Saturday 12 December 2009

Rain! RAIN????

IT HAS RAINED! It RAINED all of last night! It rained heavily, lengthily and noisily.........

The Paper quoted the Meteorological people as saying the rain had GONE, and none could now be expected. I read it yesterday morning and as I walked in the sunshine and heat an hour later, I looked up and said ' LORD, you rule the clouds, and the thunder and lightening obey you. Men are saying it is impossible it will rain here now. Send the Rain Lord. SEND RAIN TODAY'
Well it came! During the evening under cover of darkness, the clouds crept over Eldoret and it began to rain. It started gently almost imperceptibly, then in leaps and bounds to a thunderous deluge, so heavy we wondered if the tin room of our little house might not give in. Great crashings of thunder preceded by bolts and sheets of lightening electrifying and brightening even the interiors of our rooms. SO dramatic, so thrilling, so WONDERFUL! SUCH an ANSWER to PRAYER!!

THE DAILY NATION stated that 2009 was the FIFTH warmest year ever recorded! And the projected outlook for 2010 seems very dire indeed with an almost emphatic statement to the effect that the expect EL NINYO and the usual Short Rains will not materialise - leaving us to endure a continuing Dry Period into the middle of the coming year. WOW. We are further encouraged in the knowledge that right now 75% of the population depend on Bore-holes for their water whilst other usually available sources are continuing to dry up. Many are now wondering how long they can live in a land soon - according to the experts - to be waterless!!

WELL AS I WRITE it is has begun to RAIN SOME MORE, heavily, almost malevolently with malicious enjoyment at proving itself beyond the hand of man to manipulate. I must say I just ENJOY the sound of it, though it has come perhaps too late to provide more food, and maybe will flood a lot of people out of their homes. BUT it brings the hope that at least we shall not go THIRSTY, and the rivers and dams will revive for a time. The NOISE of it on our roof has blotted out the MUSIC on our music centre. ITS RAINING. I AM RAINING!!
ASK what you will in My Name and it shall be DONE! Any one of YOU, why don't you just ASK - loudly, even desperately believing with PASSIONATE desire?

JOHN AND GWYNNETH COOPER left us Wednesday. The were due to fly from Eldoret Airport at 5.30p.m. but when they arrived there they were told they were not booked on the flight! They had a return ticket, but there was no note of it with the Airline. BIG FLAP with the airline authority and a lot of anxiety, but eventually - at the very last minute - there were allowed ON to the flight, and travelled safely on to Nairobi. They were due to fly on from there to UK at about 11p.m. that evening. When they arrived they found the Airport runway lights had failed, and their flight to UK had been diverted to Entebbe in Uganda!! SO they waited....... The lights finally were repaired and at about 1.30a.m. on Thursday morning, they finally boarded a flight to the UK at 5.30a.m. - eleven hours after they had arrived from Eldoret . NOT a good experience. But the Lord mightily used them to Testimony Faith Homes and to ourselves.

I was unable to go with them to Eldoret Airport as I had begun my stint as a Lecturer at a nearby Academic College. I had to be there from 2 - 5 p.m. that afternoon. I did not enjoy myself too much as I felt a little out of my depth. The next day I had to be there at 8am until 1p.m. and did not feel too happy about the way things went. I just did not feel I was getting through to my students (I am teaching Administration and Finance of a Children's Institution at a professional level). Afterwards I felt really TIRED. That was Thursday evening, and it was on Friday morning that I woke up refreshed and renewed and looked UP at that cloudless and almost brazen sky. I taught through Friday morning, and have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to complete. Still having full afternoons ensuring that TFH is up to day and holding together at the same time. BUT it is proving to be a GOOD time, and a LEARNING time. The Lord my God has been with me. But I know that will not surprise you!.

Thank you for praying for me. I have been in need of much prayer. And I feel Blessed and Strengthened on every hand. Bless you so much. Esther and I also do our best to remember you as well, and to carry you upon our shoulders and upon our hearts as good brothers and sisters of the Lord our High Priest should do. And so may we ever seek to undertake for each other.

Just received funds from Allan and the AENON Trust. So many kind gifts from so many of you in time for Christmas and the New Year soon to come. Our very real Thanksgiving both to those of you that have sent, and to the Lord for moving you to do so at this time.

Lovingly till next time - The Lord giving us all life

John and Esther

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