And Scotland showed us her beauty and glory each day we were there. The weather was as good as Kenya with cloudless skies, sunshine and warmth. We had to travel to the Highlands, and enjoyed much of the marvellous scenery they have to offer. The Scots keep th
eir Country remarkably clean and manicured both in town and country. And as a Country it is very different to England. It reminded
me in places of Norway and Denmark. To travel there far beyond Edinburgh and Stirling was a special blessing to me. I have ever been drawn to Scotland since a child!! How strange! It was great to have Esther with us all, and I think she was as excited and moved - if not more so - than I was ! We are both keeping well and fit by the way.
From now on I shall be writing only brief items on Saturdays, just to keep you up to date on our travels and other incidental events along the way. BUT we may of course find some more to say as we go - as for example this week also comprised the Royal Wedding held yesterday in London. We watched it on TV. A great spectacle. And the Sermon by the Bishop of London was truly a wonderful expose of married life, and importance of marriage generally. But was anyone listening? We hope so. Also the Reading during the Service of Romans 12 by the young brother of the Bride was also a great challenge and encouragement.
The WEDDING was beautifully conducted, but will the Promises made in front of God be kept? We hope the Word read and said will not have fallen on dead ears and hearts, and that this will be a Marriage to be remembered and one that will last for a lifetime.
On the way up to Scotland we stopped in Bothwell for a moment to visit an old friend of Testimony Faith Homes and his family. We hope they will also be visiting us in Kenya this coming September. Harry Speedie, his wife Flora and son Ewen and daughter Joanne. Harry was part of the TFH Team way back in the early 80s when he came to help us set up a Mechanics Training Scheme. He was then a STOP WORKER sponsored by TEAR Fund. It was a real delight to be able to visit if only briefly and we all look forward to their arrival in Eldoret later in the year.
On our return here, and just after the Royal Wedding came to a conclusion we were visited by even older friends on their way to Newcastle from Surrey. Drs. Frank and Liz Guiness. I first met Frank in August 1969 in Maseno, Kenya. We have kept in touch ever since, and it was a special blessing to have them drop in to see US. So we must say we are having a wonderful time. YES! Thank you Lord.
BUT please continue to pray for those at home in Kenya carrying on the work with the children. They continue to be confronted with great challenge and testing. They all need your prayers.
And now till next time, or until perhaps we MEET, God Bless, comfort and provide against all YOUR needs and aspirations. We shall be praying for you.
Lovingly - John and Esther
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