Saturday 30 April 2011


AT LAST, on 26th April in a small hotel in the ancient town of ELGIN in the Scottish Highlands a long lost and unknown sister met her brother. YES here we are PAT and JOHN together at last. A truly historic and rather emotional moment witnessed by relatives on both sides. We stayed around until only the morning of the 28th before returning to Lancashire. Not nearly long enough, but we have the promise of a longer time together once Pat comes to Kenya in the hopefully not too distant future. We spent time together in fellowship shared with family, and also travelled around together to sample the scenery and to see where Pat spent part of her childhood and later life. STEVEN drove us up from Lancashire, and also accompanying us were Elisabeth and her husband Prem, plus son and daughter (John 9 and Rachel 7). PAT was accompanied by her son Harvey, 45 and his partner Marion. It was truly a FAMILY occasion, but maybe Pat and I were both a little nervous. On the last morning we were together local Reporters arrived to take photos and write up the 'story' - later it was taken up by the Scottish Daily Mail as well.. WOW. SO many photos. I cannot put them all on view today, but a few more only.
And Scotland showed us her beauty and glory each day we were there. The weather was as good as Kenya with cloudless skies, sunshine and warmth. We had to travel to the Highlands, and enjoyed much of the marvellous scenery they have to offer. The Scots keep their Country remarkably clean and manicured both in town and country. And as a Country it is very different to England. It reminded me in places of Norway and Denmark. To travel there far beyond Edinburgh and Stirling was a special blessing to me. I have ever been drawn to Scotland since a child!! How strange! It was great to have Esther with us all, and I think she was as excited and moved - if not more so - than I was ! We are both keeping well and fit by the way.
From now on I shall be writing only brief items on Saturdays, just to keep you up to date on our travels and other incidental events along the way. BUT we may of course find some more to say as we go - as for example this week also comprised the Royal Wedding held yesterday in London. We watched it on TV. A great spectacle. And the Sermon by the Bishop of London was truly a wonderful expose of married life, and importance of marriage generally. But was anyone listening? We hope so. Also the Reading during the Service of Romans 12 by the young brother of the Bride was also a great challenge and encouragement.
The WEDDING was beautifully conducted, but will the Promises made in front of God be kept? We hope the Word read and said will not have fallen on dead ears and hearts, and that this will be a Marriage to be remembered and one that will last for a lifetime.
On the way up to Scotland we stopped in Bothwell for a moment to visit an old friend of Testimony Faith Homes and his family. We hope they will also be visiting us in Kenya this coming September. Harry Speedie, his wife Flora and son Ewen and daughter Joanne. Harry was part of the TFH Team way back in the early 80s when he came to help us set up a Mechanics Training Scheme. He was then a STOP WORKER sponsored by TEAR Fund. It was a real delight to be able to visit if only briefly and we all look forward to their arrival in Eldoret later in the year.
On our return here, and just after the Royal Wedding came to a conclusion we were visited by even older friends on their way to Newcastle from Surrey. Drs. Frank and Liz Guiness. I first met Frank in August 1969 in Maseno, Kenya. We have kept in touch ever since, and it was a special blessing to have them drop in to see US. So we must say we are having a wonderful time. YES! Thank you Lord.
BUT please continue to pray for those at home in Kenya carrying on the work with the children. They continue to be confronted with great challenge and testing. They all need your prayers.
And now till next time, or until perhaps we MEET, God Bless, comfort and provide against all YOUR needs and aspirations. We shall be praying for you.
Lovingly - John and Esther

