LAST SUNDAY WE DID BAPTISE - FIVE ALTOGETHER, of our School Boarders. The day began cloudy but gave place to sunshine, so having braved the iciness of the WATER, those baptised could at least warm up afterwards! We used, of course, the shallow end of the Pool. Each candidate gave a good Witness as to WHY they were being Baptised, and to their determination to let Jesus LIVE and GUIDE them in all of their future lives. As an Event it did not SAVE anyone, but gave a unique opportunity to each one being Baptised to give a clear and visible illustration of what they believed in their hearts. I love Baptisms!!
AS AN ANGLICAN, of course I was 'Christened', as a baby, as I mentioned last week. My adopted parents were there, and two or three others who stood as my 'God-parents' all promising to bring me up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Salvation, and by the Word of God. All of them were only nominal Christians, and were unable to keep their promises. Not until I was 24 was I Baptised by immersion as a Believer (one that had for himself personally believed and trusted in the Salvation procured by Jesus for him/her on the Cross) 1. Peter 3v21-22. I have related as to how this came about in another place.
ON MONDAY we were visited by our Country and District Children's Officers together with two other ladies (one a Chief Superintendent of Police) from the National Department of Children's Services. They wanted to see everything, and also required us to fill in a rather lengthy
Questionnaire of about eight pages! Half of the information required was sent monthly to the Department and should have been readily on hand without asking for repetition, and the rest also available to them on an Annual Basis. I hate filling in unnecessary Forms, and of course Daryl left me to do that while he took the Party to view the work. It was well worth-while as they seemed very impressed with what they saw, and gave God Glory for it which was VERY satisfactory to US. They also said that Testimony Faith Homes would be the 'Bench Mark' for other Homes in the Country. Probably more politeness than fact - but we were happy they said it!!
ON WEDNESDAY I visited the NEW Jacaranda Cottage to have fellowship with the house-parents, Joseph and Agnes Macharia. We spent good and valuable time together, and managed to discuss each of the 34 children in their care. They had just been IN the new house since the 13th June, but they were all well settled, and the Home was running well and very happily. The main comment seemed to be the huge difference in the 'spirit' of the house to the Old one; The Old so DARK, and new so BRIGHT and lighthearted. We Thank you LORD for bringing this about.
Daily downpours of rain are continuing, and the clouds also overshadowing the sun, and lowering the temperatures. But the children are STILL swimming every day in the Pool, and no one seems to be catching any 'Chill', Amazing! The Homes' Gardens are flourishing, we are very happy to have fresh vegetables now on hand. The Chickens also doing well, and we now have a young new heifer replacing the cow that we lost some weeks back. She is a Gift from a long time friend, who once was my Deputy - Nicholas Mwangi. Nicholas still lives in Eldoret with his wife and family, and runs a small Electrical Business.
ON FRIDAY, we managed to welcome ALL our Board Members to the A.G.M. held in the evening. It was good to see everyone and to review the Year together.
TODAY - Saturday, Daryl and Francis Lahol, and some 22 other members of four Staff have travelled about 150 miles to the West of Eldoret, to share in the Funeral of Eunice Lahol's mother who died suddenly last week. They took one of the School Buses, Eunice was especially fond of her Mum who was only in her fifties, so this has hit her VERY hard. Please remember to pray for her and for Francis also. They should, God Willing, all safely return to us late afternoon.
STILL BROWSING the Internet, I am truly AMAZED at the endless ways in which the END of our World is daily being predicted, and additionally the number of so called 'SIGNS' of the very imminence of this End. Some I have mentioned before such as that 17 mile long tunnel in Switzerland/France which was just re-activated this very month of JUNE, I am speaking about it on this coming Sunday!! THEN there is the Asteroid that is going to hit the Earth in September, AND all the strange things that attest to some CHANGE that will affect us, and probably herald the End of everything - For EXAMPLE the Weather! And obviously the Environment...?
