Monday 28 May 2018


THIS IS A RECENT PHOTO of deforestation in Kenya.     This has been going on here for decades. President Daniel arap Moi was one of the first to try and control it, and augmented a determined effort to stop logging and plant more trees, with himself visibly at the fore.    It did not last for long, and is now worse than before.     Currently President Kenyatta has put a 90 day ban on logging, and has called for a national investigation to discover just how bad things are.    They are BAD.
Lake Nakuru
And it is not just the forests that are being cut down but our freshwater lakes and rivers are being polluted and diminished.     If the world is concerned about plastic waste in the oceans and rivers, WE should be no less concerned about our own waterways and lakes, which have also become dumping grounds for man made garbage and waste, including chemical and factory waste.  Wild life is now appropriately at risk and even radical danger.    Kenya has not seemed too successful at controlling the environmental pillage that goes on every day.    Taken together with the continuing problem of damage caused by poaching of our Wild Life, we seem doomed to being more and more impoverished, until we shall become a total desert land.      So sad.    So irresponsible.
We ourselves feel so blessed to live on a well watered gift of land with beautiful and varied trees that seem to just draw down the rain.   Truly blessed.   Everything so green and lush just now.    How good it is to cultivate a caring attitude for what God, in His Grace, has given us to protect and guard.

A while back I was asked to comment on 'Conserving the Environment' during a Conference here in Eldoret.     Nothing has changed really since then - circa 2014.

According to the World Science Congress, meeting in the U.S.A. recently (2014), NOT MUCH!  They say that by 2046 Planet Earth will not be able to support life as we know it - without a 'miracle'?   (the projected date given here has not changed).

HOW has the Environment become so endangered?   Through indiscriminate de-forestation worldwide;   though Pollution of the Air;   through pollution of the rivers, lakes and oceans of the world.     WHO, or WHAT is responsible for this?     MAN himself.   He is responsible.  He has FAILED to be the CARETAKER he was Appointed by God to be.

Prophesying about the Last Days, in Isaiah 24v2 of the Old Testament of the Bible, Isaiah says
The land and the earth shall be utterly laid waste
and utterly pillaged.  For the LORD has said this.
The land and the earth mourn and wither;
the world languishes and withers.....
They are defiled by their inhabitants, because they 
have transgressed the Laws,
discarded the Statutes, and broken the
Everlasting Covenant.
THEREFORE, a curse devours the land and the earth,
and they who dwell in it suffer the punishment of
their guilt.  THEREFORE, the inhabitants of the land
are scorched and parched under the curse of God's Wrath,
and few will be left.'

YES, it is Man that has defiled and spoiled the Earth, and its Ecology.  He has broken the Everlasting Covenant.
He has done it progressively as he has turned away from, and refused to keep God in mind, ignoring His Laws and Statutes.
Look at Deuteronomy 28v15, also in the Old Testament of the Bible.    Moses says -
'It shall come to pass that if you will not obey
the voice of the Lord your God, and in being watchful
to do all His Commandments and Statutes, 
then these Curses will overtake you.
Cursed shall you be in the city and in the field.
Cursed shall be your basket and kneading trouble.
Cursed shall be the fruit of your body, of your land
and of the increase of your cattle and your sheep....
....The Lord shall make the rain of your land 
powdered soil and dust; from the heavens it shall
come down upon you till you are destroyed.'

Without GOD in the equation of life, the result will always be VERY negative.

IN THE BEGINNING - in Genesis2v15 of the Old Testament of the Bible, we find that  -
The LORD tool the Man (Adam) and PUT him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it, whilst at the same time obeying God's Commandment.
ADAM failed, in that he gave in to selfish temptations, putting his own interest before God's Word....and by doing so lost Eden.
LATER we find Adam's son CAIN having murdered and buried his brother, Abel.
God asks Cain saying 'WHERE is your brother, Abel?'
And Cain answered God, and said 'I do not know - Am I my brother's keeper?'
YES, of course he was; we are ALL, not just responsible for the world around us, but also for the welfare of each other.   The fact that we are IRRESPONSIBLE clearly demonstrates how far we have strayed from God's original Plan and Purpose.
It is as we FORGET God, that we come to destroy ourselves and our environment.
WE become the ones at fault.   Instead of TAKING CARE, we have exploited (selfishly utilised) God's Provision till it has become totally exhausted.