Saturday 23 April 2011


'JUST LOOK WHAT THE CAT BROUGHT IN!!' Well I do apologise to the owner of this photo (who is quite unknown to me) but she conveys exactly the reception Esther and I received the morning after our arrival in London and on entering the 5* Hotel dining room to take breakfast. Not really 'unpleasant' but definitely something 'OFF' in her manner. Steven had arranged to sleep us in the hotel and then drive us north the next morning. It was a sumptuous place. Esther and I just revelled in the luxurious and totally restful surroundings, and slept soundly and well.
We are not very conversant with Hotels. We have, I think, only slept in one twice during the last 42 years. We felt a little out of our depth amidst all the quiet grandeur. As we entered the Dining-room we were welcomed my the Maitre d' - a short, plump woman in her fifties,who looked at us a little apprehensively and oddly. She did not smile or greet us but directed us to a table and promptly turned away and left us there. The room was moderately full of diners, but no sign of food! We waited a while wondering if we would be served.
Eventually I noticed a couple coming from an area invisible to us, but carrying steaming plates of breakfast food. Obviously there must be a buffet just out of sight, so Esther and I got up and meandered off in that direction.. Sure enough the food was laid out plentifully obscured by a screen! The 'sniffy' maitre d' was standing there, but still unsmilingly - at least when she saw us. One or two others were immediately assisted and grandly helped to choose what she recommended. She did not spoil our enjoyment of what was a truly well presented and prepared English Breakfast - but she did not make us feel either welcome or accepted. We forgave her. Maybe she was tired....caught off guard by a couple of rather nondescript travellers who did not belong in the pristine and upper class confines of her domain.
It was, and IS, a beautiful Hotel both interially and exteriorally. Its furnishings delightful to the eye, and generally it's staff courteous and very attentive. We felt very blessed to be able to sample it's luxuries on that first night away from home. Spotlessly clean and sparkling - although my eagle eyed wife did discover a blob of tomato sauce on our bedroom floor - or was it blood! I would never have noticed it.

Steven collected us at noon,., and drove us what turned out to be a five hour journey to Accrington just north of Manchester. We met a great deal of traffic on the motor ways and in places were brought to almost a standstill by sheer number of vehicles all leaving London for the North. But we arrived at last, and have been ever since staying with Steve and Anjie and their two lovely children, our grandchildren ( Eric and Tonia.) The weather has been gorgeous with temps up to 23C every day, blue skies and warmth. Still the same today, and forecast to so continue until the end of the month.
NO EASTER NEWS so far from Eldoret, and Testimony Faith Homes. But we know they have continued to be under siege - nothing going In or coming Out. Yet of course they live and life continues. Children come to us having first existed in utmost poverty, often totally destitute of any life support, dependant on what they glean from the gutters. Pictures like the one on the left can move to tears.
After such children have been with us only a few days their entire attitude changes. Clean clothes, good food, and fellowship all around them work wonders, and transformations are immediate. But oddly we find few commenting on these happy, cared for children. In fact some have at times asked us why we do not print more heart wrenching pictures instead of those photos depicting happy and apparently healthy children living in the Homes. Our Testimony has always been that when parents leave their children, GOD will take up their cause and care for them Himself - and surely His Care will be good - and it should be SEEN to be good.
How greatly SATAN detests this Testimony, and this Demonstration of God's Love. He does all that he can to prevent and even dismantle it. That is why over the last months I have shared the Siege that is being endure by the Homes in Eldoret - not ours only either - but of all of us engaged in caring for children. Much prayer has been and continues to go up. And food continues to appear on our tables. And this week we have heard that SOME funds are getting through the Enemy's lines and bringing relief. Life in Jesus, and with God is not guaranteed to be without hardship or even privations. War continues and the Battle rages, but those in the Army and under the Protection of the Lord WILL come through. Wounds, hurts, short supplies and every kind of challenge to our Advance must and will come - BUT advance we WILL, and the Enemy will be discovered and overcome. This is our CONFIDENCE. Continue to pray for Daryl, and all those standing with him in Jesus Name to maintain the Standard of the Lord, and the peace and prosperity of the children. The Battle has been hot and enduring. Day after day the Attack continues on all sides. It is a 'Spiritual' Battle yes, but it affects the material well being of hundreds of children.
The Kenya revenue Authority notified the Homes last week that they had REJECTED our appeal against having to pay the Ksh.3million shilling charge they have demanded. A slap in the face! We shall turn the other cheek and GO ON to fight them. IN THE NAME OF JESUS we DO have the Victory. Join with us in prayer that this victory will be achieved soon.
ON TUESDAY next week Esther and I, together with Steven and Elisabeth hope to drive up to KEITH in Moray, Scotland to meet with my sister Pat, and her family. We are looking forward greatly to this FIRST meeting in more than 70 years.
Our STEPS are planted by the Lord. We have little or no say in where or how we shall proceed on this visit. It will be adventure - yes! It will also be joy and blessing. It feels as if we have gone back to the 'Beginning' when I arrived in Kenya in 1968 blindly from a material point of view with no church or supporters behind me. Then in 1972 arriving almost unannounced back in UK for what turned out to be a nine month stay in which Steven was born in Truro, and we all three traversed the length and breadth of the country unplanned and often unexpected........ Times we truly experienced the Spirit's Leading and Guidance.
HE has not changed - only perhaps WE are less prepared and more cautious. BUT we are very sensible that this trip away from our Life and Work in Kenya is not of our own doing, and that God has it in Hand.
God Bless and be with you all - we hope to SEE some of you in the flesh.
Your brother and sister always in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

