Saturday 31 May 2008


So comments Mr. Charles Njonjo, a one time Attorney General  for Kenya, and a respected member of the Anglican Church here.     He was writing in the Daily Nation about the failure of some of our Bishops to attend the Lambeth Conference of Bishops in London because of their stand against homosexuality.     He felt that their place was at the Conference standing up for their opinion instead of being an unheard opposition.     His arguments were fair and supportable.     But then right at the end he said -
'I find it impossible to keep quiet when people are frequently hounded, vilified, molested and even killed as targets of homophobia for something they did not choose - their sexual orientation.   Where is our Christian charity?
How sad it is that the church should be so obsessed with this particular issue of human sexuality when God's children are facing massive problems - poverty, disease, corruption and conflict.!'
One of our girls and one of our boys within the Testimony Family, both now grown up and living away, have recently publicly declared that they have chosen a GAY lifestyle.   They have CHOSEN it for themselves, although they might both say that have felt an inborn predisposition towards such a lifestyle.      Neither of them will suffer the loss of our affection, or prayer.     YET, we cannot say it has not brought heartache and disappointment to us as individuals and parents who can only see such a way of life as dangerously unnatural.       Mr. Njonjo is sympathetic towards those having such a disposition, saying they did not choose it, they were born with it.     But are we to give in to every unrighteous disposition that we might be born with?     Because we have inherited a bad temper, should we give in to it?    Because we have inherited sin are we to then put up with it without a fight?     Surely not.     To just give in is just as much a 'choice' as any other.   
It is also very easy to rationalize with sin and sinfulness, and in so doing to dilute true Righteousness, and degenerate the Image of God.       The current Archbishop of Canterbury has said that as long as a priest performs his priestly duties well and ably, then his private life is of no account.      Surely this cannot be?     Can a man or woman who is willingly given up to living below God's standards, be fit to stand as a Godly role model in front of the church and the world at large?
THE BIBLE refers to Homosexuality / Lesbianism as an 'ABOMINATION'.     Something in itself 'unnatural' and not meant to be.     As such it cannot be encouraged or praised; cannot be treated as being in fact what it ought to be.         I am talking about the ACT of homosexuality - the lifestyle - the habit.          To let a man or woman having such a lifestyle hold an office or position in society that is expected to reflect the Righteousness of God would be wrong.    IS wrong, in the sight of God.           Does this mean I must hate the homosexual man or woman, or as Njono suggests - hound, vilify, molest or even kill' such a one?    NO, of course not.     There IS room for Christian Charity, but it is not in telling the homosexual that he is doing good to indulge his homosexuality - or in encouraging him to do what is not meant or intended by God to be done.        We must not argue for the Image of God to remain damaged, but instead seek for its restoration and healing.         Isn't this why Christ came?       Some say that He came to forgive us, and in doing so it appears that the need to cease from sin has been removed - 'Because Grace abounds - shall sin continue?    Heaven forbid.'    
'Let not sin therefore rule as king in our mortal (short lived, perishable) bodies,
to make you yield to its cravings and be subject to its lusts and evil passions
v.16 - Do you not know
that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will,
you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death
or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God?
though you were once slaves of sin,
you have become obedient with all your heart to the standard of teaching in which you were instructed, and to which you were committed
you have become the servants of righteousness
(of conformity to the divine will in thought, purpose, and action)
(The Amplified Bible)
CHRIST CAME to provide the means for our FREEDOM and DELIVERANCE from SIN.     God has provided a WAY for every human being to be set free from his sinful inheritance.       It is not God's WILL that anyone should be unable to display and exhibit His Likeness.       He wants every man and woman and child to be like HIM in pure Righteousness.          But it is a choice He leaves with us, a choice that is left even to the called Christian - and remember 'MANY are called, but FEW are chosen.         We who are the Children of God are MEANT to be LIGHT THAT WILL ILLUMINATE THE PERSON AND CHARACTER OF GOD in a world that has forgotten and even sought to obliterate His memory.       Man has then gone on to forget Who he was made to represent and be like.
