Saturday 13 June 2009


IT CAN BE QUITE SCARY --- just hanging on!! Since December last year this has, in a sense, been part of our daily situation. Week by week it seemed a strand of our lifeline was snapping, until, by the end of April we were hanging by just a 'thread' - and we went on hanging, waiting to find ourselves just free falling..........
We were unable to share much of this very plainly since we in no way wished to give the impression that Faith in God's Provision was not working out - even though at times WE ourselves had begun to wonder!! We HAD begun to shout out to the Lord 'Don't you care that we are going to perish ?' - NO reply!!
This was a very tense six months of one trial after another the effect of each one seeming to worsen our general situation, and forcing us to consider the possibility
that the Lord wanted us to up, and Testimony Faith Homes and all that sail in her go down! The photo to the right sort of sums up how some were feeling at the time. NOT one of our staff, I hasten to say, but I feel the young woman in the photo gives a real human insight into how we feel when it looks as if we WILL lose our grip andFALL! Fingers slowly straightening out and the nails beginning to slide down the face of the cliff! NOT a nice feeling. For us not the first time, but definitely a progressively worst time. And we continued in prayer, and exhortation, reminding ourselves of all the times before that we have been delivered! And this Monday, with unpaid Bills going back to March, half of last month's and all of this months salaries, amounting altogether to more than ten thousand pounds sterling, as well as the months housekeeping in front of us, the Windows of Heaven opened - completely without a Fanfare of Trumpets. TWO E-mails arrived to announce the soon arrival of ALL we need to pay our debts and and other expenses to the end of June. We had no idea of how the Lord would or could SAVE us on this occasion. We felt right out of our depth........but he had worked it all out, and we need not have feared. Reading back in our Newsletters I find countless occasion of a similar nature, but I think this has truly been the worst period we have been through - and STILL He has provided and shown that He knows how to take care of each one of us. We Praise the Lord, not just for the provision, in which many of you share, but also for showing us how much stronger He is than ourselves, and how forgiving of our little faith.


ALSO ON MONDAY, 8th June, our son Michael married Janet Mwangi in the UK at a Civil Ceremony.
I stole the photograph from Facebook and have no idea how old it is. We have no recent photos other than it - but at least they ARE together - the BIG BASH still to take place on 22nd August. His sister Elizabeth Joseph and Brother and Sister in law, Steve and Anji Green were all able to be with them for the Occasion, and also a few other friends and relatives. Wish we could also have been with them, but we there in spirit, and are very happy for them both. We still look forward to MANU and HELEN finding life partners! AND STEVEN, our eldest, will be 37 on the 16th June. He and Anji and their two Children live in Accrington, Lancashire. Steve was born in Truro Cornwall in 1972, and Michael was born in Nairobi, Kenya; both chose to become British Citizens..........but maybe feel they made a mistake.
Skies are blue and cloudless again at present. Rivers that had begun to fill up have already dwindled back to a trickle. This IS very unusual and prospects for the rest of the year are not good. Need to PRAY much for our national ECOLOGY - perhaps even more than for the Economy! And we are in prayer about it of course for it will affect the Water Supply as well as the Harvest. Without GOD in it all, we will be in great trouble.
The photo to the left was just too, too, nice for me to ignore, and it sure is a fact that even the animal creation around us here need to pray for themselves since so many die every day from the effects of this dry weather. I look at the 'innocence' expressed in this picture, and wonder where it goes once our kids start High School and College. Oh that we might all stay as 'little' children.

This must be enough for this week. We are at peace, and we at REST. Sunday lays before us. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

John and Esther

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