THE FORUM ('The Uasin Gishu Children's Services Forum )visited Obi in the second week of February. He was shocked and touched that we should do so since he and those with him consider themselves almost as 'lepers' in the community, and thought that even we would fear to enter his house. There were about 15 of us, and we spent almost two hours amongst Obi's family drinking tea and eating bread together. He shared his Testimony Joyfully, proclaiming the Love and Mercy of God in Christ. One or two of those helping him also shared their experience and situation with us. It was an exceptionally moving time for us all, and many tears were shed - not only in sorrow but also in JOY at what God had done in this man and those with him. Most of the people around have no employment, but Obi has managed to retain a battered minibus to drive around as a taxi still, and he uses it to proclaim his personal salvation and to witness against the immorality that brought him to his knees. With the pittance he gets from this occupation ( the vehicle is often breaking down ) Obi provides for his family including the 12 orphans that live with him AND also shares what he can with others in the locality. Obi is himself a member of the Forum and is a very Precious Member, full the Victory of the Lord.
Obi wants to see his work grow, and also has a desire to reach out to more children suffering from HIV/AIDS. Once he has 20 young people in his care he can apply for Registration, but I heard from our Government District Children's Officer last week that no one suffering from Aids or any other communicable disease will be permitted to run a Children's Home or work in one.
A RULE that may have a lot to be said for it - but if enforced will prevent and take away the ministry Obi has built up over the years gone by. It will remove the only aid and kindness to dozens of otherwise destitute and untouchable souls. Please pray about this. Some rules are meant to be relaxed in order to demonstrate the compassion of God. THIS Rule needs to be relaxed.
We visited two other Children's Homes that day. Both much cleaner, much better supported, much BIGGER that Obi's - but none of us will ever forget the time we spent in his humble home full of the Love and Forgiveness of a Merciful God. He challenged us, and also reminded us that we need to look further than our own front doors, OUTSIDE TO THOSE AROUND US, and to also share what we can to make a difference. Imagine , a good part of our town must be infected with HIV - in places up to 90+%!!! Places in which there is no running main sewer or drainage. A place where people like Obi live at risk because of tribe and because of his medical status. In January 2008 houses all around him were burnt down by those bent on racial discrimination, including the house nextdoor to him as seen in the photo! He could not run away - too many depended upon him, and in any case where would a man like him run to - EXCEPT to the LORD, and the Lord kept him, his family, and those he cared for around him.
You will notice that I am writing on FRIDAY instead of Saturday - well that is because this Saturday is the SECOND INSTALMENT of what began last November - THIS TIME round Michael's prospective In-laws are visiting US at Green Cottage within Testimony House compound. We expect a hundred guests plus our own family and friends. WOW! But of course Michael is still in the UK, and poor Janet will have to 'make-believe' that he is here.
We will be quite busy, but the DAY looks promising, and weather set fair - if DRY! Will hold on to the blog till after all is said and done, and then hope to include a few mor
e photos -
AND THE FIRST ONE HAS TO BE OF JANET, our prospective daughter in law taken at the Tea Party in our Grounds held TODAY - SATURDAY 28th February. Some 100 or more guests from Janet's family attended the function which took place just in front of Green Cottage as from 1.30p.m. Some 30 or so of
our own family and friends also attended. We enjoyed a communial meal together and various symbols of good will and unity between our two families took place. Part of this included investing Janet with a special Gift from Esther and me as a sign that is now ours! We bought her a silver set of necklace and earings. The necklace sported a pendant of quartz crystal of great irridecence. NOT the one in the photo. This was removed and exchanged for the new set. Great stuff. It has been a good day and we can now look forward to the actual WEDDING which is NOW SCHEDULED for SATURDAY 21st AUGUST 2009 HERE in Eldoret, Kenya. Just one week before the 40th Anniversary of Testimony Faith Homes.
Well it is getting on for 10p.m. now and I want to close this Blog. There will be ANOTHER one tomorrow of a somewhat special nature..... God Bless you all, and Thanks for praying for us.
John and Esther
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