PAUL SAYS IN THE OPENING CHAPTER OF ROMANS, that men and women turn away from the NATURAL and meant use of each other's bodies when they LEAVE GOD OUT.      Homosexuality is not anything but a curse with which God curses those who have forgotten and set Him on one side to follow their own fleshly lusts - He GIVES SUCH PEOPLE UP to the lusts of their own hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring oft their bodies among themselves (abandoning them to the degrading power of sin - Romans 1v24 Amplified Bible).     In the Word of God it is not our 'sexual orientation' so much as the 'lust of our own hearts' that is the real problem for mankind.     Because of this 'he gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions -
for their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,
and the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set ablaze with lust for one another
men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own bodies and personalities the inevitable consequences and penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray
which was their fitting retribution.'      and so on to the end of the chapter!
KNOWING THESE THINGS, how can we not reveal them as charitably as we can, wanting -as God Himself does - that men might live and not die!        There are NO practicing homosexuals allowed admission into Eternal Life and the Presence of God.     No practicing sinner will be there with God.    1. Corinthians 6v9-11.   No one with the heart and mind to enjoy what God hates can possibly be able to stay where He is.    How CAN two live together unless they be AGREED.         Thus it is for the Christian to declare what God AGREES with, and what He does NOT agree with!      We are not to be silent about, or acquiescent to, the practice of SIN in the world and society around us.        We must not trade with it, or be seen to compromise or make allowances for it in our life IF we say God lives in us.      AND He has given us the Power to resist sin within our own selves that we might indeed be able Role Models.
or even a humble curate
I would make sure I visibly stood my ground against the acceptance of sin in Society around me,
AND in the fraternity of all those standing for the Lord Jesus Christ as Ministers of Righteousness.
I would definitely be a Thorn in the Lambeth Conference.
I would not hide my light under a bucket - I would make sure I was SEEN and HEARD as well.
And this not only in regard to the practice of homosexuality, but in relation to ALL unrighteousness.
Poverty, Disease, Corruption and Conflict need to be fought and assuaged
BUT we have to remember they are the result of uncontested SIN in the world
They are the result of men living without God in mind and being yielded instead to the flesh.
Good Works are commendable
BUT without the GOSPEL preached lived and responded to Good Works will not save Mankind or the World.
I love Sinners.    I long to see their Salvation.     I reach out to them with compassion and not judgment, but I do admonish their sin as lovingly as I may, yet without trying to excuse it or support it.      Esther and I ask you to pray for us as 'parents' to those who have fallen into this and other pitfalls, and to pray for them also that even now the Lord will deliver them from the 'Trap of the Hunter'
Month has succeeded month so quickly this year.       We are already half way through the second School Term.     To day four of our children (all from Testimony House) have moved out into their own apartments in Eldoret Town and surrounds.       They all seemed quite ready for it, and excited at the prospect of looking after their own place.       They have been out earning their living for three months already, and have been able to gather together the basic necessities they need .     It is a beginning.     Not an easy transition, but they are all within easy reach of us, and we will see them often I am sure.      We have had a party for them and prayed for them and given them our blessing.        SOON four new children will come in to take their place.       There are always MORE children - more and more children.      Even so come Lord Jesus.
Steven Stuma and his wife Emily came to have supper with Esther and me this week.     We had a really lovely evening together.       They had left one of our Relief Houseparents with their little family whilst they were with us, so they felt quite safe.     Steven spent a good number of years in Testimony House when Esther and I were parents there.     He is as a son to us, and indeed Emily is a lovely daughter in law.    It is a comfort to see them with a House now of their own, and we laughed and cried together remembering years gone by, and the experiences both good and bad that were part of 'family life' then, and those that are now part of their own daily lives.      We felt very encouraged,     We thanked God.        We are hoping to replicate the blessing with all the Houseparents, family by family as weeks go by, and of course we shall also be visiting their Homes as well.       This will enable us to deepen the love and unity that we long to see built up more and more.
