NO, THIS WAS A 'FRIENDSHIP' & 'FAMILY' LUNCH! A Lunch party seldom enjoyed, and only when certain friends come to indulge us. On this occasion our host was Samuel KIRUI who has been revisiting Kenya and his home and family friends since the end of September. He will be flying back to Oklahoma in just a few days from now. Sam has been part of our extended family since way back in his Secondary School days. Since then he attended Theological College (the then Kenya Highlands Bible College here in Kenya), pastored various Africa Full Gospel Churches, and more recently been engaged in obtaining his second Degree and now a Phd in the United States - he will finally graduate once more next year, God Willing. All these years Sam has remained a close member of the Testimony Faith Homes Family, and especially of that part connected with mine and Esther's years as Dad and Mum in Testimony House. It has been a real joy to have him stay with us in Green Cottage. WHENEVER Sam has been home he usually finds an opportunity to take us (me and Esther, Daryl and Carol, and all the houseparents) out for lunch and fellowship. Thus on Friday of this week he took us to a local children's recreational centre and entertainment facility (Poa Place). A good, well run, and pleasant place for 'Time Out' from our normal busy life. It was the first public function for Daryl and Carol to attend since they returned from OZ on Tuesday evening. Daryl came back with some kind of throat and chest infection with nose bleeds and dizziness which have kept him a bit low, but on Friday he was feeling a little better - we got a really nice photo of them both -
They really had a great time in Adelaide, and have returned to us with a new perspective and more zeal to get back into the work and ministry of TFH. Real joy to see them so happy and together as they consider carrying the Flag even further afield. There is an invitation on the table for them to go to Oklahoma already - perhaps in the Spring of next year; maybe in March, and then perhaps visit friends in the UK and Europe in the summer on the way back to Kenya. (please see footnote at the end of this letter today).
NOT SO LONG AGO I put up a lot of photos of our houseparents, and there were many that wrote back delighted that I had done so. It seemed many of you were glad to SEE faces you could at last put names to and thus make a difference tor prayer times. SOoooo! I thought you might also like ANOTHER little personal glimpse of them all once more as they enjoyed their lunch on Friday. So here we go -
FIRST OFF is Catherine and Micah Yego from Tyndale Cottage. We asked Catherine take her glasses off so that we could see her eyes! It is so good to see joyful faces and smiles isn't, and to know they are not just 'put on' for the occasion, but are a true reflection of REAL emotions that were enjoyed both before and after the camera surprised them.
THEN to the right is Eunice and Francis Lahol from Drakeley Cottage. I think that one of mine and Esther's special delights is in witnessing such loving and caring marriages amongst our houseparents.
AND FINALLY here below is Alice and Hesketh Mully from Testimony House. This was the first Home to open, and Esther and I were there first, then Daryl and Carol, and now Hesketh and Alice. It is still strange to enter in as a visitor for us (me and Esther) and to see everything as we left it. Still very much a family home, both for those currently living in it an for those who have lived their in the past and return to visit.
Well Esther and I were also at the Luncheon, so I guess I must include below the latest photo of us! We are both fine and dandy, thank you. In our 41st year, more than happy with each other. More than glad to be alive. Thank you for praying for us all. We need every word. We depend upon them for they do indeed move the hand of God on our behalf.
Promised photographs of Junior Green's trip to Australia and also of the NEWLY ADMITTED children to Testimony House and Jacaranda Cottage had still not come to hand in time to print today - hopefully a resume NEXT Saturday.
DARYL & CAROL's possible 2013 travels - As mentioned above it seems possible they may indeed travel abroad for the Homes, not to appeal for funds, but to advertise the work, and tell of the miracle involved in our continued existence. Sammy Kirui has made a firm offer and request to arrange a small itinerary in the Oklahoma area for them, and we hope something similar might be achieved in the UK.
If any of our friends and associates might be interested in them visiting their town or church, and perhaps also able to arrange a meeting, then we would be glad if you would write in and let us know. Daryl will have a digital Presentation with him which can be shown on a portable screen, TV or computer. He and Carol are good speakers and presenters.
We would consider the to be in England by MAY/JUNE-JULY
CONTACT CAN BE MADE to our usual E-mail address here in Kenya OR you can write, telephone or e-mail our son Steven in Accrington or son in law Prem Joseph in Rochdale - addresses here below
STEVE GREEN - E-mail -
Phone - 7596355115
PREM JOSEPH - E-mail -
Phone - 7717578540
We feel that if enough interested parties were to be interested and able to let us know before Christmas then a definite small itinerary might be made. We feel that in the event that Esther and I may not be able to travel so well in the future it would be good for Daryl especially as the one now in charge of the work here to try to become known by all those of you that have prayed and helped us over all the years.
God Bless and be with you all
John and Esther & Daryl and Carol
PREM JOSEPH - E-mail -
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