And what about those SINK HOLES appearing everywhere, and noises like the sound of trumpets, roaring wind and such like making themselves heard to individuals and in different areas all over the world ... to name but a few. EVERY YEAR we read and see in the media renewed or repeated reference to this kind of thing, and we are WARNED that the End of the World IS NEAR. Jesus was saying it two thousand years go, and the Apostles continued to say it into the New Testament years. THIS YEAR is certainly NO exception - but it may in fact be the most frightening of scenarios for ANY year. Are you worried? The MEDIA are doing a good job of TRYING to hype all of us into hysteria or at least hypertension and apprehension - and not only in relation as to what might happen in September, or TODAY, but also as to what may happen in a million or so years into the future. There is in this 21st Century a real pre-occupation with the the END of the World. OUTWARDLY this seems to be being met with either unbelief or disinterest. It produces an atmosphere of 'devil-may-care' in which everyone is ready to try everything since we only live once, and we need to experience as much as we can. The majority living in this Fair-ground go for the BIG DIPPER - the life style with the biggest thrills and most exhilarating hypes. It is a dangerous way to live and the casualties are usually of the most heart rending kind.
BUT I think we are meant to be so used to hearing about it, that we are bored with it, and have little interest in giving such a prospect time of Day. And anyway, even it is true, what can WE do about it; best get on with life and living - and when and if the time comes, then we take it as it comes. A kind of fatalism? Yes it is possible to believe the world doesn't want to know, doesn't want to consider the reality of such a prospect, having become deaf and blind to all the signs and warnings. As in the days of Noah - everything just going on as usual, the population quite oblivious to what was in fact about to happen. SATAN has been consistent in pulling the wool over our eyes, dulling our senses and giving us false hopes. YET having said all that I also 'feel' this present generation is in fact suppressing the thought that it may in fact be TRUE - the end IS near. There is a kind of sub-conscious sense of foreboding - is this the impetus behind the Drugs, the Alcohol, and even the KILLING that is rampant in our world - a world burdened with homeless, dissatisfied and abused humanity. A world trying to escape, to forget, and even run from itself. And even Humanity itself is declining, depreciating and at RISK of disappearing altogether ....... Yes not a happy picture. Why not end it all anyway - it might be better than continuing on and seeing even WORSE days! FEAR does not seem to be apparent. FEAR of what happens after the world ends ......! There seems an almost total lack of the FEAR of GOD with the men and women of today. The BIBLE says this (FEAR) is the beginning of Wisdom, and if that is so then we should be alarmed, since we appear to be without it - without WISDOM. This IS, to all intents and purposes, a Godless Generation - 'lightless', and living in darkness. All drifting 'merrily' to the edge of the ABYSS ...... The Queen visited Germany this week, AND especially requested to visit the Extermination Camps, Many pictures of her and Prince Phillip walking about - BUT the spirit that set those camps up is STILL with us. Nothing was stopped there. What of ISIS, what of all the hunger, and the terror caused by earthquake, volcano, pollution, and plain human greed.
WHAT have we learnt since the 1st and 2nd World Wars? Nothing!!! If some sensational event does not kill us all off,.....If the Magnetic Shield that surrounds our planet shuts down and the SUN burns us up, or if the SUN itself cools down and throws us into an Ice Age - then it is almost sure WE ourselves will destroy the planet we live on, together with ourselves! There little place to look for HELP - one way or another we may find ourselves stuck up a gum-tree with no place to maneuver. BUT who is worrying about it? Who is anxious about it? IS no one AFRAID to die - and to FACE THE LIVING GOD. Does no one want to BE SAVED, and delivered from this state of desperate belief in meaningless DEATH?
WE, the People of God, who know how FEARFUL a thing it is to fall into His living Hands, why are we not rescuing those who, (without our faith and knowledge), are perishing, helplessly and even wilfully, without hope or strength to survive. You and I, who have discovered in Jesus that God IS real, and ready to deliver and save each one us from the sin and devastation that is killing and destroying everything God in Love ever created and made for us - WHY are we doing nothing!!!?