In Kenya petrol is currently selling at approx. Ksh.105/- per litre, which again is approximately 50p less then you will  be paying in the Uk.         However relatively this is still VERY high in relation to the cost of living here, and as I have said last week sent all costs upwards.       This has caused us to look at the way we use the vehicles ourselves, and we have managed to make a considerable saving on re-organising our visits to town and around.      This together with a few other economies have helped us to save about £1,000 a month.      Amazing what you can do when you try, and of course it has also opened our eyes to many other things which have been good for us all as stewards of the Kingdom of Heaven.        We have also decided to change our main household supplier of general household commodities.      Quite a juggling act - and just heard meat will rise by Ksh.15/- per kilo next week.       Wow! win some - lose some.     But in the END all is balanced and provided for.          I hope you will not mind me sharing a few factors from time to time, as I feel many of you need to see that even though, in the main, cost of living is cheaper than it is in the States and Europe, it does fluctuate and affect us just as it must be doing there with you.    The whole world is heaving with a great deal of uncertainty and economic indigestion!          Esther and I were talking about it last night, and beginning to feel a bit glum.     But then the Lord spoke to us and asked us what we were bothered about.        No matter what happened HE held us, and all that belonged to Him, in His own hands.    He would not let anything fall.      Immediately we relaxed, and realised what an amazing life we have.
What a wonderful Lord He is.
Monday is a National Holiday for us in Kenya.     School will be closed.   JUNE will have begun.     This is the month we hold our A.G.M. as a Society, and also it is the month we have to write a full Annual Report of our work and ministry to the Government plus Annual Returns to Tax and other related Government Departments.    Quite a bit of red tape this month.      Not my favourite month, but we will find much to Praise Him for I know.
We pray His Presence and Richest Blessings on you all.
John and Esther

Saturday 24 May 2008


To be or not to be...
THAT is the question!!
In 1 Kings 22 we read of Jehoshaphat going to the aid of the then king of Israel against Syria.      The burning question was about how the battle would go - who would win.      The King of Israel brought 400 men who were his advisors (prophets) and they all said 'GO and fight for the Lord will deliver the battle into your hands.'        Humanly the prospect did not look good, but the word of these men was encouraging, and sure.      Never mind how bad things look - the future is bright, you will win through.     There will be VICTORY.
Everyone would like to believe that about world civilization at this point in history.     Things look bad..     Yesterday on SKY NEWS the Financial Expert was saying things look bleak - a World Recession is now close if not inevitable!       What does that mean?   How are we to see this?       TODAY in the Kenya Daily Nation we read on the front page -
Kenyans have been warned to brace for further increases in oil prices - and the rise in the cost of living that goes with it.
Many household budgets have been stretched to breaking point by increases in fuel prices which have sparked similar rises in the cost of food, transport and other essential goods.
From motorists in Mombasa to farmers in Eldoret, and fishermen in Kisumu, Kenyans will have to tighten their belts as experts predict oil prices will continue to escalate.
Global oil prices soared to a high of $135 a barrel and this is likely to rise to $150.
The situation could not look more uncomfortable economically, and if we take this with the increasing incidence of world unrest elementally, politically and socially, then many might be forgiven for looking for someone to provide encouragement to believe in a better world around the corner.     Everyone would gladly accept and believe in ANY MAN that could assure them of PEACE, PROSPERITY, and REST from all this  increasing apprehension and fear of the future...............Perhaps he is not far away!
I was recently reading an account of the English society as it was in the early eighteen hundreds - just a hundred years ago.
'Success in discovering new forms of livelihood
was uprooting growing numbers from the country's traditional life.   Though many thrived in that freer society, many more, the old props gone, went to the wall.   Those swept into the slums of the capital or squatters towns around the steam factories could transmit to their children only a memory of the Christian traditions and influences among which they grew up.   A generation after Waterloo a third of Manchester's children attended neither church, chapel nor school   The stony places in which the dispossessed took root tended inevitably to make hard cruel reckless men and sluttish depraved women.'
The Age of Elegance by Sir Arthur Bryant.
NOT a pretty picture.
Yet England recovered, rose up, and attained greatness.
Perhaps there are 'cycles' even in the ebb and flow of national and world society.
Solomon tells that there is 'nothing new under the son'
It has happened before.    We should hope and believe for recovery, and even improvement and advancement in the evolution of man and civilization.
SURELY - not all is lost!    A better day IS coming
IS IT ?.    
2.Timothy 3v13 tells us that people (humanity)
will get worse and worse!
