I arrived in Kenya in December in 1968, and in August 1969 we commenced Testimony Faith Homes, and God began to send the first orphaned children to be cared for. I had no promised income at all, and every day was a miracle, even the provision for my daily life, and then also the children's as they arrived. By June 1970 I had 28 kids. Only a very few gifts came from overseas, and one of the few was often from Stan Hyde and the Brixham Church. Out of the blue a cheque would arrive for 5 pounds - always just when we needed it, but never predictably! Brixham is still 'home' spiritually for us, and they have never forgotten us, in prayer and support into the present.
In 1971 I married my Esther, and in 1972 the Lord provided for us to return to England together. Our firstborn son, Steven was born there,in June, and in December we went down into Devon and visited Brixham Church. The Congregation duly gave us the 'Right Hand of Fellowship' and we became honorary members - and Steven was Dedicated there. My adoptive mother was there that evening, and she gave her heart to Jesus;
she was just 63 years old and had recently remarried, her first husband having died. It was a very special time for us, and confirmed a relationship that had begun in 1968.
Since then the ties between us deepened, although our visits to the U.K. were sparse indeed. After that time in 1972 we went back in 1983, and again in 1994, 2003, and lastly in 2011.
BUT Stan and Doreen began to visit US in the late 80's spending weeks at a time with
us. They would stay with us in what was then a little flat-let tacked on the end of our Mechanics School, where now Testimony Nursery School is. In 1987 whilst also visiting the Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College Stan and Doreen bumped into Mike and Dani Potter, newly married and from South Australia. They were coming to work in
Nairobi, and Stan suggested they wrote to us and paid us a visit. Stan was always a man of great spiritual intuition, and for sure God was leading him in making this suggestion to the Potters, who have ever since grown into the Testimony Family and are the spear point of Tyndale School in Australia's loving interest in us all here. They remain very dear and precious family members of us all here.
young people, and he was to bring many to Jesus, and also baptised them in Hill School Pool.
His visits were greatly looked forward to. In later years he would love to sit on one of our lawns, under a spreading tree, enthroned in an armchair, and holding his inevitable hat on against the strong breezes. There children and youngsters came to him for a chat and counselling. This went on until one time in the late 90s when he had a minor stroke, and after a spell in hospital in Nairobi he had to be flown home to Brixham. He and Doreen were never to come out to us again. But our friendship and 'family' relationship was to continue unstopped and unstoppable.
1983 - Stan, to centre, then Doreen to the left
Esther, Steven, Michael, John,
and in front Elizabeth
STAN was always Officer of the Watch. He made sure he kept that Watch sharp and clear. First off on the telephone he would say, NOW THEN, SOLDIER! HOW ARE THINGS ON THE FRONT. He always spoke like a Commissioned Officer, which he was of course. But Doreen always referred to him as The Admiral. He was my brother, and also elder friend. I admired and respected him; his commitment to God, and to the commission he held from him. I miss him already, but of course he has only gone a little further - he might even be closer in some ways. Not gone far, and not for ever parted from us. I know he will still keep a watch.
Stan leaves behind his dear and beloved little wife, Doreen, his son Robert, (Bob Hyde), and his three daughters, plus many grandchildren. I hope I am right and if I have made any error I trust I may be forgiven in this. Esther and I are regretfully unable to travel to be at the Funeral this coming Thursday, but we are hoping our three children, Steve, Mike and Elisabeth will be there. Please remember the family left behind.
And so this week, I will say no more. It is enough to remember so valued a friend.
With our Love in Jesus to you all
John, Esther, and Daryl.
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