WE will be judged for that. Remember Ezekiel 33 - The WATCHMEN - which watchman you and I are - that does not WARN the people, and the people die at the hand of the enemy, then EVERY ONE of their lives who were not warned and given chance of salvation - THEIR blood will be upon OUR head.
YES we should take that word to heart brothers and sisters. We need to make our VOICE be heard with the WORD of God. We need to WAKE up our neighbours, not with revelling or partying but with the WORD OF GOD - which is the ONLY word of Hope and Sure Salvation offered to ANY man. LET NONE OF US WHO KNOW THEIR GOD, leave the people of this world to continue in blind apathy toward the DAY in which they live - Give a WAKE UP cry to all you know and come across beginning with your own house - you own family near and wide. TELL THEM! EXPLAIN to them. JESUS SAVES! He will save ANYONE! HE will save them from the consequences of their sin, AND from whatever will come upon this planet. All we have to do, any of us, is to reach out to the Cross on which He died, and be lifted out of ALL our fears and troubles, just as sure as Noah and all that were with him were lifted up above the flood in the ARK.
Jesus is OUR Ark - and is willing to be your Ark too.
THIS WORLD is falling apart. Thank God it is not our Home - There is still time to make it THERE, and to shut the door upon what is behind, and trust God for a future undisturbed by the terror that now hungrily snaps at all our heals.
God Be with you all, and stay with you moment by moment EVERY day.
Lovingly in Jesus our King,
John, Esther and Daryl Green
Saturday 27 June 2015
Saturday 20 June 2015
THIS, to me, is a very typical Church of England church, found dotted throughout the British Isles. Some of them have been where they stand almost a thousand years, and others stand on the site of churches built long before. When I was a youth of about seventeen I often attended services both morning and evening - and the churches were not empty even then; in the 1950s.
BUT the decline in attendance had begun.
To me these church buildings are synonymous with the English Countryside, and they witness to the continuing presence of God everywhere one goes. I could never get on with the idea of turning such buildings, even Chapels, into furniture stores, cinemas, and other commercial enterprises. Churches are built for God and God alone, and the very fact that their only use is to be filled with the Praise and Glory God always gave me a sense of His Holiness and Awe on entering. To me they still have this effect upon me. But today we are told they may soon be extinct; empty monoliths slowly decaying or pulled down even, their stones used for some other purpose. Perhaps to become quite unable to even bring to mind the original reason for their existence - like Stonehenge or Aylesbury Ring. It could happen. Yes! A day when even the Name of JESUS will be forgotten.............
WHY, what has happened? Jesus said, concerning the last days, and the state of the last generation of Man upon the earth, that the Love of many would become cold. The interest for God in the hearts of the people would become COLD. INIQUITY will cover the earth!! St.Paul writing in the 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians 2v3 also supports this when he says ' Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (the Day when Jesus returns) except there come a falling away first - unless the apostasy comes first (unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christian has come).....' And for my part I believe we have every reason to believe and see that this is well on the way to being fulfilled - certainly in the United Kingdom and also in the United States of America. Please understand that I do not only link this 'falling away' to the Church of England alone either. This situation will be felt and realised by all Christian Witness everywhere. ANY TIME NOW THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL BE REVEALED - even BEFORE Christ comes!
The DEVIL's purpose IS to destroy the testimony. Witness, Evidence of GOD in this world of which he is Prince. He would obliterate all knowledge of God, and finally destroy His Image universally.
He has been planning for this down through the millenia, and NOW we see a quickening of his purposes coming into effect; a hastening of the fulfilment of his plans as the 'Tide of Iniquity' roles in upon our planet, covering up every memorial and landmark witnessing to the FACT of GOD, and even endeavouring to blot out EVERY 'Lighthouse'; every Voice of Warning, every Trumpet sound made by ANY 'Watchman, to the end that none will be saved. We live today in VERY dangerous waters able to come upon us suddenly to carry us off into eternal darkness and enslavement.