PAUL who is the author of this Epistle says the basic reason for this is because Man in the last days will be a lover of himself and a seeker of pleasures for himself.;
C.S. Lewis in his Essay entitled 'We Have No Right to Happiness' written in 1963 says -
'Though the 'right to happiness' is chiefly claimed for the sexual impulse,
 it seems to me impossible that the matter should stay there.
   The fatal principle once allowed in that department, must sooner or later seep through our whole lives.
   We thus advance towards a state of society in which not only each man but every impulse in each man claims carte blance. 
 And the, through our technological skill may help us survive a little longer, our civilization will have died at heart, and will - one dare not even add ' unfortunately' - be swept away.'
asked the King of Israel if there was a Prophet of the Lord ..
He was not satisfied by the words of the 400 men - the majority sycophants.
A Man called MICAIAH was suggested by the King of Israel
But he said of him 'I hate him; for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.'
And Micaiah spoke oppositely to the 400, and predicted ruin and defeat.
And so it was
The whole story is worth reading and thinking about.    We need more men and women like Micaiah to stand for the TRUTH against all the deceit and lies of the Devil that surround us and encourage us to go to our deaths without a fight.   Let us see things squarely and rightly in the light of God's Word.
Till the King Comes.
This Week in KENYA the politicians are still bickering with each other as they have from the outset.       They have been discussing the size of the Cabinet, and whether or not to have a Grand Opposition in the Grand Coalition!     To and fro, to and fro.......very economically costly discussion,      So far little progress.     Life goes on - more and more expensively, and still just a little apprehensively.   The started, faltered, stopped.    Prospects for a good harvest already very negative.    Many business people in Eldoret still selling up and leaving - including our only Baker!    Population increasing with congestion, crime and some little insecurity in urban areas.
THIS WEEK in Testimony Faith Homes has been testing to say the least.  But those who KNOW the Lord will also know that at the same it was also faith building and profitable.
On Monday I was in the Eldoret Children's Court processing Court Orders for some of our children.     The Lady Magistrate was impressed by the fact that so many of our children are from different tribal groups and said she had been distressed and offended by one Children's Home whose managers had presented the children of only ONE tribe.    When she had enquired why, he had said that his Home would only take children from that tribal background and no other.      She was wondering how this could be allowed, and was mounting an investigation.         As I have said before Eldoret is in the midst of an area where tribalism is on the increase, and where there has been a feeling to discourage all others but the predominant local tribe to live and work here.       It was not encouraging to hear that this attitude had crept into a Children's Home.         We shall no doubt discuss this in the Children's Forum Meeting which will be taking place this coming Wednesday.
The youngest child we presented to the Court on this occasion was four year old Simon and his six year old sister Kezia.     Their parents had died of AIDS.   The Magistrate fell in love with Simon and had him sit on her lap through the proceedings.       She is coming to visit the Homes and have lunch with Simon in Drakeley Cottage which is where he lives.      A successful end to the morning.  
We still have to take 32 more children to her Court in the near future.
Tuesday we discovered that the cost of building material had doubled in cost in  relation to roofing materials, cement and sand.     Over the period since we had begun to build this had in fact pushed the cost of the new Guest House up by more than 60% overall,     This was rather bad news - but we are near to completion now and there is no going back.          We have trust the Lord for the cost from the commencement, and we just have to trust Him that much more.... We are safe in his hands.      Indeed as you will have noted from the beginning of this update costs ARE rising and will continue to rise.     We cannot retreat or cease from what we are doing, but must continue and even grow notwithstanding all these evil prospects and dire predictions.      The Testimony and the Glory will go only to Him when it is seen how we survive and prosper still in His Name.
During the week myself and other members of the Children's Services Forum including the District Children's Officer have been receiving offensive and insulting letters by E-mail.    At the same time similar letters have been sent to the Press and printed by them.     This has caused us all some concern, and we have finally lodged a complaint to the District Commissioner in the hope that something might be done to root out the perpetrators of this maliciousness.        Mainly the letters accuse us of making money out of children, abusing children, and generally manipulating Children's Services.      The letters are all unsigned and without sound evidence to back up their accusations.        It is felt that it is a ploy to disrupt the good progress that has been made in helping needy children in our District by those who have not been so successful in other related fields.
