Saturday 28 August 2010


THE MAN IN THE HAT is Kenya's Prime Minister, the Honourable Mr. Raila Odinga, MP.
At first glance it looks like the hat that the President of Uganda usually wears, but it is not - it is quite distinctive - but I admit I have no idea of its origin. We have never seen the PM in this hat before - usually a golfers cap! This is a very definite CHANGE of HAT, and perhaps it signals the image of a future 'President'. And, judging by the tumultuous ovations Mr. Odinga received yesterday at his Swearing in as Kenya's Prime Minister at the State Inauguration of the NEW Constitution, it may well be that in 2012 Mr. Odinga will have a very good chance of being Elected to be the next President of Kenya. He has a lot going for him as a Statesman - even without the hat!
YESTERDAY was a National Holiday and Event. Uhuru Park in central Nairobi was PACKED with thousands upon thousands of people as the State went on Parade in front of the world, as a prelude to the Presentation and Acceptance of the New Constitution, marking a new era in Kenya's history. THE PRESIDENT, and Head of State, Hon. Kibaki was also present of course, and also sworn in once more as President under the new Constitution. Effort has been made to credit him with this great achievement, but sadly the people gave him only a very quiet reception - compared to that of his Prime-minister. He took it well and happily, delighted that at least all this has happened and come to pass during his 'Watch', and so he has at least found a niche in Kenya's political history.
Two more photos - one of his Swearing in, and one of him holding up the Document - the Constitution, signed and sealed into Law. It now remains to be seen how much change it will actually bring to daily life, and the economic future of the Country as a whole.


THE REST OF THE WEEK has gone well, and we are truly happy to say that Tyndale Cottage is now functioning well, and all things back to normal. Esther and I spent Wednesday evening with them, and it was good to see the 'family' restored and relationships healed and mended.
The rest of the children have also returned to their usual happy life style - possibly much improved since their 'parents' have all done their best to make reparations where due, and show that even if 'discipline' is still a necessary part of human existence, it does not deny a loving heart or motive in the one giving the discipline. Also now that both sides have a clear understanding of how discipline will in future be expected to be administered, and why, there seems a very definite uplift in EVERYONE'S spirits. Praise the Lord for His Grace and Mercy.
IT IS STILL RAINING quite frequently and heavily, and quite cold at night here in Eldoret.
The School Holidays are almost over - our school will open the 3rd Term of the year on Tuesday next week. It is usually a short Term due to the National Primary and Secondary Examinations that commence in late October through November, ending just before the long December Holiday. It feels as if the year has ended already!! But it will be a busy time with plenty to do.
BEATRICE ROP, dearly loved wife of her husband Joseph, and Mum to all the kids in Jacaranda Cottage, is now home again, having successfully come through her operation. She has made good and rapid recovery, and is already on her feet and about the house. We do thank you all for joining with us in prayer for our sister, and I know she would also want me to pass on her own appreciation of your love and care. The children have really made a great fuss of her since she returned home, and it is wonderful to see how they love her as their Mum. Indeed even the children from the other Homes have been often to visit her and show her that they too appreciate her as their 'auntie'!!! God is very good to us all.
Well this will be all for this Saturday. My computer has continued to suffer from the Server and even this week-end we have had problems getting to the Internet. We hope things will improve - not sure if it is extreme weather conditions in our atmosphere or purely technical.
You may receive a Quarterly Update during the week which may repeat what you already know. This is just an extra effort to keep in touch with those without E-mail. We send to them by ordinary post, but just send a copy to you as well. God Bless you all, and be very close in the week to come.
Yours in His Great Love
John and Esther

Saturday 21 August 2010

THIS is President Obama's aunt with her lawyer! She is in the U.S.A. and has this week been granted Asylum in order to remain there, protected and safe from her enemies! The lady was previously an illegal immigrant who just refused to go away, claiming that to return to Kenya was to put her life in danger of death. She cited the instability of Kenya, going back to the 2007 Trouble, and saying that ethnically she and her relations were at risk.