John and Esther

Sunday 17 April 2011


MANY THANKS to all those who have written and commented on my visit to the UK. We ARE now safely arrived, getting to Heathrow, London on Thursday at 7p.m. UK time. A good and comfortable flight. We were met by our sons Steven and Michael and also our good friends Allan and Margaret Nicholls who had travelled from Bexleyheath. We had a coffee together at one of the Airport cafeterias, and then they left, and Steve and Michael drove us to Reading where Steve works. He and Mike had booked us into a Hotel for the night. We dumped our luggage and then had supper together. Michael then drove to his home in Welling (another hour away) and Steve drove us back to the Hotel.

We spent a good and comfortable night, and then Steve picked us up after finishing his work at midday, and drove us up to his home in Baxendon, Accrington, Lancs.

A journey of six road hours due to heavy traffic. (We hope to eventually return to London and spend some time with Michael later on.) And then On Saturday we went across to Rochdale to Elisabeth and her family - and today, church in the morning and a quiet afternoon that has afforded me a moment to write up the Blog.

Next week we will rest a little up to Easter, but we then hope to visit any that may want to see us, or offer us opportunity to advertise the ministry of Testimony Faith Homes. We are going to be in Baxenden and then Rochdale for the next three or even four weeks before turning south. We would like to visit Friends and Churches in the Harrogate, Starbeck, Wirral, Liverpool, Manchester and North Wales area during this time. We know an inter church Meeting is being arranged for us in Rochdale at the Champness Hall one day in the near future.

At Easter we expect to travel up to Scotland - to Stirling and then to Aberdeen to meet with my sister Pat's family! Her 72 Birthday on the 27th April. Really looking forward to that!! Elisabeth and her family and Steven will be with us.

Thereafter we shall consider travelling south to the South-west and then back south east, to the London area, maybe also visiting a few more friends in Wales, and Shropshire etc.etc. It looks as if we shall keep on keeping on until we leave again for Kenya on 20th June.
Anyone wanting to get in touch with us should ring or E-mail us
20 Waverley Road, Baxendon, Accrington, Lancs.

Tel; 01254-871208 email -

THIS IS just a very broad overview and NO DATES have been FIXED except the Easter week-end. Thus our itinerary such as it is remains very much OPEN to change or variation should any wish to suggest a Meeting both to have fellowship and or to Advertise TFH. We feel the Lord has given this opportunity for Esther and me to be here at this time to also awaken further interest in and knowledge of our Testimony as a ministry. Any suggestions as to how this may be accomplished or assisted would be welcome.