We have winked at what is against God's Holy Ordinance, and laid ourselves and the Nations open  to evil and even a Curse.
ISAIAH, talking of these days says that the problem will be........
'As with the people, so with the priest.'     
Yes even the people of God will be found having deserted their responsibility as Watchmen and Watch-women to the rest of Mankind, failing to Blow the Trumpet of Alarm, and Wake Up!
JEREMIAH 3v2 says ' Lift up your eyes......and SEE.... you have polluted the land with your harlotry's, and your wickedness/ THEREFORE, for this reason the showers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain'    It is not just the exploitation Ecology that causes a decline in our Stewardship of the world environment, but but the erosion of our moral fibre.
The People of God - especially - are meant to WATCH, and to ALERT the people, and to avert the Judgement of God by bringing men to repentance ( a change of heart and mind ).
This Nation of Kenya, stalked and hunted as it is by Corruption, sickness, and famine, has seen serious change in its climate; a change linked to its own carelessness in considering the Ecology.   We have suffered, increasingly (and continue to suffer year after year), increased drought in many areas, with human lives, and even livestock perishing.    Ours forests cut down and not replenished, our rainfall either too much or too little, and our industries using our rivers and lakes as dumping ground for poison and chemical waste.    
The Scientists, looking at similar neglect throughout the world, say there is now no hope!   Life as we know it will soon be impossible on this Planet.   Man has run out of answers.      Indeed with all the talk we now hear of trying to colonise OTHER planets, it would seem Man has given up thinking there is a way out, and that if he is to remain alive and well, then he must seriously look for somewhere else to GO.     There is very little ACTION being taken in order to reverse the situation on Earth

AND IT IS TRUE, without God in our thoughts, there is virtually NOTHING that CAN be successfully attempted.. ....
Nothing that can truly IMPROVE the Harvests or the Industrial  growth rate.  Nothing that will conserve the Environment.    And the Scientific World is not hiding the Truth from us.  Things have gone too far.    -     There may not be time to make a Remedy.
With GOD something might be done!

Look at 2. Chronicles 7v14  -   'If My People pray - if My People that are called by My Name pray - (If the JEWS. the CHRISTIANS - out of all the peoples of the Earth - would pray........SOME may want to limit this answer to refer ONLY to the Jew and Christian only, but I would rather put it another way still, and say  -IF ALL THOSE who will seek ME, with all their heart, and believe they have found Me, whoever and wherever, they are in the world, - and humble themselves and Pray, and seek My face, and turn away from their wicked selfish ways, THEN........
THEN I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and HEAL THE LAND - (The Earth).
JEREMIAH 29v13 says - 'And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart - and I will be found of you.....'      We all, each one of us, can decide to look for God, and when we do so sincerely wanting to discover His will for our life in the world we live in, then we have opportunity to find Him, and to become a tool in His Hand.

Prayer is not enough on its own.   We have to humble ourselves, and to see ourselves in need of CHANGE; of repentance; a turning around of our life and vision.
The Bible says that IF we would commit ourselves to DOING God's Word, then the first verses of Deuteronomy 28 will take effect --
Every Blessing will come upon us and overtake us, so that BLESSED we shall be in the cit and the field.  Blessed shall be the fruit of our body, the fruit of our ground, and the fruit of our beasts.   Blessed shall be our basket, and our kneading trough.    Blessed shall we be, in abundance, till the Lord shall make us to have a surplus of prosperity.

If we fail to arouse ourselves, to DO this, and to SEEK God's Will, then we shall have nothing to hand on to our children and grandchildren except a worsening world climate and society, that in less than fifty years will make it impossible to live.
We MUST turn back to God, and serve HIM, rather than ourselves.   THEN with HIM by our side, we can perhaps make a difference, and delay what is coming upon the Earth and Humanity.    We may even prevent it altogether.
There is no other way to Conserve the Environment, and to see Agricultural and Industrial growth of any permanent or ongoing nature.

NOTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE 2014, but we DO see a worsening, and there is already a world anxiety and unrest that is bringing even now 'distress of nations in bewilderment and perplexity (without resources left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn......
Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world..........(The Gospel of LUKE 21v25-26 - The Amplified Bible)

GOD BLESS and be with you.      Keep Awake, and BE Ready to be Court Away The Holy Spirit at ANY time.

