Saturday 14 February 2015

THIS WAS NOT VALEN-TINE'S DAY!!    This was on Esther's 70th Birthday when I gave her the Engagement Ring I had never afforded previously.  Such a good photo in every way, and one which always speaks to us of our everlasting union for ever!        THESE DAYS - even today, for example,  Valentine's Day has run away from the Saint's desire just to see those desiring marriage in the sight of God actually able to commence a union which they believed to be for ever.      Basically the 'Day' as it is seen and understood today, is a day of sexual promiscuity and insincere excuse for a moments romance.      Sad!  In fact I feel even sadder when I think of Valentine being martyred because he valued the the idea of Christian Marriage and Family SO much.      The Day is no longer one of commitment 'through thick and thin' and  in a way frowned upon by the State,   But rather a casual, excited and emotional opportunity for those of ANY sex toward one another, with the Blessing of the State, who is itself so morally unstable that it indulges itself at every level to the same nonspiritual and often insincere commitments..  Have I gone too far again? - I am constantly being accused of taking the 'joy' out of life.     Well,  I do not mean to diminish anyone's innocent, happiness, but I fear too much sunshine can at times make one dizzy, and thus unstable, and easily made to fall.        WELL MY DEAR ESTHER AND I met, and loved each other at first sight (rather too excitedly perhaps)  and here we are 45 years later still TOGETHER, and in love.    No other 'valentines' have ever drawn our attention away from each other.     The attraction that caught each others eye has never dimmed or been out shone by some brighter star.    SO THIS MORNING the Roses were there on the Breakfast Table............Thank you Father in Heaven.    

ABOVE the New Jacaranda Cottage taken today!   Notice the first layer of stone is upon the Ring Beam, and the next step during next week will be the putting up of the RAFTERS.    The Contractor thinks that if the weather holds the roof will be ON by the end of the week.!     Wonderful

TO THE LEFT WE ARE INSIDE behind the Porch/Veranda and into the Sitting room.  Notice the support beam running across the room at ring beam level to give added strength for the rafters and ceiling.     The sitting room opens freely into the dining room, from where the photo was taken this morning by Daryl.      It provides for a large, roomy, and airy area.  So far we are very pleased and happy for the way the house is being built.   Very exciting as well.  
Our new house-parents Joseph and Agnes Macharia will hopefully arrive to be with us on this coming Monday.         We are expecting that after about a six month gap, we shall still see Joseph and Beatrice Rop visiting.       The are still as family members, and none of us would want them to fade out of our family circle or be forgotten.

LAST NIGHT, Saturday, Daryl, Esther and I attend an event in Eldoret Town.    Rev.Joy Panicker, his wife Esther and son Kevin were celebrating 25 Years of ministry.      To the right we see a photo taken in Green Cottage.   Joy and Mercy's son KEVIN is to the right.   He was then visiting us from USA.     Last night was another opportunity to see him again, this time with our old friends, his parents.
We first met Joy and Esther in the 1970s. They were both teachers at that time, and we met in a Prayer Fellowship in Kitale, eighty kilometres away.    Later they moved to Eldoret still teaching, and whilst there received the Call from God to come out of teaching and to serve God full time.
Currently they live in the U.S.A. but Joy is constantly on the move preaching the Good News, not only the States, but also in his home Country of India, and here in Kenya.     We tend to keep in touch, God has truly blessed his endeavour.      LAST NIGHT we were glad to be part of the 25th Anniversary of the beginning of the ministry here in Eldoret.     More than 300 guests I would say, and very brilliant, and glorifying evening.     They LEFT this morning back to the USA.        We feel very close to them, and to their son and daughter who were both educated in high school years, here in Testimony School.    A very lovely family who are committed to Jesus.      Their Website is

CLOUD cover, since Tuesday has begun to build up, and we are now hopeful that RAIN is on the way.......
It might even rain today!       Well we shall see, and if it does I am sure there will be more complaints than otherwise - evening open air events washed out, roads turning back to MUD, and probably, after a long dry period, a lot of sudden leaks in roofs here and there!!      Worse the sudden increase in moisture will not mix well with the continuing warm temperatures - causing a new season of colds, mosquitoes and malaria.   BUT, and yet, we WILL still Praise the Lord our GOD who does all things WELL, and for out final good.

We Greet you all in His Name, and trust you will have a wonderful VALENTINE'S DAY in either discovering a Love for another that will result in a lifetime of Faithfulness and Joy in and to each other, or in taking hold of the Commitment made those many years ago, and reestablishing your love for each other.  In doing this I do believe that we enter into HIS Love.


John, Esther, and Daryl Green

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