What has happened ? The END is upon us, the Return of the King of all the Earth, JESUS, is upon us, and Satan knows this for sure. He would prevent it, forestall it, deceive us and divert us all from BEING READY - but the TRUTH has been given to us. We are able to ESCAPE from Satan's net.
BUT Satan is no fool. He is said to be VERY clever and wily. He has from the beginning continually attacked Mankind, and endeavoured more and more to 'pull the carpet', so to speak, from under his feet by encouraging Man away from giving heed to GOD, and instead helping him to believe his way is better, more enlightened. Ever since he first spoke to Eve, Satan has continued to bring doubt upon God's Word, and about our understanding of it. And the CHURCH which has endeavoured to be a 'repository' of the TRUTH, has not been forgotten by Satan, and he has managed to worm his way in, and bring doubt and confusion even there. The Church has forgotten the TRUTH and replaced it with humanist and modernist doctrines unhelpful to life. Those who went to seek for comfort, deliverance, and even LIFE - those who, sick with sin, went to find Healing and Forgiveness have more and more found nothing at all. It is CHRIST that draws people. He alone who has the ANSWER to their problems. Lift HIM up and the churches would be full, but cover Him up, hide and misrepresent His Good News, and none will listen. Like rats discovering their ship has holes in it, they will RUN. The will leave the churches.
But this is not the only reason they will leave. The majority growing up and being born see no need of attending church even as a traditional duty - the see themselves less and less as sinners!!
BUT the decline in attendance had begun.
To me these church buildings are synonymous with the English Countryside, and they witness to the continuing presence of God everywhere one goes. I could never get on with the idea of turning such buildings, even Chapels, into furniture stores, cinemas, and other commercial enterprises. Churches are built for God and God alone, and the very fact that their only use is to be filled with the Praise and Glory God always gave me a sense of His Holiness and Awe on entering. To me they still have this effect upon me. But today we are told they may soon be extinct; empty monoliths slowly decaying or pulled down even, their stones used for some other purpose. Perhaps to become quite unable to even bring to mind the original reason for their existence - like Stonehenge or Aylesbury Ring. It could happen. Yes! A day when even the Name of JESUS will be forgotten.............
WHY, what has happened? Jesus said, concerning the last days, and the state of the last generation of Man upon the earth, that the Love of many would become cold. The interest for God in the hearts of the people would become COLD. INIQUITY will cover the earth!! St.Paul writing in the 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians 2v3 also supports this when he says ' Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come (the Day when Jesus returns) except there come a falling away first - unless the apostasy comes first (unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christian has come).....' And for my part I believe we have every reason to believe and see that this is well on the way to being fulfilled - certainly in the United Kingdom and also in the United States of America. Please understand that I do not only link this 'falling away' to the Church of England alone either. This situation will be felt and realised by all Christian Witness everywhere. ANY TIME NOW THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL BE REVEALED - even BEFORE Christ comes!
The DEVIL's purpose IS to destroy the testimony. Witness, Evidence of GOD in this world of which he is Prince. He would obliterate all knowledge of God, and finally destroy His Image universally.
He has been planning for this down through the millenia, and NOW we see a quickening of his purposes coming into effect; a hastening of the fulfilment of his plans as the 'Tide of Iniquity' roles in upon our planet, covering up every memorial and landmark witnessing to the FACT of GOD, and even endeavouring to blot out EVERY 'Lighthouse'; every Voice of Warning, every Trumpet sound made by ANY 'Watchman, to the end that none will be saved. We live today in VERY dangerous waters able to come upon us suddenly to carry us off into eternal darkness and enslavement.
What has happened ? The END is upon us, the Return of the King of all the Earth, JESUS, is upon us, and Satan knows this for sure. He would prevent it, forestall it, deceive us and divert us all from BEING READY - but the TRUTH has been given to us. We are able to ESCAPE from Satan's net.
