Wednesday 29 July 2009


ON SATUR-DAY, 25TH JULY we celebrated our School's 28th Year since it's inception as a Nursery School in 1981. Some six to seven hundred attended as expected, and the Day excluded the possibility of my being able to update the Blog. Since that then I have continued to be swept up in busy days and occasions. Monday saw me out with the District Children's Officer making a house call on a family in distress, some of whose members are currently resident with us; a curious case involving a family of ten young people living alone in revolt to their paternal parent. The mother died in 2007 and the children walked out on the father who is drunkard and abusive and set up home in a hovel on the outskirts of town. They begged to eat, and eventually were so destitute that they came to our notice. The three youngest (two boys and girl) are now with us whilst the fate and future of the others is slowly being sorted out.. Tuesday saw me at a function organised by the District Probation Office, and held in the grounds of the District Commission. About 200 probationers were gathered to watch some of their number receive gifts of tools and machinery to assist them start small home industries. About one thousand pounds worth of goods. The funds are donated by well wishers into a Revolving Fund and distributed once a year. The idea is that the money slowly is returned by the recipients as their business grows and then re-allocated to others. Donations are encouraged to continue so that eventually the monthly return will be able to finance an annual provision to help new cases. SO far - it has been just a year since we started it - it seems very successful.
TO-day, as I write, WEDNESDAY, we have had the 31st monthly Meeting of the Children's Forum here in my Office - more than 30 attending. An excellent fellowship of those involved in Child Care in our District. We closed the Meeting at 1.p.m. so now at last I can turn my attention to an update.
The Chief Guest for the the School
Parents & Prize giving was our new CHIEF MAGI-STRATE, His Honour Mr. Charles G. Mbogo - just three weeks old in his post! He was accompanied by three other of his colleagues their Honours Mrs. Mongare, Dist. Children's Magistrate, Mrs. Alego, Senior Resident Magistrate, and Mrs Orwa, Resident Magistrate. They all arrived at 9.30 a.m. and I showed them round the four Children's Homes together with the District Children's Officer, Mr. Nzenge. It was quite a quick tour as we had to be back at the School to start the official function by 10.30.
We made it and set off to tour the School, Nursery through Secondary, which took us up to Lunch time. All the classrooms were decorated and students work laid out on the desks. Special exhibitions also set up in the Computer, Science and Home-Science rooms. The weather was fine, and the atmosphere one of happy excitement.
At 12.30 lunch was served to the parents, and the School Management and Special Guests - a party of 23 - repaired to my Office for luncheon.

At 2p.m. the School Concert commenced in the school Hall. This was a Program of some twenty items performed by the students from Nursery to Secondary, including drama, Recitation, Choir and Dance. This was followed by brief speeches by the
Chief Guest and others and then the Giving of Awards to the Students class by class. We concluded the day at 4.30p.m. everything having gone like clockwork to the minute of the planned program.
During his Address, the Chief Magistrate Mr. Mbogo, evinced satisfaction at all tha
t he had seen and said that he was impressed by the happy atmosphere and well kept environment. He also said -
'I have learnt to day that there are people who are selfless;
people who are willing to give of what they have to improve the lives of others.
This has caused me to consider my Account!
I am not talking about my financial account however!
I was asking myself - 'Do I do what is right in my life?'
I believe that each one of us needs to ask ourselves this question.
At the end of the day, wherever we live or work, we need to ask ourselves
if we have passed the day well; we should take 'account' of what we have done,
and whether or not it was done well!
I would ask you ALL to do this every day.
We have also learnt together many things from the students here today.
We have learnt our need to love each other.
We have learnt to acknowledge God.
We have learnt to do good to our neighbour
We have learnt to share what we have with others.
I have been Blessed.

We also were blessed, and all in all we can say it was indeed a very good Day and Occasion that glorified and honoured God. The Parents, the Teachers, and of course the Children, including our own, seemed all to be happy and glad to be part of each other, and the School.
Will try to be back on Saturday, God Willing.

