In the midst, for many, of good food, personal gifts to each other, and for others a scarcity of all these things, LET US REMEMBER JESUS - for this is a day to understand that GOD in Heaven GAVE to each one of us past present and future a priceless Gift - the Gift of His Own Son, and through Him, by His Death on the Cross of Calvary, the Gift of Free and Eternal LIFE.
WE give each other toys, chocolates, and whatever we think might express our love to the other. GOD gave us Himself. IF we are to also GIVE let us give ourselves - first to God, and then to each other, and then to those in need around us who are in the wide sense all 'family'. Greater love, says our Saviour, has no man, than that he should lay down his life for his 'friend'. So when we say we love God......our husband, wife, child, family friend, the man or woman on the street in the wide world around us.....just how MUCH to we really love them? Do we love them enough to lay down our life as JESUS laid down His own. No FORGIVENESS until we love like this. When I would give my life for you, then I must forgive you all your sin as well.
So brothers, sisters, friends make this Christmas special. Forgive each other, reach out to and for each other, and give the GOOD NEWS to each other - Tidings of Comfort and of Joy - A Child has been born and given into the world that has become the means of our cleansing and forgiveness so that we might once more be what we were created to BE - children of God.
THE SUN IS SHINING HERE IN ELDORET, KENYA - A BEAUTIFUL DAY of Light and Warmth, and Colour. Last night a busload of our children went out into the neighbourhood singing carols from about 4p.m. to midnight!!! Tonight our Family Christmas Eve fellowship on the lawn in front of Green Cottage. All the children will be there again as they were last year, and we expect to have a wonderful time together sharing and remembering the Birth of all our Hope and Happiness.
TOMORROW the Christmas Service, an afternoon of family togetherness - some will play games, some will go for 'Family Walks' and in the evening each of our Homes will share a good Christmas Meal together.
And on MONDAY we expect, God and the weather permitting, to ALL go for an all day outing and pic-nic to a nearby School Swimming Pool facility. We usually arrive about 10.30a.m. and leave about 4.30p.m. All four Homes join together for this outing, and it is now a tradition that we all go and fellowship and have fun. Old boys and girls also come if they are nearby, and even friends.
It was yet another proof of how we are all watched over by appointed Angels. Thank you Father for your servants who constantly have the care of us.
DRAKELEY Cottage especially has suffered. The house is built on sloping ground and one end needed a lot of 'filling' in putting in the foundation. This filling of ballast and earth later was found not to have been properly compacted, and in 2009 we found cracks in the outer wall of the one end.
I shared this because it is yet another example of us only sharing our needs with the Lord - but HE puts them on the hearts of those who have not known from us anything at all! Surely this IS a Wonder. He IS Wonderful.
This year has almost ended, and 2012 is very close. A NEW year! Yesterday I heard someone talking on SKY tv and saying that our world had changed completely since the beginning of this year! No doubt he was referring especially to the Economic & Financial Crisis. But in truth our world has been changing faster and faster over the last 50 years of my life. And since the advent of 2000 things have speeded up even more. CHANGE? Yes I would think so, and I still have in mind that our Lord said that the generation that saw the Fig Tree (Israel) putting forth her shoots once more (1947) would not utterly disappear before His Return. CHANGE is imminent more than we can imagine. WATCH therefore, more than ever before..........HE who was born IS coming again - this time tall and majestic with the Crown upon His head. NOTHING will ever be the same after that.
God Bless and enfold you in His arms
John and Esther
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