Please forgive this being a brief Entry - and LATE. Other Entries whilst we are in the Uk may not be always on a Saturday as before but we hope there WILL be fairly regular Entries to keep us together and up to date. SO FAR we have no news of how Daryl and the Homes are doing. My phone is now working here, and I have only today managed to get my comp working!!! Amazing. Esther and I are well, and happy to be seeing our grandchildren on this side of the world for a change. But we are still adjusting to the temperature!! We are very concerned for our Family left in Kenya, and for the staff and children of the Homes.

Please do remember to pray for them as we will be doing; they are enduring a very provoking and challenging time all together.

Much Love to you all, and keep you also bright and faithfully standing.

John and Esther

Saturday 9 April 2011


FINALLY, it seems safe to say that Esther and I will be flying to the United Kingdom on Thursday 14th April!

It will be a day flight, with us arriving the same day. We shall initially be staying with Steven and family in Lancashire, nearby Accrington, and not far from Rochdale where our daughter Elizabeth lives with her little family. We are really looking forward to seeing them all again, including Michael and Janet. But strangely it will not be like a 'home-coming' since HOME is very definately here in Eldoret for us after more than 40 years. BUT... I suppose for me there is a certain nostalgia involved, and I know I will enjoy seeing and remembering the earth I grew up from.

AS USUAL, when it comes to actually leaving here, it seems a bit of a rush and hustle. I in particular feel rather unready for such an imminent departure....but it has always been like this every time we have left Kenya.

I shall still put out the BLOG each Saturday, so you will be able to follow OUR stay - probably until mid July when we hope, God Willing to return here. We expect to visit the south west and also Aberdeen as well as the Lancs/Yorks and London areas. We shall be using public transport for the most part, but still hope to be able to get around as much as possible to catch up on friends, and also perhaps to present the work of Testimony Faith Homes to a few new audiences.

But I confess I do not enjoy travel so very much, and this may be the last time I will yield to temptation. Probably, in the future, it may be our son Daryl who will present the ongoing work of the Homes and School. We are leaving him in charge whilst we are away. He is currently Assistant Director of the Children's Homes, but he will have overall responsibility in our absence. His photo was taken last year on his 38th Birthday together with Caroline his wife. Some of you know that he has had a rather chequered past, but deep in his heart he never let go of his faith in Jesus, and through much prayer and tribulation he has managed to come through for God. He is a happy family man, and very well accepted and liked by those that work here generally. He is also well seasoned in most aspects of the administration of all the ministry here. However he will also have Anthony Ndungu, our School Principal who is also the Assistant Director for the entire School, standing with and by him. They will need to depend on the support of each other in daily running of ALL the work here. We leave them confidently in charge, but knowing that we do so at a very difficult time financially, and with many challenges to face along the way. It should be a good learning time in and with Jesus. Praise the Lord for EVERY opportunity to know Him and His Faithfulness more and more. We shall of course be in close touch via E-mail and mobile.

We are planning to leave Eldoret by road on Wednesday, spend the night with Esther's sister and brother in law, and then fly the next morning. Have not got the Ticket details yet so cannot give time or place of arrival in UK. It is still quite warm here with large doses of sunshine - hope it will not be TOO much of a change!!
On the 29th April it will my sister Pat's Birthday - and on the 11th May it will be my 71st - SO we are hoping we will be able to arrange a get together one way or another. It will be our FIRST sight of each other - a special Birthday Treat. Still can hardly believe it is true. I think one of the most interesting things about it all is that we have both lived all these years in ignorance of each other, experiencing very different lives in very different places, each being blessed with our own children and grandchildren. Truly God IS good - even though the roads we travel are not always smooth or easy to endure!
God Bless and be with you all, and remember to pray for US as we travel, and those we leave behind who are much upon our hearts.