John and Esther Green

Saturday 18 July 2009

TESTIMONY SCHOOL BEGAN when Testimony Faith Homes started a Nursery School in 1981. A young lady from England, Miss. Jane Hotham, was with us at that time as a Volunteer, and she it was that set the Nursery School up. It flourished and in 1985 expanded into the first three Classes of Primary School, continuing on in 1987 to add Classes 4 to 8, completing the Primary School. We now have a Nursery Department of some 100 pupils and a double stream Primary School of some 570 students. Between 1994 and 1996 we also built a single stream of Secondary School comprising four Classrooms with a capacity of 144 students. The School is adjacent to Testimony House, our first Orphan Home, and stands on some 4 acres of land. This will be the 28th Anniversary of the Founding of the School which Jane Hotham began for us. And it is so good THIS YEAR to have one of her sons, SIMON Foster, with us and able to attend the 28th Parents & Prize-giving Day NEXT SATURDAY, the 25th July. I have thought to include here an article that appeared in our in the TESTIMONY Newsletter for March 1981 -

'A SHORT WORD from Jane Hotham, late of Durham University, England, and presently Head Mistress of our NEW Nursery School . "Writing at the end of 1st Term, there is SO MUCH to share and to Thank the Lord for since the last Letter when John asked for prayer for the Project.
One particular request was to pray for another teacher, which the Lord has answered very wonderfully in providing Irene (an untrained teacher from Kenya) who has been a real blessing to me, and to the children. SO NOW we have two teachers, and our School has increased to 20 children, nine of whom, come from outside of the Homes. As it happens they are all girls, which makes a nice balance with all our own little boys! Another change has been in our move to new premises; into two of the old Hostel rooms which were not being used, and which could almost have been specially built for a Nursery School. Looking back over the Term, I sometimes wonder who has learnt more, me and Irene - or the children!
The LORD has taught us SO much, and it is very wonderful to know that each day we can call upon Him for His Wisdom and Love to take us through the morning. He has blessed us with many joys, and encouragement too, as we see the children learning and mastering new skills and taking pride in their achievements. And so, whilst I must
admit I am enjoying the holidays, I DO look forward to NEXT Term, and to all the Lord has in store for us" - Jane.
Jane finally left us in January 1982, greatly missed. All of those FIRST children now 28 years older, many with families of their own, and perhaps a son or daughter soon to join Testimony Nursery School to begin the long trek through School Days.
USUALLY WE COMBINE the School Parents Day with Founders Day which commemorates the actually beginnings of Testimony Faith Homes, but THIS YEAR, because it is the 40th Anniversary we decided to separate them. Founders Day for TFH will be celebrated in August on the actual day we began.
For the School Parents & Prize Giving this year we have the Chief Magistrate of our District, His Honour Mr. Charles G. Mbogo, who will also be accompanied by the Children's Magistrate Mrs. Alice Mong'are. They are expected to arrive about 10 a.m. on Saturday, and then walk around the Homes and School till about Lunch Time. In the Afternoon, after lunch, the School will put on a Concert and then give out Prizes to the students who have earned notice. We hope it will not rain TOO much (the RAINS have now come back since last week and in earnest.

AS I WAS LOOKING for the letter from Jane in the March Letter for 1981 I also came across this little testimony extracted from my Diary for 22nd January 1970 -
"So far this month we have received 58/- (about 2 pounds in those days. I had 15 children then and could live well enough on 25 pounds a month at the time. Amazing!) from the wide world. There is nothing in the Bank to day, and I have 20/- in hand - in my pocket that is. Well Lord, where can I look.........only to you Who is closer than a brother...
...As I was writing an old Gardener from Siriba College walked in on me. He came to ask me to help him pay his sons School Fees. I explained that my situation was such that I could not.
He persisted in his asking none the less, and saikd that even twenty shillings woujld do. I replied that is was impossible for me to do even that much fkor him, and so at last he left, bent and worried.
As I sat on at my desk, one of the children came in. He sat on the arm of my chair and said -
"Dad, doesn't the Bible say that you should give to the one that asks?'
"YES! Indeed it does," I replied,
not seeing where I was being led.
"Then why did you not give the twenty shilling I can see in your shirt pocket
to that old man - I heard him asking you!

