Friday 22 January 2010


THIS IS THE KENYA 'HEAD OF STATE'S COMMENDATION' MEDAL! This was Awarded to Me (John Green) on Jamhuri Day (12th December 2009) by His Excellency the President of Kenya, the Hon. Moi Kibake! At least this is what I read in the Standard Newspaper recently. No Letter, no phone call - just a rather dull looking List in the Paper. Not quite the way one would expect to get news of a President's Commendation - of any kind. And consider how long it took to let me and the other 188' Commendees' to know! And WHY was it Awarded? Nothing was said apart from the fact that it was for 'services rendered to the State'. A bit of a damp squib in some ways. Nevertheless it is still an Honour, and I cannot be other than Thankful for the notice given. I am now permitted to write HSC after my name (Head of State's Commendation). A little bit like getting the MBE without the style and grandeur, and perhaps without the sense of worth. It is still in Nairobi awaiting me to collect it. I am hoping that it might be possible to have it sent to me here in Eldoret through our District Commissioner. It would save the unwelcome necessity of going all the way to Nairobi................. I must say that I do not feel I have in fact done anything to deserve this Commendation. I am hoping, though, that I might get one from the Lord one day - not a medal but just a loving word of 'Well done!' I sometimes doubt that I will be found even worthy of that much. But I pray that He will help me yet, to still show myself approved in His sight.

I have been sent many Greetings and Congratulations from so many here, which has assured me that at least in the eyes of Kenyans I have indeed been 'importantly' appreciated. I have felt overwhelmed by this, and a little shy and humbled. I know there are those who have put my name forward and promoted me in front of others in order to receive this Honour. I cannot but thank them and trust that I might indeed be worthy of their trust and good will.

OPPOSITE is a photo that goes back thirty eight years to February 1972. Me and Esther at Nairobi Airport on the way to UK, and with us is one of our first boys - Johanna Nanjelo. He is 50 now. At that time living in pre-colonial brick shacks on top of a windswept hill in Siaya Diistrict, Western Kenya. We were away nine months, and on our return we moved to Eldoret, where we have been ever since, growing from ONE to FOUR families of waifs and strays from all over Kenya. It was only a very LITTLE seed of faith that the Father in Heaven sowed in my heart, but it has indeed GROWN and so many have come to be blessed. God is Good. He has prospered us - with and through your prayers and help. You all share in my Commendation. Without Christ in you providing for all of us here, nothing could have been accomplished or seen.
TO THE LEFT is just a handful of those who came and went, and in going multiplied and became husbands, wives, mothers and fathers of their own. The majority living, and often visiting, and proclaiming that Faith in God works, and that He IS there if you call upon Him. ALWAYS there!
Next week I am sending out a Brochure (A4 triple fold) about TFH. It is almost 2 mega bytes. If you can receive it I can send it to you. I intend to send it to as many on my 'ordinary mail' address list as I can. I had not been sending updates as I had thought most of you would be able to access the Blog or receive via E-mail. It seems this may not be the case for the majority. This electronic world is slowly removing old skills and methods of communication whilst at the same time leaving many behind who have not been able to grasp new skills or even access the technology. But we do not want to lose contact with any one of you dear brothers and sisters - you have lifted up our hands, and you are the real expression of His Strength to us.

' also helping together by prayer for us,
that for the gift bestowed upon us, by the means of many persons
Thanks may be given by many on our behalf...'
2. Corinthians 1v11

We ourselves have prayed much for ourselves, but we have been upheld the more and provided for against those prayers by countless numbers of you who have spared even a thought for us. You may not have audibly or even consciously spoken our names - yet prayer went up on our behalf, and the Heavens were opened to us.

Thank you - Thank you for sharing all that has happened here, and receive HIS Commendation, with me, and be glad.

Much Love as ever from us both

John and Esther

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