Saturday 21 August 2010

THIS is President Obama's aunt with her lawyer! She is in the U.S.A. and has this week been granted Asylum in order to remain there, protected and safe from her enemies! The lady was previously an illegal immigrant who just refused to go away, claiming that to return to Kenya was to put her life in danger of death. She cited the instability of Kenya, going back to the 2007 Trouble, and saying that ethnically she and her relations were at risk.

Sadly for her the story does not hold much water, since the President's grandmother and the rest of her considerable relations remain in Kenya as safe and secure. Indeed Grandma Obama is happy as can be and holds court in her home as if a Queen. There is no danger expected for the family of the President of the USA in Kenya. His aunt is laying it on for her own private and probably lucrative reasons. The strange thing is that the US Legal System has apparently believed - or just got tired of her. She is now granted Asylum - and perhaps later even Citizenship of the United States will be given to her. And the President? Well so far he has said nothing! KENYA on the other hand is not amused, and is protesting at the false accusations the lady has made against the Government, and the melodramatic comments made about the instability of the Country as it applies to her tribe. What would YOU do if you were President Obama? Hard to say since you do not live in Kenya. He himself may easily be misled from where he sits in the Oval Office. Especially when one hears reports of a man being sold for $440,000 to witchdoctors in Tanzania in order that he be killed, diced and sold as 'ju-ju' medicine. The man in question is Kenyan, but Albino. In Tanzania people believe that Albinos have special powers and benefits for those who are treated with medicine and charms made from their flesh and bodily parts. The man selling him (by trickery) is also a Kenyan of the more usual kind. He is said to have been a friend to the Albino, but in desperate financial need - so why not make a shilling or two from his friend and the simple superstition of the uneducated. The matter was discovered and came to nothing, but stories of this nature do not assist our Western friends to feel too safe in Africa, and perhaps even Presidents can believe the worst when too far away and separated from the reality. So let me assure him and all of you, that Kenya is a peaceful and stable Country, and that you should not believe every voice you hear or accept every story given. President Obama grandma revels in the honour, respect, and recognition she and her family receive from ALL. All are welcome to her house. Truly I think she will be having a very good laugh at this situation, and the unfounded allegations of a rather self seeking 'daughter'. And many will laugh with her.

Also in the news today is the intended marriage of a 65 year old Anglican Vicar to a 25 year old male model from Nigeria - Going to the Web to check into this story I was appalled to be confronted by a multiplicity of cases involving Anglican clergy in England with immoral, unlawful and even abominable practices. All without any discipline or steps taken to prevent them from further standing in front of their congregations in the name of Christ whilst still unrepentant or unchanged. WHO and WHAT is leading the Anglican Communion, and to WHERE are they all being led. The Vicar is reported as saying -
'I acknowledge the union will ruffle feathers.......
I know many will see it and view it with horror-
But we are deeply committed Christians,
so it would be unthinkable for me not to do it in Church..'

So if our habit or predilection was Rape, or fornication, or adultery would we seek to have it stamped with the apparent approval of the Church? Would we DO it before God in the Church! I cannot understand this. It is ALL very much Abomination. Eli the priest of Israel rebuked his sons Hophni and Phinehas for misusing their office in front of the Lord; rebuked them for dishonesty and for fornication - but he DID nothing against them, and so they continued to lead astray and ill use the people. In the end God took their lives, and Eli's as well. God is not mocked by all the 'skating around sin' that the Authorities allow. If we will not discipline and put in order then, eventually, in His own time and place, He will.! It is doubtless wrong and negative to always point the finger and accuse - especially the brethren - but all of us are exhorted to WARN and CORRECT, and especially NOW as we see the consummation of all the Ages being wound up in front of our eyes. Jesus did not judge the woman discovered in adultery, but He did warn her not to continue in her sin. The JUDGE of all the Earth would one day confront her, and will also confront each one of us. We must ALL stand before Him, one way or another. Can we afford to be slack, to look the other way, to pretend that we did not KNOW.......? Will you say 'we are only sheep, we are helpless? Nay, but if sheep of God, do you not KNOW His Voice when you hear it? Are you now so dull of hearing that you can be taken in by some other voice, untrue and rebellious? Are there only FALSE teachers speaking up in our Churches and Assemblies; are there no Men of God to Proclaim Righteousness without fear. Men like Paul of Tarsus.

This week has seen Victory and Encouragement here in Testimony Faith Homes. After the storms and spiritual gales of last week we have sailed into a calm where the Lord has given peace enough to rebuild on. Also we have been yet again delivered and provided for so that we can pay our bills and see a little ahead. God is good. He is Merciful. On Wednesday of this week Beatrice Rop, Mum in Jacaranda Cottage, underwent an operation to remove her uterus. She had been dreading it, but strongly trusting in Jesus. It went well and successfully and she is already at home again. How good it is to KNOW Him, and to be able to have Him with us. He has promised never to let go us us, as long as we keep our hand in his. Hallelujah!
ESTHER is away far from me to day - on the way back as I type this, but still two hours away. She has been with a party negotiating the Bride Price for one of our Old Boys - Benson Laguina - who is wanting to marry his fiancee Ann in November. I hear it went well, but have to wait till they are all back to have the details. It is still custom for the prospective Bridegroom to have to give a dowry for his wife to be before the marriage can be permitted - the price varies a lot!!

My apologies for the lateness in getting this on line today - my computer has played up and I have had to borrow another finally in order to finish. Rather shorter too than last week. I now must close, and get myself ready to preach in the morning. Opposite a recent of US taken on our 39th Anniversary last Saturday evening.

Stick to the straight and narrow path that leads to LIFE, and resist all attempts to divert you to some alternative route, or to try an 'easier' less demanding, compromising highway. He will Bless you.
With our Love
John and Esther

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