. Consider for a moment the hundreds of thousands starving in the world around us at such expense; some of the here in Kenya!
TODAY we had a Wedding here in Testimony. Not one of our children or staff this time, but a brother who is a member of our Community Church Fellowship. He is from the West of Kenya and a Luhyia, and she a Kikuyu from Central Kenya. Interesting when tribes / nations intermix across cultural boundaries. We see it happening a lot in our circle, and it seems to work out well every time. Oh that Kenya, as a Nation of nations, might actually realise it in the broad sense, and begin to accept themselves altogether as ONE NATION. About 300 guests from all over descended on us. The children love these occasions since they all get to attend, and EAT, and laugh and learn about people coming together in Jesus. Joshua Mbithi was the one to join the two together, our pastor leading the meeting, and the Bride's pastor giving the message. It was a VERY joyous occasion, and continued from 11a.m until about 4.30p.m. - It was good to see Joshua with us, and Miriam also joined the crowd - though she is recovering from Typhoid. Their work with HIV children is going well, and prayer is being answered for many in very positive and miraculous ways.
The weather was clement, though still cool, and it has rained, but not until the Wedding was over! Now the evening is upon us, and it is getting colder - Esther will be asking me to light the fire soon. She was helping with the guests lunch, having also made the Wedding Cake. Now she is with her Mum for her usual daily visit. Mum is able to talk a little, but forgets immediately, and it seems she has to get to know Esther each time she visits. But otherwise she is well and calm, and apparently in her own way, happy. For this we give thanks to the Lord who alone knows the different way we all must take.
This last few days I personally have felt oppressed in my spirit. I cannot explain it, and can only humbly ask you to remember me in prayer. There was a Christmas many years ago when I felt like this. It passed, but at the time, I was in a deep pit of spiritual darkness. I knew the Lord was with me in it, but I had to endure quite a few days. No explanation is likely to present itself. We know the Enemy - if he cannot get at you one way he will try another.......but he can never overwhelm us for we are in Christ, and He will save and keep us to the end. Pray for my Darling Esther too as she has to bare with me at these times. I am so glad and thankful for her patience and love.
God be with you
John and Esther
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