Sadly for her the story does not hold much water, since the President's grandmother and the rest of her considerable relations remain in Kenya as safe and secure. Indeed Grandma Obama is happy as can be and holds court in her home as if a Queen. There is no danger expected for the family of the President of the USA in Kenya. His aunt is laying it on for her own private and probably lucrative reasons. The strange thing is that the US Legal System has apparently believed - or just got tired of her. She is now granted Asylum - and perhaps later even Citizenship of the United States will be given to her. And the President? Well so far he has said nothing! KENYA on the other hand is not amused, and is protesting at the false accusations the lady has made against the Government, and the melodramatic comments made about the instability of the Country as it applies to her tribe. What would YOU do if you were President Obama? Hard to say since you do not live in Kenya. He himself may easily be misled from where he sits in the Oval Office. Especially when one hears reports of a man being sold for $440,000 to witchdoctors in Tanzania in order that he be killed, diced and sold as 'ju-ju' medicine. The man in question is Kenyan, but Albino. In Tanzania people believe that Albinos have special powers and benefits for those who are treated with medicine and charms made from their flesh and bodily parts. The man selling him (by trickery) is also a Kenyan of the more usual kind. He is said to have been a friend to the Albino, but in desperate financial need - so why not make a shilling or two from his friend and the simple superstition of the uneducated. The matter was discovered and came to nothing, but stories of this nature do not assist our Western friends to feel too safe in Africa, and perhaps even Presidents can believe the worst when too far away and separated from the reality. So let me assure him and all of you, that Kenya is a peaceful and stable Country, and that you should not believe every voice you hear or accept every story given. President Obama grandma revels in the honour, respect, and recognition she and her family receive from ALL. All are welcome to her house. Truly I think she will be having a very good laugh at this situation, and the unfounded allegations of a rather self seeking 'daughter'. And many will laugh with her.

Also in the news today is the intended marriage of a 65 year old Anglican Vicar to a 25 year old male model from Nigeria - Going to the Web to check into this story I was appalled to be confronted by a multiplicity of cases involving Anglican clergy in England with immoral, unlawful and even abominable practices. All without any discipline or steps taken to prevent them from further standing in front of their congregations in the name of Christ whilst still unrepentant or unchanged. WHO and WHAT is leading the Anglican Communion, and to WHERE are they all being led. The Vicar is reported as saying -
'I acknowledge the union will ruffle feathers.......
I know many will see it and view it with horror-
But we are deeply committed Christians,
so it would be unthinkable for me not to do it in Church..'

So if our habit or predilection was Rape, or fornication, or adultery would we seek to have it stamped with the apparent approval of the Church? Would we DO it before God in the Church! I cannot understand this. It is ALL very much Abomination. Eli the priest of Israel rebuked his sons Hophni and Phinehas for misusing their office in front of the Lord; rebuked them for dishonesty and for fornication - but he DID nothing against them, and so they continued to lead astray and ill use the people. In the end God took their lives, and Eli's as well. God is not mocked by all the 'skating around sin' that the Authorities allow. If we will not discipline and put in order then, eventually, in His own time and place, He will.! It is doubtless wrong and negative to always point the finger and accuse - especially the brethren - but all of us are exhorted to WARN and CORRECT, and especially NOW as we see the consummation of all the Ages being wound up in front of our eyes. Jesus did not judge the woman discovered in adultery, but He did warn her not to continue in her sin. The JUDGE of all the Earth would one day confront her, and will also confront each one of us. We must ALL stand before Him, one way or another. Can we afford to be slack, to look the other way, to pretend that we did not KNOW.......? Will you say 'we are only sheep, we are helpless? Nay, but if sheep of God, do you not KNOW His Voice when you hear it? Are you now so dull of hearing that you can be taken in by some other voice, untrue and rebellious? Are there only FALSE teachers speaking up in our Churches and Assemblies; are there no Men of God to Proclaim Righteousness without fear. Men like Paul of Tarsus.

This week has seen Victory and Encouragement here in Testimony Faith Homes. After the storms and spiritual gales of last week we have sailed into a calm where the Lord has given peace enough to rebuild on. Also we have been yet again delivered and provided for so that we can pay our bills and see a little ahead. God is good. He is Merciful. On Wednesday of this week Beatrice Rop, Mum in Jacaranda Cottage, underwent an operation to remove her uterus. She had been dreading it, but strongly trusting in Jesus. It went well and successfully and she is already at home again. How good it is to KNOW Him, and to be able to have Him with us. He has promised never to let go us us, as long as we keep our hand in his. Hallelujah!
ESTHER is away far from me to day - on the way back as I type this, but still two hours away. She has been with a party negotiating the Bride Price for one of our Old Boys - Benson Laguina - who is wanting to marry his fiancee Ann in November. I hear it went well, but have to wait till they are all back to have the details. It is still custom for the prospective Bridegroom to have to give a dowry for his wife to be before the marriage can be permitted - the price varies a lot!!