BUT Satan is no fool. He is said to be VERY clever and wily. He has from the beginning continually attacked Mankind, and endeavoured more and more to 'pull the carpet', so to speak, from under his feet by encouraging Man away from giving heed to GOD, and instead helping him to believe his way is better, more enlightened. Ever since he first spoke to Eve, Satan has continued to bring doubt upon God's Word, and about our understanding of it. And the CHURCH which has endeavoured to be a 'repository' of the TRUTH, has not been forgotten by Satan, and he has managed to worm his way in, and bring doubt and confusion even there. The Church has forgotten the TRUTH and replaced it with humanist and modernist doctrines unhelpful to life. Those who went to seek for comfort, deliverance, and even LIFE - those who, sick with sin, went to find Healing and Forgiveness have more and more found nothing at all. It is CHRIST that draws people. He alone who has the ANSWER to their problems. Lift HIM up and the churches would be full, but cover Him up, hide and misrepresent His Good News, and none will listen. Like rats discovering their ship has holes in it, they will RUN. The will leave the churches.
But this is not the only reason they will leave. The majority growing up and being born see no need of attending church even as a traditional duty - the see themselves less and less as sinners!!
THIS WEEK, in Eldoret, has been comparatively COLD with temperatures in the 60fs. It is strange that it should feel cold since in other places it might feel quite warm. We are quite far inland of course, and more important we are 6.000ft above sea level. The skies are grey and gloomy with heavy cloud, AND a fair amount of RAIN still. But this IS the Season, and we have needed rain so much after the long dry season,.
TODAY Testimony School held its first Meeting of the School Alumni. Not too many came, but in December this year we shall hold the 1st Annual Luncheon, and we expect to have quite a few hundred coming to that.
TOMORROW we are expecting to BAPTISE some of our School Children in our Swimming Pool!
Brrrrh!!! Probably about 6 or eight will go through the waters. You really must WANT to be Baptised to brave the cold at this time of year. It will form part of our Sunday Morning Service which usually begins here about 10.30 Kenya Time.
NEXT FRIDAY will be our Board's Annual General Meeting
We are all (me, Esther, Helen and Jesse) still having colds and coughs. Still we are improving and we are managing to cope with our various duties and chores. We do thank God for your prayers and for His Hand upon our lives, and those of all our many children.
Not much else this week. The Lord has sustained us until now, and we have rejoiced to see our situation improving. We do thank you all who have prayed for us and even contributed toward our Provision. The Lord Bless you all.
Lovingly in His Name
John, Esther and Daryl Green
Saturday 13 June 2015
This House was opened on
Saturday, 13th June 2015, with Supplication and Prayer,
as the Family moved from the Old to the NEW House.
We witness to this Happening
with Thanksgiving to God,
and also through Him to Stuart and Janet Brown
The Kirkdale Trust
It is a Miracle in our eyes
The Old Jacaranda Cottage, sited opposite the old,
was originally purchased by Testimony Faith Homes in 1975.
Francis and Elaine Wainaina were it first Houseparents.
Looking across to the OLD house from the veranda of the NEW! |
I am actually writing this on Friday evening, having been in the new house with Daryl most of the day helping to prepare for the 'Move' tomorrow morning. It is a beautiful and well built house, full of light and brilliance. As I sat to take a moments 'breather' and looked around me I was impressed to see it all completed. In the six months it has been in the build WE, as a group of Christians working with and for children, were going through a very bad time financially, and our faith continually suffered knocks and buffets, bringing us - of course - to our knees, and at the same time making us realised how little faith we really had!! I believe God does this all the time really. I often re-read Deuteronomy 8 where God openly declared that he put Israel to the Test in order to find out what was in THEIR hearts to ward Him - to find out how much they REALLY trusted in Him. I also think He put Israel through the Trial in order for THEM to realise how little Faith THEY themselves really had for God. He shook them out of lethargy and sloth; out of taking life for granted, and made them realise their need of HIM
Pastor Ondang'a giving a short address from the Bible |
J.A. Green giving a short word |
Part of the Jacaranda Family with Mum on the left and Dad on the right. |
The CHILDREN with their houseparents and Daryl were all awake EARLY moving furniture and other possessions into the new House. At 12 noon the Chairman of our Board, arrived to join with us in Opening the House. All the parents of our FOUR Homes were present, as was Esther and myself. Additionally most of the Children of the Jacaranda Family, and our Pastor. We all crowded into the Sitting Room and open plan Dining Room of the New House together. There were hymns, Prayers and Dedication, Speeches, and then a Cake cutting ceremony, and the sharing of light snacks with Soda. It all went SO well, and we felt the Presence of the Lord our God to be very much with us. It was all over by 2p.m. when we left the 'Family' to finish moving and to slowly settle into their new accommodation. This has been a Special Day for Daryl. He has put a great deal of personal energy and hard work into bringing it all to pass.
