Opposite is a small photo of Ian driving an Earth shifter on Ground breaking day, when we STARTED preparation for the building of the NEW Jacaranda Cottage in 2014. It was great to have him with us to join in the excitement of that very Special Day
RIGHT NOW, as am typing, the sky is blue and also cloudy. Last night we had a downpour of rain!! And probably it might rain again tonight. Suddenly VERY unpredictable weather again in the midst of an otherwise VERY DRY spell. But certainly welcome. After all we have been praying for RAIN, and it true JOY to see some. It has been very windy still, through the week, and on one occassion a big branch from a nearby tree fell and made a tear in the far end of the Greenhouse. It was fortunately not a big tear, and will soon be repaired..........And the temperature has continued to be up and down - say from 70 - 80f most days. Nights have also been quite hot.
ON SUNDAY EVENING, having sent out the Blog on Saturday, we received a visit from a Pastor and TEN members of his Church, who had all together felt they should come to encourage us - the entire church had felt, in prayer, that Testimony was in need, and they put together a pick-up full of provisions for us, and brought them down to us - together with a generous CASH gift. It was a miracle !!!
On MONDAY Daryl took Dan Ndungu to Nairobi for further medical review of his condition. He had to attend a private hospital due the the ongoing doctor's strike within all government hospitals. Micah Yego, Dan''s houseparent accompanied them. They left about 3am and arrived at the Hospital about 8a.m. The result of this latest Consultancy, and an array of further Tests, revealed that the hole in Dan's heart was between TWO and not all four of his heart's compartments, as we had previously been told. ONE of these seemed to be in the process of healing itself!! The other was considered closeable with surgery. This was AMAZING, and confirmed and encouraged our own faith that Jesus would intervene and HEAL. Dan's next visit to Nairobi will be in three months time. Meanwhile he will continue prescribed drugs. Thank YOU ALL for praying with us. They all arrived home on Monday night about eleven p.m.
The electric power had been off all day.
THROUGH THIS WEEK we have been searching for a new WARDEN for Testimony Boys Hostel, and also welcoming a new WARDENESS for the Girls Hostel. Rosemary felt she could not cope with the work load after the first six months, and so we had been praying for a replacement. A sister in the Lord has now come forward and has already stepped in to replace. Her name is Gladys, and she seems to be already well accepted by the Girls. With Testimony House we have not yet been so lucky, but in any case Hesketh and Alice Muli are still there. Alice has not felt very comfortable trying to be a mother to 35 big boys and adults. It has not been her forte, and this has left Hesketh holding the daily fort. It is not that the Boys have been difficult to handle, but many of them have not grown up with her, and she has felt it difficult to have a mother' heart for them. Hesketh and I had a long talk about it some weeks ago now, and so we decided to try and re-tool them and bring in a SINGLE man as Warden. Hesketh will now be the Staff Coordinator for the Homes School, whilst Alice will become responsible for teaching challenged children in the Nursery and also in other classes. She holds a teaching diploma. They have both seemed content and happy with this new arrangement. BUT so far, two candidates for the position of Warden have had to be rejected. We have about three others to see as the weeks ahead goes by, but no urgency until the end of March. We are looking for a single man of approximately. We are looking for a singly man of about 40 years, and Born Again, and able to handle a mixed group of Boy aged between 18 and twenty five - our Boys group is over 35 in number.
Not an easy task to be a father to such a group. Hesketh has done well, and gained their respect as well. The Lord knows, and we know you will be praying for us in this matter as well now.
THIS WEEK has also been our School HALF TERM. It will finish as on Monday evening, and then they will all be back again. The Years seems to be gaining SPEED day by day!!
Esther and I have been keeping quite well, We both seem to tire more easily that we did, and the days seem shorter! I personally have felt quite weary by about four in the afternoon, but we both think the weather has something to do with it, as neither of us enjoy the hot weather too much. And we ARE both quite busy, and we are definately older than we were. But we are glad to be here, and alive. Father assures our hearts and strengthens our resolve. The week has SPED by and tomorrow is His Day once more. May God Bless you, and make you rejoice in and for us as we do for you.
Lovingly in Him, and by His Grace.
John, Esther and Daryl Green
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