THIS IS A PERSONALIZED GRAIN SILO for the storage of MAIZE, in particular, but also for BEANS, and even other grains.
The one you see here, presented by Paul Whiteman, who is actually making these silos at Open Arms International here, close to Eldoret. This one shown in the photo measures 72cm x 173 cm with a storage capacity of 525kgs or 5,75 sacks.. However, these Silos can be made to measure, according to the need, and are specially designed to be a money saver to families or small farms.
They are made from stainless steel and would normally stand either on a cement or timber plinth about a foot from the ground. Grain is poured in from the top, the outlet at the bottom being closed.
Once the grain has reached almost to the top a small candle is placed ALIGHT at the entry port which is then CLOSED and sealed with a rubber seal. The candle will burn safely inside the closed silo until ALL oxygen has been consumed, when the flame will extinguish, and no weevil or other pest will be able to live. However it is recommended that no grain is withdrawn for consumption for TWO weeks, to allow all grain to have been made rid of all life.
WE have been suffering in trying to store gifts of maize safely. We shall definitely now put these Silos to the test, and will start off with THREE for the Homes. They will be larger that the one illustrated - with a capacity to take 20 sacks of maize each. We know this innovation will pay itself off quickly, and continue to save us a great deal of money.
THE WEEK HAS BEEN A BUSY ONE, and the weather, continuing to be quite hot and dry, has not helped us feel relieved from pressure. On the other hand it HAS been beautiful weather and we have enjoyed it. And we needed the brilliant sun and the glorious sky to lift up our spirits as days unfolded, and the cool breeze to calm us in the midst of sudden and unexpected issues.
On Monday we had Christian fellowship and a meal together in our little cottage with two friends. involved in Christian Education, Mark and Kathy Lessig. It was very refreshing and challenging time. Esther and I had been feeling for some time that we needed to come against the Enemy who we felt had been making inroads upon the ministry here in TFH. The condition of Dan Ndungu with his hole in the heart has been on all our minds, and although he has managed to be up and at school we can see how wan and weary he has become. On Monday NEXT week Daryl will be taking him to a Hospital in Nairobi specialising in heart problems in the hope of taking things further. Much prayer going up for him.
But additionally we seem to be seeing more cases of Marijuana creeping into the School and also petty theft, all involving some of our children in the Homes. School books are now being taken from desks and sold in the town. We think that the book selling is linked to the Marijuana as a means of purchasing more supplies. Of course serious investigation is going on in order to try not only to discover those responsible and involved, but also to STOP it altogether. A very worrying situation. So far most of the children discovered are among the most academically clever, but also religiously disinterested. We have begun to actually 'feel' an 'atmosphere' like a small depression hovering over the place. Very disturbing.
As we fellow-shipped with our friends the Lord just seemed to be suddenly very present and giving us all an overwhelming Call to Arms.
On Monday we had Christian fellowship and a meal together in our little cottage with two friends. involved in Christian Education, Mark and Kathy Lessig. It was very refreshing and challenging time. Esther and I had been feeling for some time that we needed to come against the Enemy who we felt had been making inroads upon the ministry here in TFH. The condition of Dan Ndungu with his hole in the heart has been on all our minds, and although he has managed to be up and at school we can see how wan and weary he has become. On Monday NEXT week Daryl will be taking him to a Hospital in Nairobi specialising in heart problems in the hope of taking things further. Much prayer going up for him.
But additionally we seem to be seeing more cases of Marijuana creeping into the School and also petty theft, all involving some of our children in the Homes. School books are now being taken from desks and sold in the town. We think that the book selling is linked to the Marijuana as a means of purchasing more supplies. Of course serious investigation is going on in order to try not only to discover those responsible and involved, but also to STOP it altogether. A very worrying situation. So far most of the children discovered are among the most academically clever, but also religiously disinterested. We have begun to actually 'feel' an 'atmosphere' like a small depression hovering over the place. Very disturbing.
As we fellow-shipped with our friends the Lord just seemed to be suddenly very present and giving us all an overwhelming Call to Arms.
Sound the battle cry!
See, the foe is nigh;
Raise the standard high for the Lord.
Gird your armour on,
stand firm everyone
Rest your cause upon His Holy Word.
Redemption Hymnal 436
Please, all those of you who may also feel the drawing of the Holy Spirit, join us in prayer and intercession that we might overcome all the plans of the Enemy against the children and the Vision given to us.
Our love and prayers to you all as always. Indeed how our hearts go out to you!!
John, Esther, and Daryl Green
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