I TOOK THIS PHOTO TODAY, - FRIDAY, 5TH JULY, from our veranda. Some of the Team from Australia started work about 10a.m this morning, and amazingly they have almost completed there first stage of relaying the patios and path on up to the General Office. Those paving stones are thick and heavy, and have laid down for more than twenty years, loath to move. It is 4p.m. now.
AND these young ladies have also been labouring with the boys, not in the least to be out-done in strength and determination! I take my hat off to them all, for I had thought they might all have found the job too heavy and time consuming. Just had to get this on my Blog before tomorrow.....Come Saturday I hope to maybe include a few more photos - there is more going on at the Jacaranda Compound which I have not seen yet.........The 3rd photo is just a shot to shew the extent of the area under construction - most of it the old entrance on road front.
Today the Team is 'Resting' and 'relaxing' with the children, playing games, fellow-shipping, and just generally getting to know everyone. These are times that usually bring a great deal of joy and happiness, and many friendship made - often for life.
TOMORROW, Sunday, the Team will be taking the Sunday Service, and then on Monday they will re-commence WORK. It will be a busy last week again for them,, usually ending in a Party to which all the House Parents are invited. Esther and I are also invited as are Joshua and Miriam Mbithi from Neema Homes, where the Team is also heavily involved in like labours of love. And then they will be gone! It always passes like a flash of light, but lasting evidence always clearly seen and enjoyed.
I had mentioned a few weeks back that we had now employed a new School Chaplain, and pastor for our Fellowship. He has settled in very well, and we feel the Lord send him, and his wife to Bless us. Mike is kept very busy both in the School and in the Homes, and he seems almost unable to get exhausted! But we are indeed Thankful to have him, and his dear wife with us. His wife has also trained in Bible College, and although we are not actually employing her she has already thrown herself into the work here. I will put a photo Pastor Michael Kyalo here - maybe will catch his wife, Jacintha, another time.
AND FINALLY a photo of our Staff, 16 of whom were brought up in the Homes ( plus FOUR not in the photo (Stephen Waithika - Groundsman, Purity, Nursery Teacher; Joseph, Groundsman; and Edward, Maintenance) - all in RED letters.
AND FINALLY a photo of our Staff, 16 of whom were brought up in the Homes ( plus FOUR not in the photo (Stephen Waithika - Groundsman, Purity, Nursery Teacher; Joseph, Groundsman; and Edward, Maintenance) - all in RED letters.
Back Row - left to right
Solomon, Accountant; David, Baker; Betty, Accountant; Mutanyi, Maintenance; Joel, Gen.Secretary; Peter, Chef; Dennis, Stores; Faith, Nursery Teacher; Bethuel, School Librarian
Second Row - left to right
Micah, House Parent; Catherine, House Parent; Grace, House parent; Alice, House Parent; David, House parent;
Dorris, House Parent; and Pastor Mike Kyalo
Third Row - left to right
John, Baker; Stanley, Baker; Hesketh, House Parent
It is a great happiness to see one and another of our children that grew up with us, returning to work with us and for the Homes and School. Another evidence of 'Family' in the midst of us all.
Well that is all for this week. The Government is quiet, the Nation is quiet, and the Weather is COLD, though not wet this week. Still rain is predicted even for tomorrow soooooo! Well we hope it will be dry enough for all the works still in hand to continue to their conclusion. We are all well, and in good spirits WAITING, expectantly for the LORD. May HE be close to each of you and quick to encourage, establish, and empower you in His Holy Spirit, till He COMES
Lovingly in His Name
John, Esther, and Daryl Green.
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