Otherwise LIFE in the homes has continued as usual with 140 pairs of feet walking, running, and romping around in the four homes and another 700 pairs doing the same in the School.     It is quite amazing how QUIET it is even so - and at the same time how HAPPY and JOYFUL all the children seem to be both at home and at school.    One broken window in Jacaranda Cottage this week - a football came to close!     Two Toilet seats broken in Tyndale - still not sure how ..?    The cook in Testimony House off work with Malaria so Mum Mulli is doing the cooking!    RAIN very intermittent at present - ONE day in ten it really RAINS,     Rationing of water now introduced - (saw the Water Company this week but they are helpless to do much until it DOES rain in a real way - so last night in our Night of Prayer this was one of the main requests going up to God.
Here we sit, stand, and work for the Lord our God.    We will not be moved even if our arms are sometimes heavy or our knees week.     We are upheld by your prayers and most of all by the Spirit of our God.
John and Esther

Saturday 17 May 2008


Another BEAUTIFUL day, brilliant with colour, but atmospherically HEAVY and very HOT.     The Rains have yet again reduced and almost dried up as farmland wilts with unwatered crops, and rivers and dams subside.      WATER is now being rationed.      A problem for the School - for the toilets rely on 'flush sanitation' which relies on gravity tanks which cannot now be filled due to lack of water pressure in the supply pipes, due to reduced flow.        But at least there is still SOME water to be had.     Some places have even less or none at all - others have too much.    Are you still WATCHING?    I hope so.    Since my letter of 26th April we have had so many 'happenings' - the Chilean Volcano, the Chinese and Japanese Earthquakes and the Burmese Storm!     One is reduced to wondering 'WHAT NEXT'.     It seems as if everything is speeding up on every hand, to say nothing of the continued world recession and its repercussions.   Keep looking UP,  keep in prayer for yourselves as we also do here.     I will not apologies for being 'alarmist'   I will BLOW THE TRUMPET and deliver my soul.       Ezekiel 33.
A missionary friend living in our area and also working with children wrote to me this week with a rather strange enquiry.   He and his wife have not been long here, and have already taken some infant orphan girls into their own home as a prelude to building premises to house a large community - He wrote -
'My wife was talking to M the other day, who had been talking to A.M.
He had said that there was a (Kenyan)
law stating that Westerners and or Europeans
cannot live on the same compound as the (Kenyan) children!
Is this a new law, an old law, or no law at all?
Well, of course it is currently NO LAW at all.    Since Independence Kenya has a Constitution which guarantees equal rights to all races and ethnic groups within the Nation.    It would be inconceivable for a law to be permitted that would introduce any form of racial segregation or apartheid.      
BUT BEFORE Independence there were quite a few laws which sought to segregate and separate the 'black' from the 'white'.     Friend A.M. had probably been told about one of these laws.        In support of this I can personally site the following, taken from a Title Deed issued in 1928 and re-issued in 1935 relating to the compound on which Jacaranda Cottage built in 1935 stands, plus two other Children's Homes built in the last two years, where it is written and upheld under the Schedule written on 6th January 1928 (Schedule (a) 5 -
The Purchaser is not to use or suffer to be used
and dwelling house or building on the premises hereby assured or any part thereof as a place of residence or occupation
for any Asiatic African, or other person not of pure European descent
and (a)10 of the same
The Purchaser may not at any time hereafter sell assign lease part with the possession of or grant a power of attorney over
the premises hereby assured or any part thereof or any dwelling house or other building which now or hereafter may be erected thereon
 to any Asiatic African or other person not of pure European descent
nor to any company or corporation any shareholder or member thereof who is of African Asiatic or not of pure European descent,
Thus right up to 1963 our Elgonview Estate, remaining under British Colonial Government continued to be a very WHITE area apart from domestic servants.      A big change in less than 50 years.     I wonder what the then 'officials' would now think to see so many groups mixed.       WE have proved that different races CAN live together not only in peace, but in understanding and appreciation of each other.    It is a question of having a right attitude and determination to be equal in one's dealings at every level with all comers.         Perhaps without GOD in the Equation this is impossible for it is only IN Christ ( in His LIFE and LIVING) that there is no difference between any race or tribe.        To this Testimony Faith Homes reveals the TRUTH.