My apologies for the lateness in getting this on line today - my computer has played up and I have had to borrow another finally in order to finish. Rather shorter too than last week. I now must close, and get myself ready to preach in the morning. Opposite a recent of US taken on our 39th Anniversary last Saturday evening.

Stick to the straight and narrow path that leads to LIFE, and resist all attempts to divert you to some alternative route, or to try an 'easier' less demanding, compromising highway. He will Bless you.
With our Love
John and Esther

Saturday 14 August 2010


LAST WEEK'S BLOG PRESENTED a pretty desperate scenario. The whole work seemed under attack, our children secretly exposed to outlawed methods of discipline, culminating in the departure of Mica and Catherine Senge from Tyndale House. Three out of the four pairs of houseparents had all been indulging in corporal punishment and were seemingly without regret.
85% of our Primary teachers also apparently without regret for using the cane again since Esther retired from being Headmistress in December. That Old Serpent had suddenly reared up his crowned head to snap and devour and put to flight.
We ended up reporting the departure of Mica and his wife Senge, and wondering if even others might have to leave. Saturday morning last week had been in fact a very harrowing time. But then came Sunday, and the Lord arose and gave us Light in the darkness, and we revived and rebuked the Devil and set our sights on a NEW Day and Week. Glory be to God. As Churchill once said ' Never, Never, Never, NEVER give in!' Yes,indeed, Rebuke the Devil and he WILL flee from you (in the Name of Jesus!).
We have now met with all our Houseparents, house by house, and on Monday we shall meet again. Initially all those who had in any way transgressed the Law in regard to physical discipline confessed their faults, and apologised. Even Mica and Senge returned to personally do the same, and are now back in Tyndale Cottage. All in all it has been an encouraging and hopeful week. We now are pledged to meet to discuss 'alternative Methods of Discipline' and feel optimistic that things will work out very well. Thereafter we shall meet all together with the Children to clearly advise them and inform them about how we will hope to deal with any misconduct in the future. We shall also put a printed confirmation of all that we say into their hands at the same time. Finally, at this time, we shall also ask our staff to sign a paper outlining the current laws and regulations and ask them to sign that they pledge themselves to obediently keep them or be given Notice. Generally this has brought back peace and stability, and the 'boat' has stopped rocking! BUT that is not to say that the Enemy has gone away, or given up on whatever strategy he commenced. We continue to be extra vigilant.
Some comment has filtered back to us since we wrote - some have wondered if now we will go SOFT and reject the exhortations of Proverbs where it relates to the ROD, and discipline? You know 'Spare the Rod and spoil the child". Proverbs 13v21 in the Bible reads -
'He that spareth his rod hateth his son;
but he that loveth his son corrects him in time.'
AND in Proverbs. 29v15 we can read again -
'The rod and reproof give wisdom;
but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
IN BETWEEN these two Scriptures we can read Proverbs 20v30 is something that appears to lend weight to the others -
Blows that wound cleanse away evil,
and strokes (for correction) reach to the innermost parts (of the heart).
FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS this advice has been almost universally acted upon and found to be good sense and successful policy when it comes to keeping order in the family, the School, and civil society generally. Am I now going to DEPART from this instruction and go for the NEW AGE teaching that seems to take the fear of strong reprisal away from the offender?
NO, I still believe that the Bible way is in fact the best, and together with the use of the rod for children, I accept capital punishment for those who murder as being still the recommended manner of correction. HOWEVER, 1.Peter 2v13 in the Bible tells us -
'Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake
whether to the King (President) as supreme, or to governors,
as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers
and for the praise of those who do good.
For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence
the ignorance of foolish men -
As free, yet not using your liberty as a cloak for vice,
but as servants of God.
Honour all people, Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King (President).
