YES this week, as I promised, we are continuing to explore Testimony Faith Homes. We have previously taken a look at two of our four Family Homes, Testimony House, and Jacaranda Cottage, and I promised to cross the road to Tyndale Cottage and Drakeley Cottage this week. EACH family home is an entity, but in the broader sense each one is part of the other, making ONE big Family. None are in competition with the other though, but all rejoice in being part of the other as brothers and sisters.
In 2007, thirty three years after starting Jacaranda Cottage, we felt God prompting us to expand the family, and receiving funds unexpectedly, we laid the foundation for Tyndale Cottage. We named the home, Tyndale after the School in Adelaide, South Australia, and indeed they assisted a great deal in helping us to complete this house. It was built at the lower end of the Jacaranda Cottage Compound, and was planned to accommodate 40 children. In 2008 we also were able (through a Legacy) to continue on and build a second, sister cottage at the UPPER end of the same compound - giving us THREE homes out of the four on just ONE compound. We were taken for a 'ride' quite badly by the Contractor, who build the two homes, and after a year we were to discover major defects that forced us to find a lot more money in order to put right. We learnt from the experience, but it was expensive learning that HURT! It will no doubt help all concerned to REMEMBER to be more careful in future.
EACH Cottage can, as I mentioned, accommodate up to 40 children - even the NEW Jacaranda Cottage, once built will be the same. Each Cottage also accommodates a married couple and if necessary their own children, completely integrated, as part of the Family. Each cottage has a Cook coming in five and half days a week. The children and parents cook week-ends, and do all the housework. No other staff, although maybe there may be one or two coming in from time to time to play with the children, friends of the family. Of course, taken as a UNITY, Testimony Faith Homes has a Registered Nurse serving the four Homes AND the School, and also a Social Worker. A recognised Medical Doctor sits on the Board and is responsible to keep an eye on all the children's / and staff's health.
IN TYNDALE COTTAGE, Catherine and Mica YEGO are current parents. Catherine grew up herself in Testimony House. She and Mica have two small children - a boy and a girl. They have now been parents in the Home since it began (in rented premises initially) in 2003. Currently they have the youngest group of children, but of course they all grow bigger every day. It is a happy home and family. Mica has trained as a carpenter, and Catherine has a degree in Christian Ministries.
SO far 63 children have lived in the Family, including the current 39. Boys and Girls with ages ranging from 2 to 20. One or two, having completed their education, will be leaving this year.
ALL the children, of course, attend our School, Testimony School - we shall eventually arrive there on our tour, and more will be shared at that time. Clothing is one of our recurring needs. We used to be able to receive 'used clothes' from overseas but then the Government disallowed them to be imported by anyone except themselves. We now have to BUY what we need from town.
Some of the older children in the photos will have either completed or be in the process of completing their Secondary Education, and some will be going on to College in the New Year. They will continue to live in the Home until they eventually find employment.
Walking in at the main gate, Tyndale Cottage is immediately on the right of the driveway. Going on up, Jacaranda Cottage is currently on the left ( it will be move across to the right later) and then at the far end of the compound is DRAKELEY Cottage on the right. You will envisage from this that by next year the THREE cottages will be all on the right in a line. There will still be enough space for play. On the left of the main gate, opposite Tyndale is the Dairy, and opposite Drakeley is the Poultry Project.
WE WILL NOW MOVE ON to DRAKELEY COTTAGE, right at the top of the compound as I have described. We have 2.8 acres within this compound, and it is quite roomy and spacious. DRAKELEY was built in 2008, partly with the the assistance of a Legacy, from a very dear friend in Nairobi. It was named Drakeley in memory of another dear friend of the TFH, Miss. C.M. Drakeley, M.B.E. who died in 2002. The Drakeley Family had actually begun earlier in La Chacra and another rented property in the locality in September 2001 and only finally moved to the NEW house in March 2008. Within a year one end of the new house began to SINK and we had to do major works to support the foundation and save the building. Friends in Northern Ireland were led to offer help to us at this time, quite inspirationally. Everything is fine now.
WE WILL NOW MOVE ON to DRAKELEY COTTAGE, right at the top of the compound as I have described. We have 2.8 acres within this compound, and it is quite roomy and spacious. DRAKELEY was built in 2008, partly with the the assistance of a Legacy, from a very dear friend in Nairobi. It was named Drakeley in memory of another dear friend of the TFH, Miss. C.M. Drakeley, M.B.E. who died in 2002. The Drakeley Family had actually begun earlier in La Chacra and another rented property in the locality in September 2001 and only finally moved to the NEW house in March 2008. Within a year one end of the new house began to SINK and we had to do major works to support the foundation and save the building. Friends in Northern Ireland were led to offer help to us at this time, quite inspirationally. Everything is fine now.
FRANCIS AND EUNICE LAHOL are parents in Drakeley Cottage. Both are in fact trained Chefs, so you can be sure they make sure the food is well cooked and the daily menu well balanced. Francis also grew up with us in Testimony House, from when he was about 10. The have two children of their own, a boy and and a girl, and together with the current 33 children with them in the Home, make a very happy and well run family. Many in their family are quite young still, but there is also a good number in College, and expecting to new join College next year. Altogether, since the Home began a total of 38
have been par of the family, including the current 33. You will see that turnover in any one home is not very high. This is basically due to the fact that we have taken quite young children - 0 -10 - so that in most cases they stay for up to 18 or more years before having any chance to leave securely and able to earn their own living.
I regret that recently I misplaced my camera, and this has meant I have been unable to take more photos. As soon as I have rectified this situation I will also put up some INSIDE photos of how our homes look on the inside, and also up to date photos of the Dairy and Poultry Projects. But NEXT week we will cross back to Testimony House Compound, and take a look at Testimony School which began way back in 1981 as a small private nursery school.
May God richly Bless each one of you as you pray for us in Jesus Name. Our Father does still hear and answer prayer - it is the ONLY reason why we have continued on for these 45 years, and WILL continue on till He comes.
John and Esther / Daryl and Carol
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