SIZZLERS - On Wednesday Daryl and I discovered the Cafe was once again OPEN! The corrugated tin was removed from the frontage revealing three concrete columns rising from the curbside and soaring upwards - obviously to support new expansion of the second floor of the building; maybe even to a third floor. Daryl and I dropped in for a coffee and discovered the Cafe must still move, but that a Court injunction provided for them to be given a proper Notice and time to find alternative premises. SO 'Sizzlers' will still be vanishing from it old site, but with the distinct hope that it will resurrect itself somewhere else in town.
THIS WEEK I have been concerned about the state of the Church of England, or the Anglican Church, as it is known worldwide. My concern may be encouraged by sentimental reasons on the one part but, more seriously upon the deteriorating Faith and Testimony of the Church. Rather co-incidentally I have come across TWO other articles concerned with the same issue.
The Church of England has been used of God in my own life, and it is indeed very sad to here that is now thought to be dying.Archbishop George Carey (Retired) recently said "Church of England faces Extinction"
In the Spectator, in another article, I read the headline '2067: the end of British Christianity'. I feel a need to comment on this, and hope to begin next week.
UNTIL THEN I must once more bid you all 'Farewell'. May you all continue to know the Presence of God in your daily lives, and to receive the benefit of knowing Him - Jeremiah 9v24-25
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches, BUT LET HIM THAT GLORIETH glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth ME, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
Lovingly in He Who is on the way!
John, Esther and Daryl Green
Saturday 6 June 2015
SIZZLERS CAFE, in ELDORET, Kenya, taken from the pavement outside. We have been visiting for an occasional fish, chicken, steak, burger and chips for almost forty years!! And NOW it has been removed. The premises has been rented all these long years from the owner, who suddenly decided to walk in a week ago and demand the Renters LEAVE with immediate effect. They had nowhere to go, and so currently the frontage is 'tinned up' with corrugated iron. The shock of being confronted with this SCAR where once a Greeting and good food was looked forward to has been quite severe. Sizzlers has been a family business, and even the waiters have been in longtime service and part of the scene for almost as long as the Cafe itself. It will be hard for them to find a new job after so long in one place - and some of them not so young any more. SIZZLERS has always been known for good, reliable food, and the best prices in town. CAN they really be kicked out of their rented premises after forty years WITHOUT notice? Well it seems so. It will be MISSED. Kenyatta Street will never be the same to those of us who have actually LIVED here for more than a day. When Esther and I first arrived in Eldoret Sizzlers had not begun, BUT it had a previous existence, just a street away, in Oginga Odinga Street. I think it was then 'Sparks Cafe'.
ANYWAY perhaps this is just another - the latest - CHANGE on the face of Eldoret, and one of the oldest little 'landmarks' to vanish from its well known location.
THIS MORNING THE SKIES ABOVE ARE GREY AND louring. The Sun barely able to penetrate its rays through this thick bank of cloud. It is cool as well, and DAMP from daily showers of quite heavy rain. NOT too cheerful but at least DUST FREE. The Town seems more over crowded than ever, especially with traffic. A real trial to do shopping, and also to transport our external School students to and fro - so many traffic jams, and at times one is hemmed in and STUCK for almost an hour at a time. And we are only a 'small town' of a million or so souls.
