ALL REMAINS THE SAME. to some extent, and the School remains closed to the public. Our own children from our four Family Homes are attending privately in the mornings only, Monday to Friday, but otherwise all is at a standstill. (refer my previous blogs)
BUT, the latest news is that the Government will open Primary Class 8, the National Examination Class, in October.........AND ONLY if School Managements have been able to provide for all the laid down rules and procedures necessary, as laid down by Government. This will include provision of properly spaced seating in class, and also outside. ( this will class population my almost half, and need us to utilise accommodation not usually used). Also provision of ONE 'Hand Washing Station' for every fifty students and staff in the School (in our case 16 stations), properly sited throughout the property. This has to be effected BEFORE final permission to open publicly is granted. In addition a 45page Booklet of instruction as to how children/teachers are frequently checked for any symptom of the Virus C.16 and thereafter duly monitored, has been issued to all Schools. WE are not happy about any of it, and still fear that we shall nt manage to continue as we were, if at all!
The major problem is for us to be able to see enough of our paying students from the locality being able to be admitted and paying, in order to allow the School Management to continue paying its commitment to the Bank, and to also permit payment of necessary Teachers Salaries. For example even to open Class 8 alone will need almost a full compliment of staff to instruct and administer it. To provide the overhead expenses we MUST have enough paying students to bring in the income.
Then again we have to update the way the School is set up, and find the money to do so, BEFORE we can even be permitted to open. We see possible delay after delay. SO, for the moment, we feel unable to see clearly - and this in concert with most of the rest of Schools both Government and Private - WHEN or even IF we can resume. We may still have to consider re-tooling in order to recover our loses, and more immediately in settling our liabilities with the Bank which loaned a substantial amount to the School for building works repayable through expected School Fee collection. Without this income we are faced with a problem. ADDITIONALLY, if we are eventually unable to open the School, we shall then have to find alternative education for our children in other schools - if any will be having space for them, AND we shall have to PAY.
Of course we feel that a good part of our problem has been in allowing the School to take out Loans from the Bank in order to expand. We should not have done this. Better to have developed with less haste and contented. BUT we did not. We have had to learn the lesson the hard way - STILL learning it in fact! We have laid all this out in front of the LORD, and we are Waiting upon HIM to deliver us in this situation - but we have also been willing to do what we can. We have considered selling between half, or one, acre of our land. This would go a long way to settling a large part of our problem, but so far ( in the present climate economically ) we have not found a buyer. We do ask you all to PRAY for the School, and Testimony as a whole, at this time.
I also ask your understanding in not sharing all this a little earlier, but we were all quietly in prayer, as we continue to be, and felt rather 'silenced' and rather chastened. But we have not felt forsaken of God, and we still have enjoyed the assurance that we are walking still with the KING and that HE holds our hands. We look for the salvation that we know is with Him, and we are not afraid.
AND WE ALL AS A FAMILY - in Testimony Faith Children's Family
ARE WELL, but still rather locked IN.
WITHIN the Homes we have been kept healthy, with no one falling ill of ANY complaint, AND also fed and able to pay our way, as a united family. The very visible and physical provision of all that we have need to live a quiet and happy life has only confirmed to us that JESUS hears our prayers and proves the Love of God to us through the loving care those who hear His Voice so faithfully send or bring to us. We Lift up His Name, and as we do so we forget none that have sent in the mail, or brought to our very door, our daily bread and salvation. In this we continue True to our name, and remain a Testimony to His Faithful Word as He first showed us in Matthew 6v6. Hallelujah.
It is now now SIX months C.19 commenced. The children could have become unruly, even rioteous, but instead they have risen to the challenge quietly and patiently. Yes, there have been one or two who wanted to kick over the traces, but on the whole we thank God, for His Holy Spirit who has permeated our compounds. As you know we privately opened morning school classes for our kids, and it has been a real success and encouragement. In the afternoons they play, and also offer themselves to any work or need they may find - and there is a steady stream, since we are now short staffed, and not able to apply to usual sources of help from the town. But it has been a joy, and has improved the entire atmosphere, taking us further in our dream of being a real 'family' unitedly together.
Right now I am typing this in a rain storm, as I sit on our veranda, but not far away a group of our teenage boys are busy building a shelter for firewood - very industrious and lots of laughter. Children constantly running by me, coming and going from one home to other - all wanting to greet me, and some visiting Abigail in the house. Everywhere activity and gladness, smiling faces and also happy voices. As grandparents to so many I think Esther and I have a great time.
Our crops are growing, our cows are giving birth, and yielding more and more milk, and our hens our laying eggs. Truly we are blessed. Our Sunday Services are full of Praise, and the Word of God, and JOY. Seventeen have asked for Baptism, in recent weeks, and we shall be making provision for them all quite soon. And our Pastor and his wife have just celebrated their first year of being with us, and in proving their Calling into our midst. We are so glad and thankful to God for them.
Confirmed Cases 36,709 including 148 as on the above date.
Recoveries 23,709
Deaths 646
The Government is still taking the situation very seriously, but it does not look that serious to the man n the street - especially outside of Nairobi.
A good friend and brother in Christ sent me this item he found on You Tube which I have also viewed with interest. I do not look at every Conspiracy Theory on this subject, but on the hand I have never felt satisfied at the official off load of information about this Virus. I think this particular item is worth looking at - even especially now when it looks like the world is going crazy about it for a second time, and also considering the awful side effects of the Virus in the world around us.
Look up on the net - cummins OR
I have found it on Face book here quite directly and easily
Ivor Cummins is Irish, and has gone to lot of trouble in his research. He believes C.19 is just another Influenza virus, and that it is following what every other previous such Virus has done before, going well back hundreds of years. He believes we could have treated it just as any other previous Covid (Influenza) Virus, and we would still have seen as many deaths as we have actually seen before. It looks as if we have been conned into treating this particular C.19 as something that it isn't, and exposing the whole world to unnecessary turmoil, and untold economic damage. In these days we all need to take care the Enemy is not taking us ALL for a ride, and making us to be miss-led.
DARYL has his hands full these days with many things to think and pray about; we do commit him to you all that you might spare a prayer for him. He is not so good at putting pen to paper as me, but he needs encouragement, especially now that I am less and less able to be in the midst of all he has to contend with.
Esther and and I are fine and dandy. God Bless you all. We ALL send you are love in Jesus.
John, Esther and Daryl Green