Thursday 10 September 2009


1969 IN MASENO, WESTERN KENYA. Yes, it IS me sporting a beard - but it did not stay long. To the left is a Bible School friend, Elijah Akhahenda, and to the right is Eveyline Echenje. We were all part of what was known as 'The Roaving Team' a group of young people often out and about at week-ends sharing the Gospel in Schools and Villages. Elijah is in the USA with his family now-a-days. We had some great times together. I had no idea, when this photo was taken, that I would become involved with children, or that Testimony Faith Homes would ever happen. BUT it was at a week-end retreat just BEFORE that the Lord spoke to my heart. I had been feeling homesick! I had been in Kenya seven months. I had not found it easy, as it had not turned out as I had hoped. Instead of full time evangelism I found myself in charge of mission administration and also with a lot of idle time on my hands. Surely I had not come to Kenya as a part time book- keeper! During the the week-end an elderly pastor from Dagenham, Essex, UK (Afred Webb) who was visiting us took me on one side, and said 'John don't let the enemy depress you. I feel in the Spirit of God that you are to stay and do something special.' By the following year I found myself father to a gang of 28 destitute boys between 12 and 16, and by June of that year I became engaged to Esther, then teaching in Machakos 400 kilometres away. We married on 14th August 1971. She has indeed proved to be worth more than 'rubies' as a wife and mother. Our love for each other has grown over the many years until the present, and we can only recomend to all those who have embarked on such a union to persevere, and patiently work at it to perfection. The blessing thus achieved will be great. Truly 38 years seem like yesterday - though we certainly don't look like that anymore. And now we see Michael our own 3rd child married at last at 35.In February 1972 we travelled to England with one of our younger boys, Johanna Nanjelo, and later that year, in June, the first of our very own children (Steven) was born at Truro Hospital. THEN on our return to Kenya, we moved our Home, and the 28 children, to our present site in Eldoret, to Testimony House, and slowly grew, and GREW unti today! More than 250 have come and gone, and more than 14o in residence right now. MOST of all of us came together on the 29th August to Celebrate and to Remember, and to CATCH UP. It was a GREAT day and we had a truly Wonderful time together - the best ever. During the morning hours we met in the School Hall, all crammed in together, for a Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance (children past and present, and all our current staff members). We had not advertised, not wanting a big public event, and had not invited guests, feeling this might spoil the sense of 'family', and I think I was right. Many old friends had hoped to join with us but were unable due to pressure of work and other circumstances, and many sent Greetings of Love and Thanksgiving including Francis and Elain WAINAINA first Dad and Mum of Jacaranda Cottage, Harry SPEEDIE who set up the Mechanics Training School we had, AND ALSO Uncle Stan and Auntie Doreen HYDE now in their 80s. Also more Greetings from the POTTERS at Tyndale School, South Australia, and many many others from all over the world.
Wilson Swayi our first boy, who was 14 when I found him, was first to stand and give a very moving testimony of the circumstances of his early life, and the way Testimony Faith Homes brought him to Jesus, and to Salvation. He is now 54, married with one son, working for us after many years in Nairobi. Many others followed him, including Joshua and Miriam Mbithi who were Mum and Dad in Jacaranda Cottage for NINETEEN years, and also Anthony Ndungu, Principal of Testimony School who has just celebrated 25 years with us. There were songs, choirs, encouragements - and then finally the Word of God was brought to us by Moses Ongonga, himself 52, married with two children, and 2nd pastor of one of the biggest Churches in Eldoret with a congregation of more than 4,000. Moses was 14 when he joined us. Many were moved by the Holy Spirit to respond to the Altar Call.
AFTER the Service we all repaired to the School Dining Room where we all sat down and shared a beautiful meal together as a family as we shared and chatted. THEN at 2p.m. we returned to the School Hall for a time of Entertainment put on by the children now resident with us. House by House each family came on stage and gave a presentation to the assembled family.

It was fantastic. Esther had made a CAKE, and this was cut and shared by all. What a Day.

During the evening those who had grown up in respective homes returned to eat once more and to spend time with the family members still growing up there.

SUNDAY morning our usual Service remained in place, only on this occassion another of our Old Boys, Wyckliffe Ondanga also in his 50s spoke to us. Wykliffe came to us when he was 15, and on completing his Secondary Education entered Bible College where he attained a B.Th. He worked for a while with a Christian School, and then also for us, becoming at one point Head master of our Secondary School. He was present with his dear wife Miriam who is also our Nursery School Headmistress. Wyckliffe spoke on the words PRESS ON, and really pressed it home to us all. A most encouraging and motivational Word.

Then Lunch for all the Homes children and staff and old boys and girls before departures. It had been a most enjoyable and memorable occassion. And NOW? Where shall we go from here? Surely whatever it will be, it will be hand in hand with the God that has held our hand and led us for this first 40 years together. We, Esther and I, were especially delighted to have Michael, and his wife Janet still with us, AND Steven, Anjela, and their children, AND our daughter Elisabeth, all with us from England. They had of course come for the Wedding, and stayed over. Wonderful to experience so much of our past with our present. But only a SHADOW of that Great DAY that is yet soon to come, when all those in Christ past and present at HIS Coming, will find themselves instantaneouly with Him AND with one another.

EVERYONE has gone now, either to their homes, or to College, or School. The Weather remains cool, and for the most part overcast, but little or no rain. Eldoret's river is just a mere trickle, the Country as a whole still in the midst of droubt. The Meteorology Department still warns us of EL NINO rains just ahead, and thousands of people in low areas have already been moved to higher ground to avoid them being swept away in expected floods!!! Will it actually come? No one knows. One anxiety quietened by the expectation of another. One political gaff put out of mind by yet another one - this has always been the way things go from day - and not just in Kenya. We can SEE the world is suffering all together from similar maladies. Any time now we might well expect to see the Man of Sin spoken of in 2. Thessalonians 2 revealed - should we. It rather looks as if the Church of Christ will have been called up to meet the King in the clouds before that happens. But on the other hand we ought to expect such a man to already be standing in the wings waiting to step onto the world stage - we might just have a glimpse of him..............WATCH and PRAY.....the time IS very much at hand.

Finally let me just apologise for being unable to meet my Saturday appointment for the forgoing weeks.......just could not get time with so much else going on in addition to daily routines. From today I hope to be able to be back on track. We trust that if you are one of those reading from us on a regular basis that you will continue to pray much for us. We remain in a time of great need and pressure on many fronts. Attacked and buffetted on many sides, but still alive and standing, and looking ahead into the NEXT 40 years - we must be occupied UNTIL He Comes.

Our Love and Thanksgiving to you all for your love, care and fellowship always in Jesus

John and Esther

Note of Pictures numbered as from the one at top of the page downwards as 1 - 8

  1. Elijah Akhahenda / John Green / Evelyn Etchenje - 1969 before we began TFH

  2. Group of the first gang of boys - July 1970 = Maseno

  3. Past & Present 'TFH Family Members' at the Anniversary Lunch 29/8/09 - 300+

  4. Pastor Wycliffe Ondanga urging us to PRESS ON at the 40th Anniversary

  5. Some NEWCOMERS, already happy and settled

  6. Drakely Cottage Family members on stage to entertain during the 40th Anniversary

  7. Tyndale Family outside their house

  8. A view of the School

SORRY my Server went off during the day and I have had to delay sending. It may be that on printing some of the pictures might not come down, since I have not had chance to check. I will do so soon and make necessary adjustment if needed. Thanks for patience.

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