We experimented with 'deaf aids' of one kind and another but he just was unable to keep them for long, and these facilities are very expensive. He has done without them so far, though we hope he will give them another try later on. He is able to speak good English and Swahili, but he was unable to keep up any academic progress. He was always interested in cooking, and loved to be in ANY kitchen. NOW he is a baker, earning a regular wage, and in January he will be starting out in his own rented room, John is not very tall, but very strong and physically able. A very likeable young man, and enjoys helping to make our Bread, However he is a little apprehensive about living alone, after living in a large family group such as ours. WE think he will overcome his anxieties about this, and, as many others before him, that he end up enjoying himself; He is 20 right now, 21 in October next year. He is is SO delighted to be working for TFH., and is quite self reliant in every way. We feel very GLAD for him. And he loves Jesus too, His biggest JOY.
David Ndegwa and Stanley Kipkoech, the Manager,
Edward Green who underwent a leg operation a few months back is now back at work but has moved to our Maintenance Department. We have been happy to be able to find employment INSIDE Testimony Faith Homes for many of our children after concluding their education/training. Of course we cannot provide for ALL of them, but at present we have 13 working with us in administration, maintenance, teaching, finance and agriculture.
ONE if the two young man I advertised as looking for work has now been employed in Property Development (Benson CHEGE). Quite a big number will also join others needing a job opportunity by June next with us.
Please join us in prayer that doors will open.
ABOVE IS A PHOTO FROM 1987 of those who joined our Primary School in 1983 and 1987 in Classes 1 to V11. Top left - Mr. Stephen Mwaura and Mr. Anthony Ndungu. Then, also from left.
Mrs. Gachengechia;, Mrs. Towett; Mrs. S. Iraya; Mr.J. Lwangu; Mr. T. Mbatiah; Mr. P. Wakaba; Mr. J. Gitari; Mr. Simon Anderson. Other were to join this initial team, and many more have come and gone since, each making a contribution great or small to the growth of what has become a well know Nursery, Primary and Secondary School. I do thank God especially for those in this photo who stepped out in faith with us to achieve a Landmark for God.
In the second photo, to the right we are together again nine years later, He continued through High School to University and ultimate employment in Eldoret's Referral and Teaching Hospital. He is 33 now and still single.
Also currently unemployed and not very happy with life. We pray much for him. He once loved Jesus, but has turned away. Paul said he had no delight in those who turned away. Neither do I, because in turning they leave not only the God who loves them, but all those - in Him - who also love them, who instead of delight, find only pain and unhappiness in seeing them in decline and misery in this world. BUT we believe God that, having once permitted Manu to reach out and grasp Salvation in and through Christ Jesus, He will never finally LET HIM GO. God is faithful. He is not like us. I believe in the End Manu will break through into the sunlight, and find peace and deliverance from all his current distress and confusion. Please do pray with us for him.
Well we are well into the Season of ADVENT when the Church is supposed to remember the Coming of the Saviour of the World, AND also looks forward to the Day when He will Come Again. This is the THIRD Sunday, and we usually focus on the JOY there is in Receiving, Possessing, and Serving King Jesus. The world itself seems to have become oblivious to it all; ashamed even, and perhaps also too 'grown up' to believe it any more. Instead we are choked with sex, violence, perversion of every kind, and a kind of possessive GREED for material satisfaction. Time for Jesus to COME as KING, and clean us and world up. Any time now........I want to be found ready and waiting! I want to be found LIKE HIM (consider seriously and personally 1. John 2v28-3v3). God be CLOSE to you all, and precious to your heart also. He IS coming.
Lovingly in His Name,
John, Esther, and Daryl Green
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