Firstly the weather has continued to give us plenty of rain every day of the week, which has continued to prevent us with getting on with some outside work, including - as you see here - the painting of Old Jacaranda's roof. STILL raining as of today, and we need two or three days of sunshine before we can start painting. If we commence painting whilst it is raining, the force of the rain will seriously spoil the paintwork. THEN we have been delayed with the supply of new charcoal ovens for the Bakery, and also heavy rain has stopped us getting the new Green Houses erected. Rather disappointing, but we have to Thank God for He knows the way we are taking and if He wants to slow us down, He also knows how to do it. Left to ourselves we may have run ahead too much unwisely. So good not to be alone on the job.
BUT, work on the inside of Old Jacaranda has been continuing, and the interior of the new Girl's Hostel is now 'most' finished. Here are a few updates -
Each room opens on to a central passage running the length of the house from the Entrance to the Wardens apartment. On the other side of this passage can be found the Kitchen, and the Sitting/Dining room.
There is then access to the Bathrooms and Toilets at the far end of the Sitting room.
At present we will be catering for only 12 girls full time - three others away in university during Term time..
This is a view of he Dining Room, which gives on - through hatch - to the kitchen. It is a little spartan, but still comfortable. The room is in fact both dining a sitting room, and in the next photo we see the sitting area looking from the kitchen hatch. We are in the midst of painting the floor, of both areas, but the sitting room will also have a carpet - and chairs of course.
The Room is quite long, and the windows look out onto a small lawn.
The door top left leads into the central passage
Our Warden is to be one of our cleaning staff.
Mrs. Rosaline Odunda is a widow of many years from Western Kenya. She is a very dear lady who loves God, and has worked hard most of her life to bring up, single handed, her own four children. The Girls have received here appointment with gladness, and we hope it will be an enjoyable and profitable one. a photo of her may follow a little later. She is a cool of some reputation, though she has not worked as a cook for us, and she has felt that she would like to cook for the GIRLS as part of her employment in order to encourage a more homely situation for them as they leave their respective family 'Homes' - I can see them all having a great time~!
They are expected HERE in Eldoret on Wednesday 6th July until the 26th. A Team of 34 inclusive of Staff, Parents, and STUDENTS. They will be dividing their time here between US and Neema Children's Home run by Miriam and Joshua Mbithi. We hope the weather will improve for them and that the RAINS will will be suspended, and some sunshine break through with a little warmth.
A LOT of works for them to get involved with, as usual, and also we hope even more friendships made between us all. Please pray for them all, as Mike and Danni Potter join them to be with us all.
MORE NEXT WEEK! Until then we wish you all peace and safety through the week ahead, assuring you all of our prayers always. Lovingly in Jesus Name,
John, Esther and Daryl Green
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