FORTY THREE years back I wrote about a Fig Tree. ' A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon but found none.' Luke13v6.
Of course, in this story, God is the owner of the Vineyard - the Garden. It is He who owns the Fig Tree also. In the same way we might say that the Vineyard is the World, and the Fig Tree a soul born into the world. And both belong to God. The World and the individual soul belong to God.
AND THE GARDENER - the 'dresser' of the Vineyard? Who is the Gardener appointed to tend the Tree that was planted in the Vineyard. To me it is Jesus, the Son of God, given to care for me, and every other soul created by the Living God.
But the tree planted did not bring forth fruit. It lacked that for which it was planted; for which it was grown. The Owner found no fruit - and was disappointed. There is no evidence as to what manner of tree this Fig Tree was. It was merely a 'tree'. It was loved, nurtured and cared for over a period of three years - but still no sign of fruit. The People of Israel in those days were very like this tree. Jesus had been walking in it every day, watering with the Word, dunging with the power of God, but still Israel was an unfruitful tree. And after THREE years there was no sign of change.
AND THE OWNER SAID, "Cut it down! Why does it take up space in my Garden? Thus and thus spake the Owner in his disappointment. Get rid of the tree - it is taking up space, preventing the growth of something else that might yield more profitably.
BUT WHAT OF THE GARDENER - What has He to say in whom the fullness of God's Mercy and Grace abide? 'LORD, leave it alone for this year also, till I shall dig more around it, and dung it again. AND, it it bear fruit, well and good, but if not then after that you can cut it down.' Yes Jesus pleads for mercy, hating to give up on all his labour of love upon the tree - for even He knows that God will not be patient for ever, will not strive forever, with a self willed soul, and if it remains fruitless it WILL be cut down. Genesis 6v3.
A few of our 1973 boys |
appearing, so little to distinguish a tree from a flowerless, fruitless bush. But the Owner of the
Garden has told us that we shall know the tree
by its FRUIT
THIS HOME - this Testimony Faith Home (there was only ONE in 1973) - is also a 'garden'. Oh yes, and we who have Christ within are the 'gardeners'. And YOU also are 'gardeners' if so be Christ is alive in YOU. What of your 'garden' - what of the Trees YOU tend, and care for in Jesus Name; the children God has planted there with you.?
We have had to see a boy here - whose a life, growing barren and fruitless - had to be cut down, and sent away from this garden. It has hurt and disappointed us. It hurt Jesus to watch the life of Judas go down the sink after three years of care, love and hope. And Paul watched Demas turn his back on Christ and walk away. Yes it takes us hard when we seem to fail, and when it seems we are unable to rescue the perishing.
We have 21 children and young people here with Esther and me in this Home. Each has come from a background of difficulty, and many from very bad lives indeed. Each one is a battle ground on which a victory is being fought, and believed for. But we can only HOPE to touch those who are willing to come to Christ. NOT all will be seen to be glad and thankful for a home and Christian Love. Writing in his book, 'BORN OLD' Dave Wilkerson says - 'Our children are hard to work with, and they weren't likely to thank us for anything we did for them. 'They weren't convinced they needed our love or understanding - not after having done without them for so many years...........Just when we thought we were getting somewhere they might turn and say 'Thank you Buddy, and take one fast slide back into misery".
Some of four Primary Girls 2015 |
WELL that was way back in 1973 when we just had Testimony House! Since then more than Three hundred and forty have come, grown up and gone. NOW, today, in 2016 with four Homes with 140 kids and young people resident it is no different, but is of course more challenging. And we still pray for and hope for FRUIT in each and every life. But YES, there are many times we do not SEE it whilst they are with us. Not that this means they leave here badly or anti-socially, but just without Christ, and thus in a sense dead, and at great peril in OUR eyes. NEXT month a boy who ran away from us in '83 to spend the next 30 years on the 'Street' before Christ at last found him, and Saved him, will now be getting married in Mombasa where he works for Jesus.
ALL our Family 2015 |
ALSO next week we have the pleasure of having the Kenya Revenue Authority visiting our Office to once again assess our current TAX situation! Please pray for us the Jesus will help see our true position, and that we will not be pursued yet again.
A good number of our children have not yet been able to return to College due to lack of Fees. Fee structures change annually, and this year they have increased well above our expectations. These are bright youngsters, boys and girls, and they have worked hard to gain an opportunity to climb higher.
We thank God for no serious illness though Esther has been down with a bad throat, and I seem to be the next to be infected! BUT, in the Name of Jesus.
The Lord be with you all day by day, and give you insight and discernment in your lives. With our much Love in Jesus
John, Esther and Daryl.