John, Esther and Daryl Green

Monday 21 May 2018


YESTERDAY, MANY WERE WATCHING THE 'WEDDING' - the Wedding of Prince Henry of Wales and his fiancee Meghan Markle, who will from now on be known as their Royal Highnessess, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.         An amazing spectacle and, I suspect perhaps a radical turning point in British Social Life and standards.     There was a 'Euphoria' about it all that reminded me of the funeral of Princess Diana   - especially where this affected the general populace;    not funerial at all, but a kind of general 'family - familia' attitude.     And this was added to by so many American cousins attending and appearing in a similar 'holiday' - and even 'identification' with the -  spirit and mood of the Day.      Certainly a Royal occasion, though somehow compromised at times by a kind of T.V. Soap Opera atmosphere.    One of those commenting was heard saying that she expected the Wedding to be 'both an example of tradition and modernity.'     Both words sounded empty of 'sincerity' and spiritual meaning.    A film set scenario, very interesting, and thought provoking to watch.   And the Sermon was outstanding!!     BUT I AM NOT intending to comment more on this topic - at least not just now.

AT THE END OF THE BLOG for last week, I mentioned that we had received some more young children into the Homes.     I thought I would enclose photos of just a few this time round, and add a little more about them, and how they come to be with us.       For a year or so the Authorities seemed to ignore us, and we had NO Admissions from the Children's Office; it is, therefore, encouraging to find a slight thawing in their view of us, and a willingness to bring children to us.     I am unsure as to why this should be, but it may be the Government is finding plans for closing Children's Homes not quite as straight forward as was first thought.      Certainly the number of children in need of help is not diminishing.
In October 2015 we received three children from Eldoret Rescue Centre, - Faith 12, Emmanuel 8, and Beckham 7.     Their father had taken them to the Rescue because he said the mother had deserted the family, but in fact he had abused her, and she ran for her life.     He was imprisoned thereafter.  On learning where her children were, the mother visited and continued to visit.   She is about forty and has started a small business selling vegetables.     She also visited her husband in prison, and on his release they set up home together once more.    He also found a job, and during 2016 he and his wife applied to the Children's Office to have their children (still with us) returned to them.    We met with them also, and in 2017, in August it was agreed that their request be granted, though we continued to help with school fees for the children, near to where the parents lived.     All seemed to go well until this year.      Suddenly the mother appeared to say her husband had returned to his abusive behaviour and had tried to poison the children, and had now deserted.     She was again destitute and helpless to care for the children alone.       After discussion it was agreed that once again the children be brought under our care until she could improve her situation.     They arrived back last week as already mentioned  before.     They are SO happy, and already behaving as if they had never left.      We are are helping their mother to re-establish herself in small business (the one she had had to cease due to her husband's determination to have any money she made for himself.)       We hope she will be able to get herself secure.    Until then she will visit the kids at week-ends.     She seems a serious and level headed woman, anxious for the safety of her kids.

Then,. on the 12th May we Admitted Emmanuel Kemboi, 3, and his brother Moses Kibet, 6 into Tyndale Cottage.    Both children come from the Kaptagat area, about 20 kilometers from Eldoret.  The case was brought to our notice by the County Children's Department..    The children's mother had left home when Moses was just three years old, due to her husband's abuse; she left both children behind her with her husband, who then went on to abuse the children.  During one incident he drunkenly attacked the eldest child, Moses, and attempted to strangle him, prevented only by the intervention of a neighbour.  Both children where then taken to Eldoret Rescue Centre.     They spent some weeks there before being transferred to us.     BOTH children had been seriously affected by the treatment of their father (now on the run from the Police) and are still quite withdrawn.    I enclose photos of  Moses obtained from the Rescue Centre when admitted there, and you can clearly see the marks left at that time of his father's attempted strangulation.   
We especially ask you to pray with us for 3 year old Emmauel
who though not so physically hurt, suffered considerable mental upset and apprehension, having had to see his brother so brutally treated and having no way of escape from a truly terrifying situation.  Both children need spiritual healing, and without the loving help of the Holy Spirit may take some time to remove from their memory all they have been through.

In letting them join Tyndale Cottage and Micah and Catherine-Senge, we believe that the Lord Jesus will quickly be able to help them feel loved and cared for, and that their sense of security and well being will be restored to them.  The Tyndale Family is a fairly young family with not too many teenagers.     Also Micah and Senge will just lovingly reach out to them both.
MOSES may carry the scars on his neck for life, but we are in prayer that they may be helped to heal up completely with the help of that ' Balm of Gilead' Bishop Michael Curry referred to in his Wedding Sermon on Saturday.    Blessed BE the NAME of JESUS.
Emmanuel & Moses

'There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.'

