BAPTISM BY IMMERSION took place in our Fellowship Baptistery last Sunday, 15th December;
It had been 58 years ago on the 5th December, 1955, that I was Confirmed by the Bishop of Sherbourn. Confirmation in the Anglican Church is the Affirmation of the Promises made by ones God-parents at our Christening at the Font, when a baby. At THAT time adult members of our family undertake to bring us up in the fear of God and knowledge of the Gospel.
At around 14 or 15 you stand before the Bishop to confess that what they undertook to do for you was done, and that you now personally avow for yourself TO BE a Christian; a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Up until then one is believed to be 'covered' by the promises of your relatives. MY problem was that my relatives did not believe in what they promised, and by the time I stood in front of the Bishop I did not understand much either!
BUT I knew I was not close to sins were not forgiven. SO seven years later, having come to believe in, and accept Christ as my Saviour,I needed to mark the Day with a clear testimony and demonstration of what I believed in my heart, for myself this time, and not because of the tradition or dogma of others. AND SO, in a Baptist Church when I was 22 I was Baptised by Immersion - I declared that, having DIED to sin, I believed I was buried with Christ with all my sins, and that by His Power I had RISEN with Him to enter a NEW life empowered by His Holy Spirit.............
The Service began as usual in the Hall. Before Breaking of Bread (Communion) together each of those to be Baptised had chance to testify to their Faith in Jesus. Thereafter the Message for the Day, and then out to the Baptistery - and the sun was shining.
It was a very glad occassion. The photos, above on the left show first - the queue of those intending to be Baptised first, then in the 2nd is Hillary Kipkosgei from Jacaranda Cottage one of our University boys, then, on the right, we have Mrs.Eunice Lahol and finally Mrs. Beatrice Rop. No room to show all the others, but at least you have had a small glimpse into the day.
SINCE THEN the week has proceeded to enjoy days of blue skies. However the sun has yielded little heat, and the nights have been beset with pouring RAIN the night long, and with cold temperatures.
Finances had also been dwindling, and it gladdened our hearts on Thursday to get
news that some funds were on the way to us - by then we did not have a Bank Balance!
Nevertheless we had been going about merrily carefree, delighting in the Season now well upon us.
TONIGHT we have our Christmas Concert, with Carols, Bible Readings, A new Christmas Play written and produced by one of our Old Boys now a teacher, and some Christian Dance. It is expected to last about one and half hours, and it is hoped many from around the locality will come to join us.
'outdoor' fellowship. It will take place around the front porch of Testimony House with all the children, staff, and visitors seated on the driveway in front. There will be carols, prayers, and an ensemble of the Nativity Scene gathering on the porch - photos hopefully next week. Our Carol Team will be travelling the
immediate district and locality on Monday afternoon and evening (23rd) Then, of course, our Christmas Morning Service at 10a.m. our time on the 25th
The NEXT DAY preparations for finding School Uniform for all those who may need it before School opens on the 6th January. This is always an arduous task needing a great deal of patience and careful consideration by all concerned - especially the 'parents'!!!
The Photos on the left show - 1. Some children from Drakeley Cottage. 2. Interior of Tyndale Cottage, and 3. Interior of Testimony House. To the right, are 1. Making paper chains. 2. Interior of Testimony House, and 3. Interior of Jacaranda Cottage
BUT we have such a sense of PEACE all around us, and such an atmosphere of happiness and gaiety.
Truly we feel this IS a Family Occasion, not just for us ourselves, but for us and ALL those family with us in Christ, throughout the World. We reach out to YOU and all those we have not yet met. God Bless you abundantly, with Comfort, Compassion, Understanding and LOVE.
Interior of Green Cottage |
John, Esther, Daryl, Carol Green and all our Staff, and Children
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