Assisting Christopher we have an oversight of some 6 others of the Fellowship who variously assist according to their Gift. One takes care of matters pertaining to the youth, another music, another Sunday school , and so on. Sunday Meetings are usually from 10 to about 12.30p.m and ministry is brought from quite a varied group of speakers. some from within and some from outside of Testimony Faith Homes. The venue for these Sunday Fellowships is the School Hall, which has road frontage and easy access for anyone wanting to drop in. The Men and the Ladies also have their own sub fellowship meetings on Sunday afternoons, and mid week - on Tuesdays and Wednesdays there are Fellowship prayer meetings, and on Fridays a Bible Study. ADDITIONALLY Christopher assists as Chaplain to the School, running two weekly School Christian Unions, and also ministers amongst the auxillary staff both in the Homes and School with counselling, and fellowship. He has a busy time. Christopher, as I have shared before, is an Old Boy of Testimony Faith Homes, his twin brother also pastoring in Eldoret. It is a great joy to
have him back with us in Service to the Lord.
THE RAINS continue on, even more heavily! And the temperatures also remain cold - in fact very definitely CHILLY at 19c. If that sounds reasonably warm to you, I can only say that for us it is like Siberia at times - I have to wear a jacket and sometimes a windcheater which is VERY unusual for me as I rarely ever feel the cold. We might think we are especially blessed in Eldoret to have so much rain at least; it is not raining anywhere else. BUT the rain is here at a wrong time, and the maize and wheat is rotting on the stalk - the harvest will fail and since this is the main area for farming, we have to consider that food shortage must set in for us all later on. This is the second really bad year for rains. The grass is green, but the rest of the gardens are looking a bit sorry for themselves; bedraggled in fact, and some of our trees seem to be actually dying off. A rather sorry and depressing spectacle. In Town the municipal streets are being eroded and washed away as the rain continues, and traffic increasingly pounds the colonial tarmac laid down in the 50s. Even the Town looks bedraggled and uncared for.
But this is not entirely the fault of the rain - but rather more the fault of an apparently irresponsible Town Council that sees little point in improving its environs. In the last 40 years we have seen little and often NO improvement to roads, sidewalks, or town planning. Refuse is now begrudgingly and only partially collected once a week, with most of it left behind from bins inexpertly tossed and emptied into the Dust Cart. Eldoret is a dirtier Town that it was 30 years ago. Perhaps also a poorer Town.
ANYTHING NEW? Well perhaps not - really!
BUT recently in the DAILY NATION there was an interesting Article on the back page advising us that a NEW GENE had been discovered. One wonders just how many there are still to be found! This one has been designated ' The Polygamy Gene ' - It apparently is responsible for encouraging a polygamous spirit or desire in the majority of MEN - not women. This has - you can be sure of it - been carefully documented and proved by a worthy Medical Research Group, and proves beyond all doubt that MAN was CREATED to BE POLYGAMOUS. He therefore need not fight it - it is just meant to be. And this of course affects almost any and every factor in our fallen nature including bad temper, adultery, theft, and so on. Its all in the genes - we were created this way - no need to fight any of it off or resist its affect - just accept it.
Hope you can see where this is all going. and how totally UNTRUE it has to be in the light of what we KNOW in Christ. It does have just a glimmer of truth behind it though. I mean we have inherited through our Genes ....... but we were not created originally with such genes; they are alien to the Creator's plan and purpose. We may not assume they are in any way reflective of God's Image. STILL a lot of people here are encouraged to know that it is now considered 'unnatural' to want only ONE woman - and completely natural to want and have as many as you like! Pray for us - and for all mankind in a darkening world society.
We love you, and always encouraged to hear from you
John and Esther
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