NB - in the Photo of the boys together, Moses still looks a bit down and sorrowful.   He had just arrived, and now both he and Emannuel are beginning to gather confidence and happiness in their new home and family.       Both are already playing and making friends. 
BUT they speak no English, and so they will have to work hard to fit into School where teaching is in English, generally.    But we feel sure they will catch up.    Emmanuel will be in Play School, and Emmanuel may have to attend the Top Class of Nursery before transferring to Primary 1 later.     God's Holy Spirit will help them.


THE MONTH OF MAY seems to have flown by!    Weatherwise it has been a 'grey' month of cloud and rain and comparative cold!   Still the same today, as I sit typing this out.     I have to take time as it comes these days, and thus no longer can guarantee a regular Saturday Blog - just one whenever time allows.     With the opening of the 2nd School Term on 4th, the student tide rolled back in from the neighborhood.    But having gone on holiday spiritually on the up and up, they all seemed to returne devoid of their joy.     Usually on a Sunday morning the Church is packed, during Term, and when given chance to testify and otherwise share in the Service it is hard to hold them back.   Not so on their return.     Almost a dearth of spiritual life smothered us.      This Sunday I was the one ministering and chose 1.Peter 2v11.  'What are we doing - Where are we going?     I sat down without making any Appeal.    Pastor Wykliffe then got up, and just said one word, beckoning with his hand...
'COME!.........' and more than half of the congregation of 300 stood up and came to the front, many of them in tears.     It was quite wonderful...........and instead of finishing, the Meeting found itself in prayer and worship and re-dedication.      Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Our son JAMES Manu, is currently in Nairobi where he has been job seeking and also visiting friends.    His latest visit to the Eye Clinic was not so encouraging, as the occulist found too much pressure in his left eye. This has been persistent over his last three visits, and they have not discovered WHY.    On the other hand there did seem improvement visually, and although on this occassion Manu suffered some discomfort for some days afterwards, he now seem happy, and his eyes quiet.      This has been a long haul for him, and a worrying one.     BUT he is encouraged, and it has been good to see him looking forward into the future with a prospect of once more being an independant and employed member of the community at large.   This is a healthy change.       He has been much inspired to know so many have prayed, and are praying for him, and I know he would have me Thank you all, as Esther and I also do.      We believe Jesus will bring him through not merely to see, but to SEE God's vision and purpose for his life.        He could have died the day he was born, but God gave him LIFE, with an intelligent mind, and a generous and warm heart.     

Our Daughter in Law, JANET, married to our son Michael, has been told she must have a 'pace-maker' and will have one installed very soon now.     This is the culmination of many months, indeed years of illness which has taken some time for doctors to sort our.     It is not something she would have looked for, and in many respects is a huge disappointment for her.    Currently her Mum is there with her from Kenya, and so this will be of comfort and help.     Mike still working hard, and Liam, now four years old, also growing well and strong.     Please remember them all, as your remember us.
STEVEN, our son, may be visiting Kenya on business in the course of the next week or so, and if he does then he will surely try to fit in a visit with us - however short - and he is still hoping to be with us in July with our grandsons Eric Green and John-Finney Joseph.     We are blessed.

THE MINISTRY OF TFH continues in the Strength and Power of Jesus with your own fellowship and participation.      It is all by His GRACE.     We are Witness to His Faithfulness at all times.   Just now is a time of material challenge and spiritual dependance.     God Bless you all, and keep us ALL waiting on HIM who is yet to come.....
Lovingly in His Name,
John, Esther and Daryl Green