THE WORLD HAS CHANGED AND IS CHANGING. Man sees himself wiser than God, and more enlightened than those who went before. He is making NEW rules of play in all the areas of life. We are to go along with the LAWS of our respective Countries - but NOT, in doing so, dispense with the foundational necessities and principles laid down by God. METHODS of doing things may and perhaps must be open to change, BUT the basic PRINCIPLES of human life are not open to change. RIGHT and WRONG remain as clear as black and white. We can never lose sight of that, or dilute our understanding of such concepts as we are now being encouraged to do. The NEED to bring up our children in the 'WAY they should go, with good advice and discipline REMAINS in place. Nothing has changed there - though the world around us might no longer appreciate the WAY they and their children should go. As Christians, Muslims, Hindus and others, we need keep the faith that we have, and thus there WILL be times when we will find ourselves at odds with the Secular World's values and opinions.
DO WE, as Christians, NEED to use a ROD, stick, cane, paddle, slipper or even our hand, to emphasise wrongdoing by the infliction of physical pain? Everyone feels a need to be LOVED and CARED about. When a child is used to receiving this from the parent, ANY withdrawal of that closeness and affection can be WORSE than any cane or beating. BUT there could be a strong reason for still upholding the use of the Rod if we take note of Proverbs 20v30.
Is it impossible to obtain the results given in this Scripture WITHOUT using physical correction? If the answer could be YES to that, then I should have no problem in submitting to the LAW that tells me to withhold my hand, my cane, my weapon................. WILL the world sink into anarchy and chaos WITHOUT the 'blows and wounds' of physical correction, retaliation? YES, I personally feel it MAY at least speed up the process, humanity being what it is. BUT it IS still possible to make sure that our children can be persuaded to grow up in the knowledge and persuasion of GOD's WAY by other methods. We now need to search out those 'ways'.
Reading about the childhood of Jesus in Luke the other day I was interested to read of the incident where he found himself forgotten in Jerusalem by his parents. Humanly he had a responsibility to remember them, and not to put them to distress by being too involved in his own interests. Mary and Joseph also had a responsibility to TAKE CARE of their son, Jesus, and to LOOK for him, having missed him, - both parties were at 'fault'. Mary actually CHIDED Jesus for (what to her was) his slack and careless behaviour. There is no record that she or Joseph did more than that. Jesus returned then with them to their home in Nazareth, submitting himself to them (was in fact 'habitually obedient to them'). As an apparent RESULT Jesus humanly increased in wisdom (in broad and full understanding), and in height and years, and in favour with God and mankind. He was habitually obedient - and without the threat of the rod? Joseph and Mary must have found another way to channel this child of God who sometimes must have distressed and worried them - since they did not understand him all the time; did not appreciate the powers and drives that drove him.
IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION 2v27 it is written -
'HE (the Believer) shall rule them with a ROD OF IRON,
as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and his power over them shall be
like that which I Myself have received from My Father.
This ROD is also referred to as a 'sceptre' - an emblem of Justice, that is strong like iron, unbreakable, unbendable - surely this must be THE WORD OF GOD. In the days being spoken about in Revelation Men and Women, will rule others with and by the Word of God.
People will either OBEY or be cast out of society, separated, deprived, and seriously discomforted. No doubt there will be tears, perhaps even temper shown. It will be STRONG discipline, but no sign of the PHYSICAL 'blows and wounds'.
HUMANLY we are probably all more afraid of physical hurt or injury because we feel it immediately in the FLESH around about us. BUT there are perhaps even GREATER pains that the mind and soul of man can experience spiritually............The Word of God heard and understood has power like a sword to CUT us to the heart.....................
THUS Ephesians 6v4 -
'Fathers (Parents generally) do not irritate and provoke your children to anger,
(do not exasperate them to resentment)
but rear them tenderly in the training and discipline, and the counsel and admonition
of the Lord (the Word of God)
THERE IS A WAY - another way - of discipline apart from the hand held rod of wood - it is the ROD of God's Word wielded in tender training and discipline, and council and admonition. This way will not break their spirit, any more than it broke the spirit of the boy Jesus.
IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MAN HAS BEEN BLIND to this Way - not understanding that God OUR Father gave us all we needed in HIS WORD to successfully bring up our children and even ourselves in the WAY we should go. Perhaps our fallen, unspiritual nature fell prey to the need to HURT others. After all we see disobedience to ourselves as an offence to ourselves and we want those hurting us to feel hurt also.
YET we have SO hurt and offended God, each one of us, and He did not punish as we deserved, yet we have not gone without hurt or discipline..........Think about it.


