Saturday 10 July 2010


THE KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITY, which is still looking for ways to sqeeze money out of Charitable Children's Institutions, has this week offered FREE SUGAR to ALL of them in our District!! Apparantly they had a stock pile of confiscated Sugar (1400 x 50kgs bags) and need to get rid of them. Testimony have received 24 such bags, and all those other Registered Home in our area similar amounts. We are hoping they will release more in a few weeks!! one 5okg bag of sugar today in kenya is worth Ksh.4,000/- and lasts us 1 week only. Still a BIG saving on our immediate housekeeping bill. THUS on the one hand they are taking, with the other giving. OR perhaps it really is a case of - "A spoonful of Sugar helps the Medicine go down!"
THIS MORNING, I am blogging in Green Cottage sitting room. I thought, as it was Saturday and cold in my Office, that I would install myself at the dining table and quietly get down to business. BUT my darling little wife had also decided that this morning would be the time to clean out all the cupboards in the dining room dresser, AND pile up everything she found in them on the table in front of me, so that in the end I felt as if I had suddenly become the proprietor of a Second-hand shop!!
Esther is more than well - and thus continously has new 'brain-waves' that take her off on some new gambit and occupation. TO-DAY is one of her cleaning days! Ah well, it's too late to unplug my computer and return to the Office, soooo.....I will continue on, surrounded with bri-a-brac, and a sense of being just another item up for dusting and perhaps even re-evaluating!!
DARYL has also just dropped in - 12 noon our time - for his breakfast!! Also deposited on the table with everything else! - Mozart is vainly trying to set a less frenetic mood in the background.
The Daily Nation has also just arrived. It warns us that there is just 25 days to go before the National Referendum takes place on whether or not to adopt the proposed new Constitution. It also announces that 'Leaflets, warning and intimidation mar campaigns' of the various adherents of the YES and NO camps throughout the Country. Intimidation, and the fear of a repeat of the kind of unrest experienced in 07 is in the air, with many moving away from sensitive tribal and political areas. AND, whilst all this is bubbling around us, the Members of Parlaiment continue to seek after their PAY RISE which will - according to the Paper in front of me - give MPs in Kenya 'The highest salaries in the world, based on the size of the economy.' Even though the Prime Minister has stood against the increase, and stated that he himself will refuse to acceept it, the MPs are rooting to get it, one way or another, against public opinion . They know that if the Proposed Constitution is voted IN their current right to review and raise their own salaris will no longer be there, AND they will be TAXED - something that at present they escape. In wanting to raise their salaries NOW they hope to get away without losing too much IF they become taxable. That's the way the cooky crumbles. The GREED of the Ruling Class (part of a 9% minority) cannot be imagined, and it is almost out of hand, and a real threat to national peace and stability.
The REFERENDUM is supposed to take place on the 4th August. Baring this in mind, and the current climate in the Country Esther and I have finally felt that our place is here and not in the UK at such a time. Thus we have decided to remain here for the balance of 2010. Perhaps 2011 till look more auspiscious and allow us time and space to plan a short break away.
THE RAIN continues, and also the CHILL in the air. Not a lot of sunshine to lighten the day.
WE HEARD RECENTLY, that someone living in Eldoret and communicating to another living in the USA, had said on 'Face Book' that 'DAD' (that's me) had 'softened' a bit and was not so strictly against GAYS as he used to be. Well I think I must make my position clear though I have hoped it already was - to all and sundry - and once again without wishing to be offensive or to cause undue hurt. This is my opinion based as it is upon the Word of God as it stands in the Bible. Humanly we ALL have the right to our own opinion, and thus I see no reason why mine should be objected to more than another's. The Truth and Validity of ANY held opinion must be weighed against its outworking in daily life and society, AND against the revealed and proved eternal WORD of God.
SO I must re-iterrate my belief that all homosexuallity in thought, word and deed, is ungodly, unnatural, and inconvenient to humanity, and that such practice will risk the wellbing of body and soul, physically, phsycologically, and spiritually, both here and now, and for eternity.
THUS I CANNOT in love and compassion condone the willful puruance of such a lifestile. I would not invite a gay couple to live together in my house or even find myself glad or approving of their intimate relationships or activities anywhere else.
HOWEVER, this does NOT mean that I have ceased to love or care for such, but only that I cannot love or accept their way of life. God Himself tells us that He loves ALL souls, but that He cannot live with our bad habits or lifestyles. He seeks to SAVE us and to SEPERATE us from what harms us - even at the expense of being miss-understood. He will not be close or have us to live with HIM - AND our sins! It is never easy to be told that we are wrong, when our wrong gives us pleasure. We immediately want to defend our position.
But if we are wrong at any time, then that 'wrong' will - if not turned away from - hurt us, perhaps even kill us.
I do not and cannot take the position that we are BORN GAY. But I do concede that many of us may have ínherited' a gay disposition. A mother taking Heroin during her pregnancy will almost certainly be reponsible to her baby being born with an adiction to the same drug. The most famous and world renowned of our Genetisists do not agree that there is a GAY Gene. And even if one were to be found it would not follow that ALL 'Gays' are having such a gene!
EITHER WAY the condition of a homosexual (male or female) is 'unnatural' to the normal sexual state and orientation of a human being. GOD made Man - as a species - Male and Female.
NONE should - because of inclination, or lack of perception - accept what is wrong with them without effort to put the wrong RIGHT - at whatever cost, effort, or sacrifice.
To willfully remain in a state that God cannot approve of seperates from God.
You MIGHT say that the Christiana believes that this is why God sent Christ - to pay for our error and sin - and it IS so. BUT because God has forgiven sin, and DOES forgive the sin we confess and repent of, it does not follow that when we then continue to willfully LIVE in sin, that He will then continue to overlook it. There will be a price to pay. He will not always spare us, or struggle with us................ His Righteous Justice will require righteous judgement. IN His view He has not only provided means for our Forgiveness, BUT also means to come away and out from under the need to serve and satisfy ourselves and sin. He has given us His Holy Spiriit to stand with us and give us the power to turn away from sin.
SO my dear ones...... if you are GAY tempted to be so, or even struggling against that disposition, be sure of my determination to show you the Love of God, but NOT to necessarily tell you that you are safe and right to be gay, or to have a gay relationship.
I may not shirk from sharing my fears with you, and to point out the commandment to you. If that should annoy you, or give you cause to feel I am an 'enemy' - then I must bare it. But I will never compromose my love or care of you by denying to tell you the truth and give you heartfelt loving warning of where your life is taking you.
SO let us all learn to pray for each other - though we may not all be able to live with each other.
Let us pray for the Love of God to confront our imperfections, and to make us men and women enough to accept what He shows us and to respond to Him. He wants to own each one of us as His child. He wants and longs for our heart's desire to be that we should be reconciled with HIM.
Our love to all our readers, friends and family
John and Esther

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