AND HERE, AT LAST, almost 6 months to the day we began, is the NEW Jacaranda Cottage! In the distance, to the left, you can see the end wall of Drakeley Cottage. If you study the photo you will see how the land slopes downward - the new building obviously lower than Drakeley.
Also you can see that the new house has had to be set LOWER than the surrounding ground to the left. The whole Plot slopes steeply down to the road below.. Daryl is in town buying curtain material, and we plan NEXT Saturday to have a small Family Gathering to PRAY the family IN and for the Blessing on the House.
THEN the Macharia's and the Jacaranda Family will MOVE IN, and begin to make history in this new home. THE OLD Jacaranda has still not been demolished of course, and at this stage we are not quite sure what will happen. There is still a possibility that we might convert the mud brick end into a Day Care Centre, and the breeze block end into a small Training Centre for School leavers - BUT it is still being prayed about, and no firm decisions have been made. We do not want to waste anything, and although the old building IS OLD and depreciated, if we might still make temporary use of it whilst waiting to ADD something more useful and profitable to the Ministry, then we do not want to miss an opportunity. We have waited MANY years in prayer for this NEW House. We waited in patience, and NOW it is here, and we can SEE it, and reach out our hands and TOUCH it. Amazing and Wonderful - a Miracle.Surely our Thanks rise up to our Father in Heaven, and through Him to the DONORS that His Holy Spirit spoke to and inspired to be His Hands of Provision. Hallelujah. !!!!
ESTHER arrived back from her Nairobi trip on Monday afternoon. Was truly glad to see her. She had enjoyed meeting old friends and associates, and it had been a very special time for her. She found us all well except me, currently labouring with a rather chesty cough and cold. Probably due the changing seasons. I have always been prone to change of weather. Also most colds go to my chest, and take a while to clear. Otherwise well and in good spirits.
Just looking up from my computer, through the nearby window I have caught sight, even on this inclement day, a whole lot of swimmers splashing away in the Pool! I am sure they are all having a wonderful time - and probably do not even notice it is COLD ! Our team of 10 swimmers were in Nairobi recently competing with another 70 schools, some from Tanzania and Uganda. We did very well and the Team came 10th overall, with many individuals attaining gold and silver medals.
DO YOU REMEMBER a TV Series known as STARGATE? The photo to the left is of the actual Stargate from the Series. A Gateway into another dimension, another place in another time, and something more and more identifiable with what astro science refers to as 'worm-holes' or short cuts to another place in space!! It was a popular series, and it is therefore interesting when comparing the general idea behind it with C.E.R.N.
The PHOTO below is of part of the interior of C.E.R.N in Switzerland. Specifically this huge project, covering an area greater than two football fields, is a large Hadron Collider - an atom accelerator built in order to discover how matter came into existence.
BUT are they also researching into other things - things that are perhaps not so healthy - even dangerous? A lot is being talked about. But, and IF, this project could in fact become some kind of 'stargate' then not only could man begin a new kind of Space exploration, but we might find other worlds invading OUR world through such a Gateway - such a worm-hole - and this week I read that at least ONE of the scientists working within CERN have agreed that one of the outworking of CERN is to produce 'worm-holes' in Space.
CREEPY goings on underground. And the vast majority of of us know nothing at all about it. I commend study and investigation of this Project. On the other hand do not believe everything you may read on the Net.
I am signing off for this week. God has taken care of us for week gone by, and we are Glad and Thankful. May our Father also Bless each and every one of you, and keep us all together in prayer and care, for each other through all the days ahead.
Lovingly in Jesus
John, Esther, and Daryl Green
ANYWAY perhaps this is just another - the latest - CHANGE on the face of Eldoret, and one of the oldest little 'landmarks' to vanish from its well known location.