TODAY is our THIRTY NINTH Wedding Anniversary. LACE is supposed to be the appropriate gift for this particular year of Marriage - no precious stone or special flower - but could not find anything of that nature here. What did we give each other instead? A secret......well I guess I CAN tell you that we did tell each other we loved each other even more than the last time we said it. We have stuck together, as Esther recently expressed it - 'through thick and thin' and quite a lot of THIN. BUT Jesus, who brought us to each other, remained the adhesive that would not let go of each other. And here we are, and He is with us still, our ongoing guarantee of success and victory.

If you are NOT married go for it! If He is with you there is nothing to fear and everything to gain. If you ARE married and feeling things are thin sometimes, REMEMBER he is the One holding your both in His Hands, and he will keep you together if you turn to him and seek His help; and he will take you on and deepen your bond, and give you JOY. Esther and I thoroughly recommend Marriage for every lonely heart - as long as you share it with Jesus all the time as the altogether most important third strand of every marriage made in heaven.

For us the day will be quiet but happy, and this evening we are to be taken out to supper by Daryl and Carol together with their three children, and Manu. We thank the Lord for all his Kindness to us.
With our Love to you all
John and Esther

Saturday 7 August 2010


THIS HAS BEEN A VERY BUSY FORTNIGHT. Last Saturday the week culminated in the celebration of Testimony School's 29th Parents & Prize Giving Day. The usual all day affair, with the Guest of Honour and parents free to stroll around the School from 10a.m. in the morning until lunch time viewing the School and in particular various exhibitions of work presented by the students from Nursery to Secondary Form 4. The favourite exhibits are always found within the Home-Science, Science and IT Laboratories - lots to eat and lots to DO.
Usually about 500 parents attend, staying to lunch and the afternoon concert. Most of their children stay at home unless they are performing in the afternoon Special Entertainment or are receiving Prizes. It is especially a parents Day to socialise amongst teachers, themselves, and the administration. A VERY popular day indeed.
This year was no exception. Our Guest of Honour was Mr. Peter Mungai, Director of the local S.O. S. Village, The School Hall was packed out, and the children gave all they had to impress the visitors in song, drama, and even dance. There was much laughter, some tears, and generally much appreciation. We finished at 5p.m. For the most part of the day the sun shone, but it DID rain a little before the end.
The School, of course, began in 1981 with Nursery. A few years back we opened a Boarding Block to cater for 112 primary students who were in the 7th and 8th grades who needed some extra tuition time. This September the School will open further Boarding facility for 40 boys and 40 girls. The Girls will the DAVID LILLIE HOSTEL sited near Testimony House, and the Boys facility will be in a converted RENTED house about 500 metres away next to the School. The Girls are only using our Hostel as a temporary measure, until they build - and will pay us rent!!

It was encouraging, this year, to see so many of our own 'Homes' children going up for Prizes and showing good progress. This is why started the School - to given THEM the best academic start in life. Wonderful that MANY others have been able to share in the good standards and results.
It was a SUCCESSFUL day in which everyone one in the School AND the Homes worked hard, and it was enjoyable as well = though we were all ready for an early night at the end of it all.