Our Father in Heaven keep you all safe and secure
John and Esther

Saturday 10 May 2008


(Daily Nation, Friday 9th May2008
It is estimated that there are 18 million children in Kenya at this time.  The Government is currently carrying on a cash transfer programme in 37 Districts in order to provide "regular and predictable" transfers of cast to families living with orphans and vulnerable children.    The Gender & Children's Affairs Minister, Esther Mathenge has stated that there are 13,280 households in Kenya caring for orphans.
APPARENTLY these are households receiving 'cash transfers' as an inducement for them to CARE.  "This" she said, "will encourage the families to foster and retain the children."       The Minister also said that in the African Traditional Society orphans were taken care of by the extended family, but lamented that the socio-cultural and economic changes have weakened family ties.
The Cash Transfer Programme was started last year and is the brain child of the previous Vice President,  Hon. Moody Awori, whose main interest was in our Prisons.      It is he who said that by 2020 we shall not be in need of Children's Homes because there will be no orphans on the street - they will all by then be fostered by existing families.       It sounds good doesn't it?
In 1968 when I first arrived in Kenya the traditional custom of the 'Extended Family' was still very much in view in the rural areas of Kenya - but increasingly diminishing as practice in the urban areas...... Traditionally if any child in the village was rendered an orphan another relative or even a neighbour immediately took the child into their own family, thus 'extending' it.         THIS is what I had in mind when TFH began - and we have always considered each of our Homes as they have come into being, as an Extended Family.      It has worked well.
There is no doubt that there are far MORE families in Kenya than the stated 13,280 families that have  -  WITHOUT GOVERNMENT AID - taken orphaned children from their community into their homes, even though this has caused them considerable economic sacrifice.     AND those children have stayed with them in far greater numbers than we are now hearing are staying on with those PAID to have them under their roof.       FAR from clearing the country of orphans by 2020 it now seems likely we shall have even MORE orphans with nowhere to go.     Indeed of late we are hearing that already numbers of these 'fostered' children are back on the street, having run off from their extended families - WHY, I wonder.      Might it be because their new found 'parents' are more interested in the extra cash coming in (about £16 per month per child) than in the needs and care of the children given to them to look after?
When this Programme was first muted there were quite a number of comments flying around,     The KENYA NEWS DESK asked -
'WHAT MEASURES have we taken to ensure such children will be
better off in foster homes than in institutions?   How is the Government going to monitor the millions of children involved, considering that right now the Children's Department is almost moribund?     Whilst we would not try to second guess the Government on the issue, it appears to us as if the Vice President is shooting from the hip.     Even in developed Countries they have found it difficult to monitor just how orphaned children are being treated in foster homes.    So how will the government ensure that the children it has farmed out to foster homes in Kenya are not turned into slave labourers?   How will it guarantee they will  not fall into the clutches of pedophiles?
WE AGREED with the drift of this article.      We also felt that support for Children in Children's Homes might tail off if donors got the idea they were a thing of the past.  We felt the Vice President had gone of half cocked, and spoken too soon and too dogmatically.     We wrote to him sharing our view and suggesting he could make a further statement of a less discouraging tone for those involved in residential child care and its support in the country.     Writing on behalf of the U.G. Children's Services Forum to the V.P. I said -
'During the May 2007 monthly meeting of this Forum concern was voiced by all Members - more than 30 representatives of Charitable Children's Homes and Government Officials concerned with Children's Services in the District - about exactly what impression such statements cited above, will have on current stakeholders (those propagating, managing, and financing the building, extension, and daily support of new and existing works.
Uasin Gishu District has more than 80,000 orphans needing assistance.   We all realise that the complete answer is not in Children's Homes - we world need a totally unrealistic number of them.    We realise that the plan to encourage our own countrymen to foster and adopt is a truly beneficial and sensible one.    It is a concept that has much to recommend it both socially and culturally.
HOWEVER, the consensus of opinion within the forum has been that this plan may hit snags such as sustainability both financially and supervisorally.    It is felt that it is too soon to say 'We shall not need any Children's Homes by 2020.'   Indeed it is felt , rather, that however unfortunate it may be for us to face, we shall still NEED such Institutions well beyond 2020 and into the future.
it was felt that in making this statement without any mitigation whatsoever, donors and developers in Children's Services will be caused to consider pulling back, if not completely OUT, from future capital development in relation to the residential care of children in Kenya.    Members feel that to promulgate such an attitude is to endanger the effective implementation of an important and relevant part of the answer to the present pressing National need,.      THEY would humbly present this opinion to you in the hope that you might be able to present some clarification that might remove what appears a strong negative position regarding Residential Child Care in the Country.
