Dan has grown up to be an intelligent boy - an 'A' student, and has shown no disability of any kind - UNTIL NOW. He suddenly complained of pain around his heart, and quickly began to lose energy and appetite. On Wednesday this week he was taken to a private Clinic to see a doctor. All our Government doctors are in the fifth week of a Nation wide Strike. He managed to be seen, and we were advised that he had a serious Heart condition, and needed an operation. Poor Mica and Catherine Senge, Dan's house-parents were shocked, and it was found difficult to find a Consultant to confirm or otherwise until Saturday, when one was found with time and heart to help us. She has confirmed the diagnosis. She has explained that surgically it is too late to help him. He has a 'hole' in his heart, which is congenital, and leaves him with the prospect of a short life, without a miracle. Well, of course, we BELIEVE in miracles, and although he has been started on antibiotics to fight the 'infection' that brought his condition to light, and serious prayer has, and continues, to be lifted up for him - TODAY, he is already up from his bed, testifying to being well, and painless, and looking forward to joining his High School class on Monday! We Rejoice GREATLY. However, we have wondered how his condition, which has been from birth, could have escaped detection by the many doctors he has seen whilst being with us, treating him for Malaria, and common colds. Even on Admission to us, after normal Examination and Medical Report by our appointed Medical Officer, we were not alerted. And he has lived a normal, otherwise healthy life, energetically until just this week. Please do join us in prayer for his healing. The Consultant has arranged a series of further checks and examinations in the month ahead, but was herself not very hopeful that he would survive long. Join hands with us in Jesus Name to see her change that opinion. But we are very grateful to her for opening her heart to us on Dan's behalf.
PLEASE NOTE - If you are in contact with Dan in any way, treat him normally without drawing attention; he is not so far hospitalised, and although he may have to refrain from heavy excersise, we are hoping he will return to school and continue to learn in the years ahead. We do not want him to be anxious for himself, but to trust God with us all, for his continued health. Thank you.
OUR LAWNS are now turned brown, and dusty with the heat. The last two weeks have seen flowers and shrubs wither, and the grass die and shrivel, as hot winds from the north and scorching sun take their toll on the plant life. The real spectre is the lack of water. The Town River is now DRY, and the local DAMS quickly being depleted, and water now severely rationed so that a day or more might pass without ANY water at all in the pipes and taps. If there is NO break in the weather pattern then we may have to SHUT the school down until the Rains come, in April/May
AND of course the extreme dryness of the air and tundra tend to effect the human psychie. And the heat, dust, and general change of 'air' has opened the door to seasonable sickness, though
ordinarily not life threatening, may become dangerous without enough active medical staff available.
In the guiless ignorance of old age I had always believed the Doctors, at the least, would never put their own needs before those of their patient,,,,,,, It seems, even in this, TIMES HAVE CHANGED!
I remember when I was TEN ( in the 1950s) calling the doctor to come to our rural dwelling, forty minutes away, to attend my Mother who had been taken suddenly ill. He came immediately even though he had to drive through a snow storm on icy roads. He arrived - an elderly man - full of concern and without any word of self pity or complaint. Is that attitude one that rules today?
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hippocrates - 5th - 3rd Cent. |
Hippocrates. But it seems that the original has been revised a number of times, and that today not ALL doctors areeven required to take it. How,ever it would seem that the phrase 'Do no harm' IS still understood generally by doctors as a prime criterior. There is no way doctors on strike action, for whatever reason, do not expose those depending on them for their physical well being, to danger.
A BIG difference of Ethic involved here. And once again we have an indication as to how our inherant human 'Selfishness' rules the day, speeding up the ruin of humanity in this Age. I am firmly convinced, as a Christian, that Strikes relating to public service, and especially the Medical and Teaching professions are anti social and inhuman.
LAST SUNDAY EVENING, we had a Farewell Party for FOUR of our elder young people, who having concluded their education AND found employment, were now leaving their home with us to start out on their own. Previously we arranged such parties in the actual Family home each one had grown up inhere, but when we converted one of the original four 'homes' into an HOSTEL and later set up a Hostel for GIRLS as well, it meant that Leavers had in a sense already been seperated from their families when they reached 18. SO this time we decided to have the Party in the School Hall, and bring ALL the three Homes and two Hostels together as ONE FAMILY so that we ALL be part of the Farewell. It worked very well indeed.
After Pastor Wykliffe had given the Message, I called each of the four for prayer and the laying on of hands. The first to come was Judith who was admitted to Jacaranda Cottage in October 2003 when she was10! She is Pre School teacher working in Eldoret; a faithful young lady, of a strong nature - a good daughter and grand daughter. THEN to the Right is John Matubwe. John is almost stone deaf. We do not know how he came to be so, but he has learned to lip read perfectly. He was 8 when he joined us 2004 and now working in our Bakery. He is truly happy and glad.
THEN we have Chege and David, whom I had requested you to pray for some months back. Benson Chege, 25, has now found work with Land Agent and Surveyor, and David, also 25, has still not found a job, but leaving us to stay with an elder brother who IS employed. Each of the four were able to make their own 'Farewell' to the assembled 'Family' and were then presented with a Bible and monetary gift to assist get the started in their new 'Digs'. FINALLY, before we all broke up, there was CAKE and Juice for everyone. Others will also be leaving before the close of the year. Most will be working locally, at least to begin with, so hopefully they will all be dropping in from time to time so that we keep track of each other
THIS was a Joyful Time for us; the time we saw some of our Sons and Daughters attain their Maturity and their Independence. BUT, was also a time of trembling anxiety for each of them to for themselves now, find the Security and Comfort of God with them.
A BIG difference of Ethic involved here. And once again we have an indication as to how our inherant human 'Selfishness' rules the day, speeding up the ruin of humanity in this Age. I am firmly convinced, as a Christian, that Strikes relating to public service, and especially the Medical and Teaching professions are anti social and inhuman.
THEN we have Chege and David, whom I had requested you to pray for some months back. Benson Chege, 25, has now found work with Land Agent and Surveyor, and David, also 25, has still not found a job, but leaving us to stay with an elder brother who IS employed. Each of the four were able to make their own 'Farewell' to the assembled 'Family' and were then presented with a Bible and monetary gift to assist get the started in their new 'Digs'. FINALLY, before we all broke up, there was CAKE and Juice for everyone. Others will also be leaving before the close of the year. Most will be working locally, at least to begin with, so hopefully they will all be dropping in from time to time so that we keep track of each other
THIS was a Joyful Time for us; the time we saw some of our Sons and Daughters attain their Maturity and their Independence. BUT, was also a time of trembling anxiety for each of them to for themselves now, find the Security and Comfort of God with them.
Praying for Benson |
Praying for David |
We say to them, in our hearts -
Remember to keep your life pure and
away from evil temptations and practices, by Reading the Bible.
We say to each one
'Choose your friends with care; wisely.
Choose those who also want a pure life.
Choose those who seek God, and His Will for their lives.
Walk and talk with them.
Psalm 119v9
Dear friends share in our Joys and our Prayers for these few that now start life alone with God
Receive of our Love, Thanksgiving and Prayer for being 'Family' with us in Christ,and for sharing your hearts and lives with us, and with all the children and young people here with us.
John, Esther, and Daryl Green
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