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President Obama and Governor Romney |
Of course GOD has told us that mankind have ALL gone astray and followed their own way; ALL have sinned - all ARE sinners. There is NONE that doeth good, no not ONE!! A terrible condemnation and pronouncement. BUT in the past we have held one or two, here and there, to have struggled enough in their lives to have achieved something humanly praiseworthy; something brave and courageous; something honourable and true, something beautiful and humane. But now we delight in giving in to criticism, even hatred and bitterness
NEITHER of these two men claim a lot for themselves spiritually, and both hold views that many 'god fearing' folk consider anathema; godless - whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever. There is therefore every excuse for an observer to speak his mind about them, perhaps even to condemn them ....
BUT PAUL writes in Galatians 5v15
'But if you bite and devour one another,
take care that you be not consumed one of another'
This advice is not only to be taken by 'Christians' but indeed by ALL mankind. We are members one of another humanly. We should be looking out for each other, caring for one another, willing to help each other from fault and error out of respect and love for each other. All war and strife come from jealousies and hatreds stirred up by pride and vindictiveness. Such attitudes find their origin in the flesh. In the Old Man of the Flesh.
Should such an attitude be allowed to hold sway in the thought and speech of a Christian; one whose Lord and Master encourages us to love one another? Of course we ARE all different, and will vary in the way we see things and express ourselves, but should we fuel of our opinions with bitterness and anger? I must HONOUR ALL men/women. PAUL in Romans 12v10 .... (Amplified bible) writes -
Love one another as members of one family;
giving precedence and showing honour to one another...
NATIONAL ELECTIONS in any Nation, always seem to bring out the worst in people as they jostle to take sides. Everyone insisting on their viewpoint, not caring how vitriolic and UNLOVING their words may be about one made in the image of GOD! Can I hear JESUS in their words; can I catch a glimpse even of the LOVE of God? What and WHO do I demonstrate and represent when I give in to MY fallen and faulty judgement about another?
AND, when all is said and done, these two men are just sinners like me. I cannot expect more from them than I expect from myself, and ALL of US who claim to have been cleansed from sin, STILL live with sin, in our flesh, and in fact continue at times to err and sin........NONE are perfect.
These two men are both politicians playing a game with words for high stakes. They may not hate each other as they hope their followers will. They are out for votes any way they can - they are out to GET YOU stirred up about THEIR opponent enough NOT to vote in their favour but in their own. Race, Religion and Politics are all there to be USED in this struggle for ultimate power - and it seems we are all in danger of being chewed up and spat out in the process, as they use themselves and the media to involve the electorate. Brothers and Sisters refrain your tongue from evil - let GRACE be upon your lips. Speak evil of NO MAN! GOD knows who will govern, and he chooses who He will to provide for what is needed. Good or BAD, God will use a Leader to finally DO HIS WILL for the good of all.
Lighten your hearts and Love your enemy and those that might offend you, praying for them, that they too may receive the Mercy of God as we ourselves have done.
WHY have I written so much on this? Because I listen to the words and watch the faces of my brethren in Christ when they speak of these frail men, their own countrymen and 'kind', and my heart fails me. It IS so easy to forget Jesus is with us and IN us, - so easy to be ignorant of being WITHOUT His Spirit. O Lord have mercy on me, on all of us, that we might pray for one another, for ourselves, that we might remember Who We are in CHRIST.
THESE ARE PHOTOS of some of the children receiving this and that with joy, and thanksgiving. We have rejoiced together to see the kindness of many of our Asian neighbours who have recently come to give food to us. The last months have been often a severe trial to us all, yet moments of real joy and happiness. I think our Father in Heaven knows that TOO MUCH is not always good for us; we can become too used to having it, and then forget to be thankful for it, or even to seek HIM who is our life for it. We tend to live in the answer to this prayer found in Proverbs 30v8 -
'..........Give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with food convenient for me
lest I be full, and deny thee, and say Who is the Lord?
or lest I be poor and steal
and take the name of my God in vain'
and take the name of my God in vain'
THIS week the Lord again provided through so many brothers and sisters via AENON, and we WERE waiting - and not just us but also the families of the many that spend their days here working and serving us and God. Truly Testimony is a Refuge for so many, a source and provision of SO MUCH. Thank you all.
Milk flows out from out cows to all the school children in the school and to the Homes. God has BLESSED
BUT, there are time we feel jealous of all the grown of the School, whilst the Homes seem to be at a standstill, and often in need. The numbers of needy children is not decreasing. But the LORD knows and understand this problem, and we are confident that all is well and right for us.
TODAY is the first day of the School Holiday. The School is virtually SHUT except for about 70 Primary Scholars and about 30 High Schoolers - all in the midst of the their FINAL EXAMINATIONS. Now the fun begins - and also quite a lot of activities.
Our hearts go out to you all, and our prayers never fail to reach the Heavenly Throne for you.
God Bless and keep you in His Love and Mercy
John and Esther & Daryl and Carol
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