I was run through, Surely the Word of God IS sharper than any two edged sword. I took the note from my pocket and gave it to the boy; he ran off after the man with it. So now I am just sitting here, Lord wondering - wondering what YOU will do.......

12noon - one hour later. Have just collected the post. One letter. It was sent all the way from Denmark and since the stamps were not enough it came by SEA and not by AIR and was sent more than a month ago. There was a cheque inside - a cheque for 50 pounds! What great abundance! Surely the Lord is ever busy on our behalf arranging for our need long before we ask or realise our our necessity."

A month later the Gardener brought back the 20/- I had given him with gratitude and thanksgiving - much more than I had deserved from him.

Nothing much has changed since then regarding the way we live here. The Numbers of children are more, the work has expanded, the economy has worsened, but HE still watches over us, ..... and ME - Yes, for all the years that have gone by, and for all the evidence of His Faithfulness to us, I still find it hard to give away our last shillings! But that reminds me of the Scripture which says =
Cast your bread upon the waters:
for you shall find it again after days Ecclesiastes 11v1


TESTIMONY HOUSE has been getting a bit shabby and run down to look at both inside and outside. We have felt helpless to do much about it, but this week we received a Gift at our very door which we have been able to use to good purpose. The painters have come in and painted almost all the exterior, walls and roof inclusive. Also we have been able to lay down a new floor covering in the sitting and dining room to replace the old and worn out linoleum. Made a lot of difference. Just in time for the Anniversary next month. We shall be able to SHINE just a little as we Rejoice and Witness to His Great Faithfulness.

I may be late with a word next week - Saturday WILL be VERY busy. Will write perhaps on Sunday instead. Our love to you all for all your love to us!

John & Esther

Saturday 11 July 2009


LAST WEEK, I said that I might say a little about CULTS. A cult is usually a practice or way of life built around a personality. There are Christian Cults, and there are cults built around other 'personality teaching' across all religious thought, and even other.
CULT practices often resemble those of legitimate religious organisations.   For example, people who experience religious conversion often have dramatic changes in their lives. However, these changes enrich lives and help the individual toward their goals rather than changing them to meet a prescribed mold laid down by another individual. Of course, I am talking about Personality Cults that take us away from God and from following Jesus in particular. Christian Cults. There are new ones rising up almost every day. Some more dangerous than others.

I am concerned about those that tend to replace the Lordship of Christ with their own Authority and 'lordship', and that enlist their followers into their own particular little army, to be regimented into a different gospel. RECENTLY I came across something called THE HEBRON COMPANY. This seems to be a close and singular company of men dedicated to 'expressing manhood to the earth'. It is attached to an organisation known as 'The Elijah Centre' based in Trinidad under the Leadership of a man known as Senior Elder NOEL WOODROFFE, who founded it. It is already a world body, and growing fast. Mr. Woodroffe seems to be widely accepted in many areas of the Christian Church. The Hebron Company has begun to be known in Kenya, and is now making itself known in Eldoret. BUT is it really a CULT?
Here are a few possible guidelines to determine if a particular organisation might in some way be cultic in its effect -
1) Watch out for detachment. New cult members separate themselves from their friends, family and acquaintances.   This kind of distancing happens gradually with encouragement from the cult leader.
2) Observe any change of behaviour. Be especially attentive if someones personality and interests are significantly changing to match the group leader.
3) Cults also often seek to gain control of their members finance. Members can be asked for cash, and encouraged to give free labour.