Sincerely your Brother and Sister in Jesus always

John and Esther

Saturday 2 April 2011


I MUST CONFESS AND SAY that right now I feel very much UNDER the circumstances! I have been endeavouring to hold my ground these recent months and days, but THIS week the Enemy hurled some germ at me that has really attacked every part of me; my head, my chest, my stomach, yes my whole body feels pummeled and bashed around to a pulp. It is definitely much harder to fight when you are sick! Much harder to LEAD and much harder to actually BELIEVE that the Siege will end, and Relief realised. For me these last months have searched me out, and left me feeling taken down a peg or two in my Christian Life. The Enemy really loves a chance to do this to us all. BUT, thrown against a wall and winded by his attack, there is time to look back.... To look back to other times when he seemed to have the upper hand. Time to remember how at the very moment it seemed he would finish us off, GOD stepped in! In my imagination I always know it is JESUS but in my mind I see Him as Michael, Mighty Archangel, with his flaming sword putting the terror of destruction into Satan's very soul. WELL, enough of this 'huff and puff' - THIS house is not going to fall down either, and we trust the Enemy will suffer greater damage than any of us sheltering here, enduring this latest withering blast of his bitter hatred. We shall STAND, and weather the circumstances! INDEED we may not stay a moment more UNDER the circumstances that press us down to the floor, but RISE UP from under them, dispersing them in and through the Name of the Lord. We have done it before! We shall do it AGAIN. For it is not we ourselves that will achieve the Victory but the LORD with us. Hallelujah! HOWEVER, the real and present symptoms of my physical state may force me to be a little briefer than usual this Saturday!! But I did promise you a photo last week, I think. So here it is.

Micah and Senge YEGO with their 2nd child Esther just a week old. Mum and baby doing well, and uproarious joy in their Tyndale Cottage Family. They waited seven years to have their first child, and had almost despaired in their waiting - BUT God stepped in. I actually think God LIKES to wait until we have decided He can't or isn't going to answer our prayer - THEN He steps and chides us for our little faith. The fact is there is never an excuse to give up on God or to stop believing in HIM - hard and grim though the practice of it may be!! Of course it is a very special joy for us to SEE God's hand in this, and ALSO to see the wonderful way God has had His hand on Senge since the very day she was born in Eldoret Women's Prison. It was hard entrance into the world, but she was soon brought to us in Testimony House, to be a precious little daughter - a very stubborn and determined child, who grew to KNOW God and be be a determined Christian wife and mother. Hallelujah to the One Who Rescues!

SOME WEEKS BACK I commented a little on Lord Baden Powel, founder of the Scouts movement. We tend to remember him as a scout, and see him basically in our minds eye dressed as a scout, the Chief Scout in fact. In this picture we see him dressed as a Peer of the United Kingdom. Just this week I received a letter from a dear friend in England who having read the Blog felt a need to also comment. She writes -

'I read with horror your words that Lord Baden Powell is being

accused of homosexuality. It is one of those terrible untruths.

What rubbish!

I was a girl-guide myself; enrolled in Nyeri by

Lady Baden Powell herself!

I was then at Nyeri School!! As my mother was guide commissioner

in Kenya in those days, she had Lady Baden Powell to stay

and she became a personal friend of the family.

She was a practicing Christian and read her Bible every day.

I am very sure that Lord BP was likewise a man of strong and high

moral character.'

ALL of us have our opinions and impressions of each other, and even ourselves. But how little we really know about the people we meet - little we may know even about ourselves. I am more than glad that GOD sees and judges in righteousness, seeing and knowing the truth about each of us inside out. His Judgement will be always RIGHT, and His Mercy available to each one of us. To me that is the most comforting and wonderful things to KNOW deep in my soul.

JOHN AND ESTHER may if they endure to the end of April by God's Grace, may also by His Grace find themselves in The United Kingdom once more. Maybe for about three months. We shall leave Daryl holding the reigns. A step of faith? Perhaps - no it will definitely be that! Our son Steven will be actually arranging the flight for us, and we shall no doubt stay at least part of the time with him and family in Accrington. We will keep you posted as the weeks go by. It would be good to meet up with at least some of you whilst we are at home.

God Bless and keep you from all the wiles of the Enemy.

John and Esther