If investment ceases or slows down in support of such a provision in Kenya for destitute and needy children, and if the expectation or proper implementation of foster care stumbles or misfires, then bow great will be the collective suffering.    It is felt that a further Statement is needed to reassure those who might yet assist us in the ongoing provision of Residential Child Care facilities.'
No reply or acknowledgment was received.- but now we begin to see how hollow his statements were, and how realistic the comment of the Kenya News Desk was.       This has been accentuated by the troubles that arose for the nation in January, and which have seriously de-stabilised our economy.
570 Primary Students and about 120 High Schoolers plus 110 Pre School students.
Quit a CROWD, but so good to see them back to school, and ALL of our children with them, and our College Students away back on their Courses.
MUMPS seems to have spent itself and passed on to some other playground.   Everyone looks healthy.
Next Week last years Form 1Vs will be commencing Courses to prepare them for independent life.
will go to the Rift Valley Technical Institute for two year courses in
Mechanical Engineering, Motor Mechanics, Electrical Wiring,
To ALPHAX COLLEGE to do Computer Engineering
both to do B.Com.
They, together with TEN already having commenced their Courses and continuing, have spent an unprecedented Ksh.200,000/ (£1,666) since May began - TWICE as much as our food bill for the same period!
But we are always glad and Thankful to see them busy on their way to an independent and we trust secure future.     We thank you all too for all your prayer and support to make it happen in Jesus Name.
WELL, that's about all for this time round.    Except to say that we have a colony of Pipistrelle BATS in our sitting room chimney.    It has been so warm that we have not lit a fire for some time now, and on Monday Esther and I were sitting talking and 'PLOP' something fell into the fireplace - it looked like a small blob of soot.   Then it shuffled itself to the wall and began to climb a little way before taking off on a tour of our sitting and dining.     After that Esther lost her cool, and together with Helen left the scene to me.      I eventually got it to take its leave through the front door.      Another one visited on Thursday as well, and this time our friend David Brook who was visiting briefly from Huddersfield did the honours.     All in a days work -  I definitely prefer bats to snakes!           TOMORROW is my 68th Birthday - one of Esther's nieces who is visiting us this weekend with her sister and brother in law thinks I look 88! - She may be right, cheeky child.    I thank God for His Faithfulness to me day by day.     He is IS my Strength.
Lovingly to you all
John and Esther

Saturday 3 May 2008


Technically Government Primary Education in Kenya is FREE.      Tuition costs are not charged generally speaking, and Schools are discouraged from loading charges on parents.    BUT this ideological idea has been dogged by troubles - mainly because the Government really cannot afford it.      Usually these 'promises' go hand in hand with pre-election gimmicks to win votes.      Primary School has been 'free' for some time now - but on the other hand one might not immediately realise it.      All Schools require a student to wear UNIFORM and this must be supplied and paid for by the parent as a necessity.
In many school even the DESK, and books have to be supplied and paid for by the parent, together with other 'extra' levies for this and that in order to assist the school run.       The Government in fact has only promised to pay the teachers salaries - NOTHING ELSE.       Cleaners, ground-staff etc., have to be paid by the School itself +++
Free Tuition was recently extended to Government Secondary Schools as well.
NOW as the 2nd School Term is about to open, the Government is saying SORRY you may have to spend more on your child -  WHY?
'Because of the rise in prices of food,
AND the delays by the Government in disbursing free tuition money.'
'ALSO electricity charges are going up'
'The announcement by School Principals to increase the fees means parents,
most of whom are reeling under the burden of high inflation (since January)
will have to dig deeper into their pockets to keep their children in school.'