Saturday 12 May 2018


TODAY is the first day of my 79th Year, having Celebrated my 78th yesterday!    And a very Happy Day it was.    Even the sun shone and the clouds and rain were held back.
Somehow, waking up on another beautiful morning, I have felt a Landmark has been reached - a new beginning opening up.    And as a person not known for optimism, this is rather interesting.   I Thank my God for good health,     My doc confirms I still have Diabetis, but my sight is good, my hearing sufficient, my mind intact, and my constitution strong.     My feet?   Well yes they are a little uncomfortable but I can still get about, and recently there has been a turn for the better.
And I have my dear Esther still with me, also in good health, and am surrounded by children, both ours and others, AND our grandchildren.........HOW very blessed I am.   
And TODAY one of our 'Girls', our daughter Betty is coming to visit us with her young man, Dan,  to announce their Engagement!    And so life continues and our family expands.    And so God interacts, and blesses us all against the backdrop of these Last Days.    Where He is, His Glory supplies our 'sunshine', and we are kept in peace.
We had not planned anything for my Birthday.     Funds for the Homes had arrived at the Bank on Thurday evening, but there was no room for any extravagance -  our needs were still pressing.
Sammy Kirui    
ON THURSDAY one of our 'sons' living in America and working for the Lord there, sent me a Birthday Gift  ---   and he said 'please use some of it to have a party with the Home's Parents and Daryl with yourselves.'      Well, we were SO happily surprised, and on my Birthday morning after prayer we shared with our House Parents that we would have lunch together.     And so WE DID, and had a very happy fellowship together - and I had a very special Gift of Joyful Company to celebrate with me.      Thank you dear Sammy!     Our Father in heaven truly spoke to you, and made you a real channel of blessing.     May HE give back to you running over!        Sam has been pursuing his Doctorate in Theology, and hopes to finalise soon.    He has been a close  part of our family since his High School days.    He attended Kenya Highlands Bible College and then pastored for some time before travelling to U.S.A. to further his education.     We hope he will return to Kenya once he finishes, but God knows where He wants him.

ABOVE we can be seen enjoying our lunch at a local retreat known as Poa Place.   Mainly chicken and chips and fish and chips.    Fast food?  Yes, of course, we had only limited time to leave the children, though for the most part they were in School.    But there were plenty of vegetables to eat as well, and in all we had value for money, and most of all - Good Fellowship.   THEN outside to the gardens for a group photo -
Left to Right - Grace, Warden Jean Potts Hostel for Girls,  Catherine and Mica
Yego (Tyndale Cottage), David and Doris Chumba (Jacafranda Cottage),
Hesketh Muli (Testimony Boys Hostel), Eunice and Francis Lahol
Drakeley Cottage, John and Esther Green, Daryl Green, Alice Muli
(Testimony Boys Hostel), and John Obiero, School Boarding Master.


LATER, THAT EVENING,    Daryl and his three kids joined for Cake and Ice Cream as a family treat.  Poor Carol could not be with us as a friend had called her asking for help as she felt unwell.    When Carol got there she found the lady extremely ill, so it was as well she went, but we missed her being with us.     Here below are a few photos taken that evening.

Top left - Daryl, Jeremy, and Becky.
Botdtom Left - John, Esther and Jesse
My Birthday Cake - we did have a limited number of candles, and I did have enough breath to blow them ALL out in one go.  Hurrah!    AND, finally me and my little wife, still together and still in love at the end of the day..... and for ever.       It was a special conclusion to a week that had been rather long and enduring!!  Praise the LORD - Everythng comes to those who WAIT!!


MANU is in Nairobi looking for work, and was unable to be with us yesterday.      On Sunday he will travel, this time from Nairobi, to Tenwick Hospital for yet more Injections into his eyes.   On his last visit in March the Consultant had been pleased to note progress in both eyes, and reduced the number of injections needed for the next three months - Monday will be the first session of the 3 months now recommended.     Manu, AND us very encouraged, and we all Thank the Lord, for it it can only be Him who now works on his behalf.

TODAY we have re-admitted three children who were repatriated to their parents eighteen months ago.  The Father had been in Prison.   However it was thought he had thoroughly reformed and he and his wife got back together on his release, and he began to earn money.     The Children were then given back into their care.      However, the man went back to his alcoholism and tried to poison the children who are 4,6 and 7.     The father is now once again on the run from the Police for attempted murder.   The mother is a good, hard working woman, and we shall also try to assist her find some security more than she has.      Not easy for a woman on her own here.

TWO more boys 3 and 6 are also to be Admitted today into Jacaranda Cottage.    Both boys abused by their father who tried to violently to beat up and strangle the elder, whilst also beating up the younger.     Both quite in shock, and not speaking.    Their mother ran away some time ago, and so far has not re-appeared.

WE Thank God that He still looks down with compassion and enables us to remain a Shelter and an open house and home for the homeless children all around us.      Bless you all.

