Saturday 22 November 2008


Esther and I have seven grandchildren at present. Some are near to us and some are far. In the photo we are with Eric and Tonia (left) and Becky (right.) Eric and Tonia are the children of Steven and his wife Anjie. Becky is Daryl and Carol's daughter. A rare get together! We really miss seeing the U.K. kids growing up even though we have Daryl's children here with us every day. Our children tell us that we love our grandchildren MORE than we loved them - at least this is what Daryl says. I guess we might be guilty of doting on the three that are closest to us more than we did their parents. Probably we would be doing exactly the same to the four living in UK if they were within reach. In fact we feel deprived of doting on them. But we are thrilled to see them all growing up in safe and loving families, with Jesus in the midst. THAT is a rich reward and joy.

I think all children are in a sense GRAND! We have so many here with us, but those between 1 and 11 give us a great deal of pleasure and pride as they grow up. And it just a month to Christmas again! Indeed it seems to be rushing upon us faster than ever before. It is the small children that seem to love Christmas the most, and perhaps identify with the wonder of it all. Carols are already being practiced, and the usual Concert being organised. But Christmas is also the time for us to join in things together and to see ourselves as one BIG Family instead of four small ones. This is fun, and it is also a blessing as we share meals together and enjoy each other's company. On the 13th December ALL the Homes Staff - houseparents, office workers, cleaners, gardeners, maintenance people, and cooks - about 70 will join together for a common meal and fellowship to mark the end of the year, and to remember that we are all, regardless of our position or duly, workers together with and for JESUS. Many will leave us for their own holiday with their own family afterwards, and we shall shrink in number and take on a little more work while they are away.
We are believing for a QUIET and uneventful Christmas this year without the tumult and terror that came upon us a year ago. Still raining on and off, but for the most part there has been a little more sunshine and warmth, and we are hopeful that all of us will be found yet once more together on Boxing Day, swimming and enjoying a pic-nic together at a neighboring school swimming pool.
BUT we shall also be preparing for the New Year and the New School Term. School uniform, books, and shoes all needed repair or replacement, and of course a another amount to find for School fees. Christmas is materially low key due to these annual necessities that insist that we take care not to be careless in our spending. Non the less the children always seem to have a most happy time together and do not miss the presents a large part of the world is so used to lavishing on their children.

The week has been quiet and rather uneventful. School finally shut down yesterday. The Homes all full and settled. The week to come is full of happenings and events and promises to be very busy indeed, and then November will have gone. The year began with a BANG! and since then ominous clouds have continued to hover around Kenya, and indeed around TFH. We are grateful for peace, but very much aware that the Enemy is still on the prowl around us all.
We need your prayers. God be with you -

John and Esther

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