THIS WEEK, in Kenya, the Nation voted on the Referendum on whether or not to say YES to the new Constitutional Draft. Many were feeling anxious in case civil unrest might yet again disturb the Country. But all was peaceful, and calm, even to date. The People voted YES overwhelmingly, and in a very demonstrable way, the nation has GROWN in the process, and there is a definite impression of having advanced into a greater political maturity and sense of being Kenyan. We do thank God for this - a very clear answer to Prayer.
actual Day when everyone went to Vote, I was getting up to date with my mail, and later when completed I went to the Internet to look at some sites to do with Alfa Romeo Cars! I am not much of a car enthusiast or fancier, but just needed to find out a fact or too for an article I was writing. I found myself face to face with the Alfa Romeo Badge. I had never noticed it in particular before - except that it looked colourful!
THIS TIME I suddenly noticed the CROWNED SNAKE, and then the image of the 'man' apparently being swallowed by it! What an earth had made Alfa Romeo choose this symbol?
I became curious and began to check into the history. I discovered that the crowned snake was in fact the family Crest of the VISCONTI who were Dukes of Milan in Italy in the 14th Century. Even today this Symbol can be found in Milan publicly displayed. It was one such site that caught the eye of Alfa Romeo's designers - so they say - and it was incorporated into their badge opposite the RED CROSS. Interesting.
History suggests that the man in the mouth of the serpent is a Muslim! And that it came about through the first Visconti Duke of Milan, who led an army in the Crusades, adopting this badge - but it is hardly likely that any 'Christian' would adopt a snake, synonymous with the Devil, as a symbol of Good overcoming what might then have been thought of as an enemy. So what, or who, did this Crowned Serpent represent? And in the second illustration cut from a public building in Milan not long ago it doesn't look like a man but rather a child in the mouth of the serpent.
And slowly my memory stirred and I remembered a novel of fiction read when I was in my early teens - 'The Viper of Milan' written by Marjory Bowen in 1916. A story about a particularly EVIL Visconti Duke. He was finally defeated and overcome in the story..............
BUT for some reason this symbol disturbed my peace as I sat in the late afternoon on Green Cottage Veranda. I switched off the computer. How was it that I should have come across this symbol - obviously NOT a very happy or beneficent one? Was I being warned that OUR children, in the Homes, were in danger of being devoured by evil? I got up. It was now 6p.m.
I closed the Veranda door and bolted it - something I never usually do before 10 or 11 at night.
I don't know why I did it - just an impulse.............
I came into the house and began to lay the table for supper for Esther and me. SUDDENLY I heard the veranda door bolts violently drawn back, and through the sitting room door was pushed a 14 year old boy - his house-parent following shouting and pushing. I was still standing near the dining table with a handful of cutlery. With outstretched hand the houseparent slapped with the palm and back of his hand - I cried out in remonstrance - he continued, then turned and stormed out of the house leaving me with the boy! I was startled. The boy it turned out had been accused by another of stealing green maize from the next door neighbour. Right there and then before being driven to Green Cottage he had been assailed by the 'parent' with a broom handle and thoroughly beaten. WHAT WAS going on? This just did not happen.
Not only is physical punishment forbidden everywhere by law in Kenya, but the policy of the Homes and the Instructions and Training to our Houseparents clearly outlaws such punishment in this present era.
On Thursday all our Houseparents attended my office and we discussed discipline in depth once more. I thought we had at least sorted the matter out.
BUT TODAY evidence has been incontrovertedly laid before me, that proves physical discipline is being used almost daily in three of our four Homes, AND the School. A sense almost of panic assailed us. On Friday and today we have had a team of some 50 doctors, psychologists and social research people in the Homes interviewing ALL our children in a voluntary exercise involving more than 12 different Children's Institutions. They have told me at the conclusion that a number of our children have been abused in three of our Homes. I had in fact asked them to try and uncover any such incidents. I have had to let Mica and Catherine Yego go to day as well, as part result of investigations. In fact they walked out without any Notice! We are coping, but with a sense of shock and unreality, and we may still have to ASK another couple to leave.
We sense a serious attack, but also understanding that this is not SUDDEN, but an attack that has been insidiously proceeding undetected for some time. We thank God for bringing it to light, and for strength to deal with it. We are also thankful that the children are calm, and that they seem sure that Esther and I will watch over them and ensure their well being.
PLEASE DO PRAY FOR US. Even as I write we are in the midst and grip of a freak hail and thunder storm of rain and wind that is tearing through our compounds, having banished the blue skies once more, and engulfed us in semi darkness and what to us feels like freezing cold.
We are not anxious or afraid. We were put on our guard. We know who is ultimately behind this, and we are not without ability to withstand and overcome him. But we will be glad of your family support in holding up our hands, and encouraging our hearts.
IT IS THE LORD'S DAY TOMORROW. We are looking for His Blessing upon us, and also healing.
Lovingly to you all
John and Esther
PS - Apologies for the lack of photos related to Parent's Day. They did not come out well this time.