HEBRON have a Senior Elder structure which is pyramidal. Each group's purpose is to come together and to make the S.E. 'king' of the group, devoting all their energy, support and skills to this end. Each family head in the group must introduce and bring their family to know and submit to the 'king' the Senior Elder of the group. HE is the one to be followed to the letter, and HIS words are the ones to be obeyed as if God spoke. HE, the Senior Elder, has the 'words of eternal life'. He, the Senior Elder, is to be protected, encouraged, supported in every way by all Members. HE is the DOOR into God's Presence. The Senior Elder is the LAMP of the Church - its guide. Of course there is 'Scriptural' authority for all this, but it is very definitely miss interpreted, and twisted. It is heresy - a teaching that replaces Christ as Lord and King.
Reading an article by David Howe of Living Waters Fellowship, England it was interesting to see his remarks on what was once called 'Heavy Shepherding -
"Some are saying in the Church today 'that leaders/teachers must be obeyed without question. Aren't we supposed to test all things by the WORD? Accountability in some places is used to control people. They say you have to be accountable to them, but to who are they accountable? When asked they would say God, but we are all accountable to God I say. They would say we hear God better than you, that's why we are above you.
HEAVY SHEPHERDING - a strange thing has happened in the land. Many shepherds have set themselves above the people, and the people seem to like it that way. Many (shepherds) are placing themselves in front of Christ, acting as if they are 'christs' or 'gods' in front of the sheep.
In other places they 'mentor' disciples, where all they do is make clones of the people - make them into robots...."

We must be WATCHFUL - in the last days false prophets / pastors will arise from your midst - YES they will arise OUT of the midst of Christianity, out of the body of Christ - Wolves in Sheep's clothing are they......... TRY / TEST every spirit - every WORD - every life example against the WORD of God as it is both written, and also DEMONSTRATED in and through Christ. And remember Christ Jesus is the First and the LAST, there is no extra or NEW revelation beyond Him who is the Truth, The Life and the WAY.

THE RAIN has tapered off. NONE for three days again, and what we had was very minimal.
With 150 resident on our compounds, and some 600 children coming in to school daily, we wonder what will happen if the water supply ceases!! And of course we DO wonder. God on the other hand knows very well, and has all the answers. We caught site of one possible answer in today's NATION under the caption -
thanks to one old MUZUNGU!
It seems an 86 year old Canadian - Lex Lutherford - a water diviner. He is apparently here in Kenya and has formed a Company known as Swallow Waters International Management (SWIM), a voluntary organisation, set up to discover water on farmsteads. Mr. Lutherford is reported as saying - 'You have to believe that this process (of discovering water) is God driven.'

Well if WE could discover water on OUR land here in Eldoret it might would surely be an act of God. It has started us thinking, and who knows maybe this man can help us. Keep praying.

John and Esther

Saturday 4 July 2009


POOR innocent PIGLET seems in real trouble! A friend sent this photo not long ago. If you are NOT a fan of Pooh Bear, and all the other friends of Christopher Robin you may not be much impressed by it. But my attention was caught, since 'Piglet' is still a friend of mine, and I felt quite devastated to see him stigmatised by so many of HIS friends. Knowing Pooh Bear as well as I do, I somehow feel HE would not have backed away or been satisfied to see his friends back away from one so dear, so innocent and helpless. He would have called Christopher Robin, and together they would have enlisted the help of OWL and left no stone unturned to make sure a case of influenza did not make part of their fraternity out of reach or suddenly undesirable. The photo has the caption 'Swine Flu - a Step too Far?' I have the Pooh Bear characters set up on a table in my Office. PIGLET (Depicted on the left) is still very much together with the rest, and no sign of segregation so far, OR of any one of them going down with the FLU. If you find yourself a bit in the dark you could do worse than look for books by A.A. Milne who wrote 'Winnie the Pooh' / 'The House at Pooh Corner' / 'Now We Are Six'. I still read them again and again - and still laugh!
TO-DAY's Daily Nation reports that KENYA now has 12 (TWELVE) positive cases of Swine Flu! Not many days previously the Minster of Health, Beth Mugo,was insisting we had only ONE case. It is said ALL of these cases are 'imported' and probably are students from the United Kingdom! Quite a few of them are now holed up in Kisumu just about 130 kilometers from
Eldoret! Not to worry, says the Health Minister - its not dangerous - in fact a very MILD form of influenza. Well I think we shall NOT worry whatever the case! Certainly we shall not be foun
d with masks on our faces - even though there is ONE student from the UK staying with us right now. But he looks strong and vigorous and is busy day and night! We will Praise the Lord. And we will stick together like glue - no matter what comes that might seek to separate us. And our old Enemy loves to find ways to separate or divide us from each other doesn't he? BUT we must seek always to be ONE, and undivided; keeping the UNITY of the Spirit at whatever cost. This is part of our SERVICE to God toward each other.