THIS MORNING THE SKIES ABOVE ARE GREY AND louring. The Sun barely able to penetrate its rays through this thick bank of cloud. It is cool as well, and DAMP from daily showers of quite heavy rain. NOT too cheerful but at least DUST FREE. The Town seems more over crowded than ever, especially with traffic. A real trial to do shopping, and also to transport our external School students to and fro - so many traffic jams, and at times one is hemmed in and STUCK for almost an hour at a time. And we are only a 'small town' of a million or so souls.
AND HERE, AT LAST, almost 6 months to the day we began, is the NEW Jacaranda Cottage! In the distance, to the left, you can see the end wall of Drakeley Cottage. If you study the photo you will see how the land slopes downward - the new building obviously lower than Drakeley.
Also you can see that the new house has had to be set LOWER than the surrounding ground to the left. The whole Plot slopes steeply down to the road below.. Daryl is in town buying curtain material, and we plan NEXT Saturday to have a small Family Gathering to PRAY the family IN and for the Blessing on the House.
THEN the Macharia's and the Jacaranda Family will MOVE IN, and begin to make history in this new home. THE OLD Jacaranda has still not been demolished of course, and at this stage we are not quite sure what will happen. There is still a possibility that we might convert the mud brick end into a Day Care Centre, and the breeze block end into a small Training Centre for School leavers - BUT it is still being prayed about, and no firm decisions have been made. We do not want to waste anything, and although the old building IS OLD and depreciated, if we might still make temporary use of it whilst waiting to ADD something more useful and profitable to the Ministry, then we do not want to miss an opportunity. We have waited MANY years in prayer for this NEW House. We waited in patience, and NOW it is here, and we can SEE it, and reach out our hands and TOUCH it. Amazing and Wonderful - a Miracle.Surely our Thanks rise up to our Father in Heaven, and through Him to the DONORS that His Holy Spirit spoke to and inspired to be His Hands of Provision. Hallelujah. !!!!
ESTHER arrived back from her Nairobi trip on Monday afternoon. Was truly glad to see her. She had enjoyed meeting old friends and associates, and it had been a very special time for her. She found us all well except me, currently labouring with a rather chesty cough and cold. Probably due the changing seasons. I have always been prone to change of weather. Also most colds go to my chest, and take a while to clear. Otherwise well and in good spirits.
Just looking up from my computer, through the nearby window I have caught sight, even on this inclement day, a whole lot of swimmers splashing away in the Pool! I am sure they are all having a wonderful time - and probably do not even notice it is COLD ! Our team of 10 swimmers were in Nairobi recently competing with another 70 schools, some from Tanzania and Uganda. We did very well and the Team came 10th overall, with many individuals attaining gold and silver medals.
DO YOU REMEMBER a TV Series known as STARGATE? The photo to the left is of the actual Stargate from the Series. A Gateway into another dimension, another place in another time, and something more and more identifiable with what astro science refers to as 'worm-holes' or short cuts to another place in space!! It was a popular series, and it is therefore interesting when comparing the general idea behind it with C.E.R.N.
The PHOTO below is of part of the interior of C.E.R.N in Switzerland. Specifically this huge project, covering an area greater than two football fields, is a large Hadron Collider - an atom accelerator built in order to discover how matter came into existence.
BUT are they also researching into other things - things that are perhaps not so healthy - even dangerous? A lot is being talked about. But, and IF, this project could in fact become some kind of 'stargate' then not only could man begin a new kind of Space exploration, but we might find other worlds invading OUR world through such a Gateway - such a worm-hole - and this week I read that at least ONE of the scientists working within CERN have agreed that one of the outworking of CERN is to produce 'worm-holes' in Space.
CREEPY goings on underground. And the vast majority of of us know nothing at all about it. I commend study and investigation of this Project. On the other hand do not believe everything you may read on the Net.
I am signing off for this week. God has taken care of us for week gone by, and we are Glad and Thankful. May our Father also Bless each and every one of you, and keep us all together in prayer and care, for each other through all the days ahead.
Lovingly in Jesus
John, Esther, and Daryl Green
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