CONTINUING expansion of our Poultry Unit to cater for more Layers by providing more space has been going on during the past week. The floor space has been laid down, and the posts that will carry the walls are also in place.
ADDITIONALLY a faulty sewer line that extends from Drakeley Cottage down to Jacaranda and thence to Tyndale Cottages was put in during 2007 with inferior piping. Over the last two weeks it has been relayed with with strong piping of a wider dimension, together with new and improved man-holes. The photo on the left shows a section where the existing pipe has actually broken, and even shattered. The NEW pipe has also been laid with extra manholes to ensure easier access for cleaning and servicing. The manholes are not shown in these photos as they will be put in one by one since the line is in daily use, and we cannot stop the flow of sewerage for too long at a time. Now that the piping is all in place they will put a manhole in section by section.
These improvements have once again originated from the kind hearts and interest of Tyndale Christian School in Adelaide, South Australia, and other friends there with them. The Tyndale 2017 Team of Students and Staff are expected on the 3rd July, and will themselves give their strength and enthusiasm to finishing off these works for us, and also sharing their energy with NEEMA Children's Home just up the road from us, run by Miriam and Joshua Mbithi.
As I mentioned before, Hesketh and Alice MULI are now employed full time as RELIEF Houseparents, filling in for other parents when they take their Day Off and usual Holidays. This has worked out very well, with Hesketh also Personnel Manager and Alice working In Primary School.
Taking their place in Testimony House Hostel for boys is Mr. John OBIERO who came to us from the Eldoret Rescue Centre and with a wealth of experience in youth work, and counselling. His photo is to the left. He is happily married, but his wife and family live outside of the Homes
Below, also to the left, is a photo of our newly appointed Warden for the Jean Potts Hostel for Girls, who joined us just recently to take the place of Rosemary Odunga who had to leave us - Mrs. Grace Mwangi, a widow.
She is a lady with a lot of personal experience as a parent, and with Girls. She has immediately fitted in as 'Mother' and is already settled and part of the Team. We feel very fortunate in having her with us, and to know the Girls are in good hands and happy.
When we opened Testimony House as a Hostel we had 38 boys eighteen and over. Some have now left, or on the verge of leaving, to take up jobs and the challenge of an independent life. Others are still in Secondary School with us. BUT in January MORE will have come of age and will graduate from their Children's Home to one or other of the two Hostels. So far it is working fairly well, and the initial discomfort caused by the change in situation seems to have passed. Only 8 Girls currently still resident in the Hostel, but also next January will see more join them - and more than double their current number.
Below, also to the left, is a photo of our newly appointed Warden for the Jean Potts Hostel for Girls, who joined us just recently to take the place of Rosemary Odunga who had to leave us - Mrs. Grace Mwangi, a widow.
She is a lady with a lot of personal experience as a parent, and with Girls. She has immediately fitted in as 'Mother' and is already settled and part of the Team. We feel very fortunate in having her with us, and to know the Girls are in good hands and happy.
When we opened Testimony House as a Hostel we had 38 boys eighteen and over. Some have now left, or on the verge of leaving, to take up jobs and the challenge of an independent life. Others are still in Secondary School with us. BUT in January MORE will have come of age and will graduate from their Children's Home to one or other of the two Hostels. So far it is working fairly well, and the initial discomfort caused by the change in situation seems to have passed. Only 8 Girls currently still resident in the Hostel, but also next January will see more join them - and more than double their current number.
James Manu, our son of 33 years, was admitted into Hospital here on Wednesday with suspected Pneumonia. THEN (because he had developed a severe, dry, and painful cough) the Medics thought he may have T.B. He has been in hospital four days now, and they seem little nearer to coming to a definite diagnosis with a definite Treatment. We are quite concerned for him, especially as he has barely recovered from the Treatment for his eyes. God knows. He is taking it all quite well, but not without anxiety. Please continue to pray for him.
Between visiting Manu, endeavouring to get our Half Yearly Accounts ready, shopping, spending time on visitors and friends that drop in during most days, the hours go by like a flash on some days - today having been one of them. Esther and I continue to Thanks God for good health, and for strength of mind and body. His Presence comforts us! God bless you, each and every one, and
watch over you through every day.
With our much Love in Jesus, praying always for you