LAST SUNDAY reading in Psalm 143, a Psalm of David, I was struck by verses 7 to 12 in particular. It is really a list of requests from David to the Lord. Verse 12 is in a way the reason why God should answer - FOR I AM THY SERVANT. The question that hit ME, was just HOW MUCH am I His servant? IN much of our Christian Life we tend to look at God as OUR servant. YET the opposite, of course, is the real truth of the matter. Perhaps the measure of how good a servant we might be is in how much of what David was asking God in verses 7 onwards were actually achieved. How good a servant was he? How good a servant are you and I? Fortunately God is long suffering toward us, and very merciful......but!
ON FRIDAY, this week, our Fellowship were studying 1. Thessalonians 2v1-12.
We first noticed in verses 1-2 how single minded Paul, Silvanus and Timothy were in presenting the Gospel Message. Despised and shamefully treated by those who rejected their message, they were not to be deflected, by the fear, hurt or humiliation to which they were exposed. Neither did they dilute the message to please the hearer, but stuck to the Truth without any attempt to win favour for themselves. They were definitely not 'politically correct' and called a spade a spade.
In Verses 3-6 Paul continues to point out that they did not seek to make any material or other advantage for themselves in presenting the Gospel. It was given freely. Indeed rather than take ANYTHING from anyone Paul laboured DAY AND NIGHT making tents to provide for himself at least.
Reminds one of Abraham's determination in not taking even as much as a shoe lace from his benefactor for himself. (Genesis 14v21-24) Watching a video this week also about the life and ministry of the Singer/composer, Kieth Green (no relation of mine) it was interesting to hear that he would not charge admission fees to his Concerts, or even sell his own records. Whatever any wanted or felt led to GIVE gained them entrance to any performance, or possession of any record.
Here is demonstrated PASSIONATE dedication to the SERVICE of Jesus. Paul even says in verse 8 that -
'..We were well pleased to impart to you
not only the gospel of God,
but also our own lives,
because you had become so dear to us.'
Those last words - 'because you had become so dear to us' - are very telling. I sincerely believe, out of my own experience and walk with God, that it is ONLY when we realise the LOVE that God has for others (not just for ourselves) that we also become moved to love in such a way that we also will lay down our lives - all of our own way - for the lost! For myself it was only the realisation of this that energised and enabled me to leave ALL my sin.
Finally we noted that Paul gave the reason for his selfless, passionate and energetic presentation of God's Message as in order that -
you would walk worthy of God,
Who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. - v.12

Paul seeks his own life to be a faithful Role Model and example to all, in the hope that as many as possible might themselves devote their lives to the same purpose - even the service of God as a good and faithful child.
We were CHALLENGED afresh to live together, and in the midst of the world around us, with one mind and aim without seeking advantage for ourselves, but rather in making others rich in what is truly valuable, at whatever cost.

THIS SUNDAY, in the School Hall, there will be a Lunch provided for EVERYONE that is a part of the Community Fellowship (about 250). It is to be provided by the parents of Jesse Kiptoo, the little boy who was badly torn and mauled by some five dogs; he was only three years old. Initially it was thought he had in fact died by the time help reached him. But regaining consciousness, he was rushed to hospital where he has spent many weeks recovering as family, friends, and brethren prayed for him, believing for his total recovery. Today he is running free, laughing and apparently unaffected by the awful experience he went through. Scars are still evident on his scalp, face and arm. Also his left eye is still recovering from severe damage, but he can see, and talk, walk and jump. Amazingly and Wonderfully he demonstrates the Healing power of our God. Even the doctors have evinced their wonder at the speed of his recovery. His parents being themselves filled with Thanksgiving have thought to make a Celebration for all the company of believers here. Blessed by the Name of the Lord our God.

Next week I might make mention of a new movement that is creeping into Kenya. It claims to be Christian, but it has all the hallmarks of a cult - even a heresy! We need to keep awake.

God Bless you all, and know that you are most definitely LOVED.

John & Esther