A FEW DAYS AGO it was announced that the cost of running the new government for the next TWO months would exceed thirty three billion shillings.     As I shared way back Ministers and their Assistants - and even MPs are paid well in excess of £10,000 a month in cash and perks.      When it was suggested they might take a reduction of these remunerations, they voted (predictably) against it.      On LABOUR DAY a mass Rally was held in Nairobi attended by the President, Prime-minister and many other Government Elite.    The President, addressed by the Head of the Labour Union urged the President to there and then  increase the basic wage nationally.      He said nothing in return, and many just walked away so disgusted they felt.  And well they might when working harder and for longer hours for something in the region of £40 a month, if factory workers, labourers, or domestic staff.     Even Teachers are lucky to find a job paying as much as £165 per month.       What possible understanding or appreciation can there be between the Ruling Class and the People ruled?        One might wonder how long the mass will be content enough to say and do nothing.
TESTIMONY SCHOOL, employs and pays Government Teachers.    Averagely their salaries range from £150-£200 per month depending on their seniority.    The School has some 45 teachers spread from Pre-School to Secondary Form 4 level.    This expense has to be met by the parents of those wishing to attend the School.    
In addition, to pay for the materials, utility costs of Electricity, water, transport, and upkeep, the School needs to find almost as much again - and this also has be found by the parents.     THUS our School is HIGH COST,     Each student must pay in Primary something in the region of £130, and in Secondary £163 per Term (3 terms in a school year).        The children we care for in our HOMES all attend school totally free - their cost included in the Fee charged to those from outside.
MANY HAVE FELT that we should trust God for the School and NOT charge Fees to anyone, thus opening up chances to EVERYONE and especially the poor.    And we have indeed put this to the LORD but it seems that He has not been ready to do this.
HOWEVER we DO give FREE places to those whose academic performance is good but who are too poor to find the smaller Fee necessary to attend even a Government School.     The School carries almost 50 such places in excess to our own children, but the cost of this is paid out from TFH itself, .
WE are NOT going to increase OUR fee structure at this time.    Our Term opens on Monday.  I gave another FREE place away yesterday to a Secondary scholar whose parents both died of AIDS last term, and his remaining family dispossessed in the recent Troubles.             It will be a 'squeeze' on our resources, but although we run the School on the basis of a Fee-paying venture, we also rest - at base - on Faith in the Lord to secure us and to still permit us to WITNESS to His goodness and to His Keeping Power.        The School is well known and with a good testimony.    Our parents from outside all very encouraging, supporting, and committed to trusting God with us for the safety and blessing of their children    -     We PRAISE THE LORD.
AND ARE THANKFUL that because of our School we do not have to worry about the cost of sending any of our 115 children to school as from Pre-primary through to Form 4.
After Form 4  - though it is a different matter for each young person wishing to go on to College or further.     He or she has to trust the Lord to provide as we present the need at the Throne of Grace.    We have 21 in College and 4 in University currently at an individual cost of between £320 and £1,230 per term or semester.         It is always strange to us that the Lord seems so willing to provide against this enormous need, whilst NOT permitting us to do the same at the lower spectrum.     Quite a poser, but in all - at all levels - we still see that in Education and its provision He declares and demonstrates His Care and Power to undertake.
To bring this session to a close let me include another item found in the DAILY NATION today!
OVER     Ksh.106,000/
Mr. David Sanguli's hand was chopped off by a machine he was operating
on 7th May 2007
It was taken to the MORTUARY of the local hospital
as a police exhibit in the case that followed.
Recently the 33 year old father of four
went to collect his limb for burial.
He was told by the hospital management that he would have to pay
for storage and preservation of the limb for the period.
A cost of Ksh.106,000/- or £870!!
For me I think I would have left the hand where it was.     I certainly would not have thought of giving it a funeral!     God will know where to find it and is able to link it up with me.       Many will be dust when He Comes YET that dust will be reconstituted to be a recognisable body on that Day.       I remember once when I was 24 I was having some dentil work done.     My mouth was propped open by some device and I could not speak or even move my mouth as the surgeon dug up a molar which he then dropped into a sanitary bucket - 'There!' he exclaimed with a satisfied air, 'That's a part of you that won't be with you in the Resurrection!'          I was amazed to hear such words, and immediately felt within me that wherever that molar ended up it would not be beyond finding and being returning to me if it was needed on the Last Day.    I told my dentist so when at last he gave my jaw back to me.
God bless and Be with you all.
John and Esther