With our love in Jesus
John, Esther and Daryl Green

Tuesday 1 May 2018


LAST SUNDAY, 29th April, at our Morning Service, we said 'Farewell' to FIVE of our children who had grown up in the Homes -  mainly in Jacaranda Cottage, and one from Drakeley Cottage.
They had all completed their Education, having left Form 1V Secondary for College, and now having also completed their Courses, must begin an independant life.
Most have not yet found full employment.
On Sunday we Prayed for each one, and presented them with a Bible, and Ksh.10,000 (approx 70 pounds sterling)  NOT a fortune, but just a small Gift to help start them off.    TODAY, Tuesday 1st May, they have all left us..   A BIG step, and one not much smaller to them, than getting to the Moon!  Remember to pray for them, and for their future.   God has hold of their hands.   I am not telling a lot about them, and am not sharing their full name for ethnic reasons, so that as fairly as possible you can love them and wish the best for them.

To the left is RUTH.   She actually left us a few weeks back, and is employed in a Bank.   She had taken Accountancy as her preferred subject, and she is thrilled to have landed a banking job.  Ruth joined the Tyndale Cottage Family in 2004 when she was just ten years old.   A good student at School and one that loves the Lord as her Saviour and Friend.  We are very glad for her - and proud of her!
TO THE RIGHT IS DAVID.    David is the elder of two brothers we assisted.    On completing his Schooling he chose Electrics and has completed a Diploma in Electrical Engineering.   He had begun his education quite late, and is now about 30 years.    He has done well in his studies, being resident with us for some 9 years, commencing in Drakeley Cottage and then to Testimony House Boy's Hostel....He has not yet obtained full time employment,
TO the LEFT again (overleaf)is FRANCIS.   Francis came to the Jacaranda Family with Joshua and Miriam Mbithi who were then parents there, 25 years ago, when Francis was only nine months old.    Truly he can count TFH as his home, and it was especially poignant for us to see him leave us.     He has completed a Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies, and we feel he will do well.    He also trusts in the Lord as his Saviour and Friend, and is a very capable and energetic young man.  He is also artistic and quite a good draughtsman.
NEXT IS HILLARY.     Hillary is 25, and came to us - to Jacaranda Cottage - in 1999 when he was six years old.    He has completed a Diploma Course in Information Studies (Librarianship), achieving Credits all the way.  He has part time employment so far, but is hoping for something better soon,.A very competent and reliable young man.

And then we have ZEBEDEE TO THE RIGHT!.  Zebedee has completed a Diploma Course in Mass Communications, and  has enjoyed every minute of it.    He is also a very bright young man, and we are looking forward to him getting settled in a job that will suit his talent, and provide him with the challenge and adventure he thrives.      He is 27 and came to us in 2000, and joined the Jacaranda Family.
IF WE HAD pushed these young people out when they were 18 as the Government wanted, they would not have been able to complete their education and finally leave with hope of a future.    It has been worth the risk of offending, in order to give them every chance of success.

FINALLY,  to the left is, ELIUD.   Eliud has completed a Certificate Course in Social Developement, and has done well.     Once he has found a job we hope to help him continue, whilst working, to complete his Diploma also.      He is a serious young man, and he is a dependable young man who is reliable and trustworthy with a very good natured and friendly nature.   He is anxious to find the right nitch for himself, and we are sure he will be successful.
So altogether six have gone from us, the FIVE young men, as I have said, left TODAY,  perhaps  a bit fearfully, but WE are still here, and we shall do our best to keep an eye on them and be here for them in case of need.
We prayed for them, with the Church, on Sunday.  They have not gone ALONE, but with God.   Please remember them, with us. and if any should read this report being in Kenya, please keep an eye open for a JOB Opportunity for them.


YES!   Happy May Day to YOU all.      If I remember this Festival, for so it is, it goes back beyond the days of the Romans, and probably was the Day to mark the beginning of Summer or SPRING as we might think of it today.    I remember when I was ten, way back in 1950 actually dancing round the May Pole, much as the children above, on some village green near Cheam in Surrey.    Seems a long way back now.      I wonder if the Day is still celebrated in this way.     So much more to the point than LABOUR DAY.      Why celebrate Labour, when it is but the fruit of God's Curse on Man's disobedience and rebellion.
IT IS COLD and WET still here in Eldoret.     NO there is no flooding near us, Thank God, but in other places it has been quite disastrous.    It is NOT like an English Spring in any way.  Our river. the Sosiani River is flowing full  and free just now.       But we are straining to catch sight of one of those life saving 'ravens' that Elijah also looked for.     But thank God we are all well. and full of Faith and Hope.
God, our Father in Heaven, watch over you and us all together.
Lovingly in Him
John, Esther, and Daryl Green