Saturday 4 September 2010


NOW THIS IS AN OLDIE! Taken in the grounds of the Anglican Cathedral Church of St. Matthew, Eldoret, Kenya on 30th August 1975, this is the Wedding of Francis and Elaine Wainaina. Esther and I were their best couple, and the intrusive gnome is our son Michael then aged one and a half. I was 34 and Esther 30.
FRANCIS had been working with us for a year or so, and then, after his marriage to Elaine in 1975 went on together with her to be the first houseparents of Jacaranda Cottage.
Elain was a missionary teacher in Moi Girls High School, situated also in Eldoret. They were to remain with us until 1981, when they left for the UK to pursue further studies. Francis is today Vicar of the Anglican Church of St. Andrew in Starbeck, near Harrogate in Yorkshire, England. His vicarage is exactly opposite my old Primary School which I attended in 1944-47! We have remained good friends together, and I often think, if he had not ventured to England, that he might still be here and probably my successor. But it seems dangerous for us to look at anyone in that hope, since they never seem to stay....... They have all come and gone, one by one, leaving me to continue on. NOW it is at least necessary to be able to have back-up even if we still cannot ascertain who will, eventually take over from me as Director Over-all. Recently a decision taken by our Board was extended to a more permenant extent. Daryl Green to be Asst. Director with responsability for the Homes, and Anthony Ndungu, our School Principal for the last 25 years, as Asst. Director with responsability for the Schools. The Board had made this suggestion at the A.G.M. held in June this year initially. But this is merely a 'safety provision' to cover any eventuallity that might leave a gap in Management. The final matter of who will follow me is not able yet to be decided, and should anything happen to me the Board would not be in a position to automatically appoint one of my Assistants as matters stand. BUT God will in the end attend to it, either before or after I give up the ghost, so to speak. It does at least help me to be able to hand over some of the administrative routine work, and have less of a load upon me.

Looking back over the years I came across a photo of Catherine Senge, later to become Mrs. Yego! She was just an infant then! And now a wife and mother of ONE + 32 others in Tyndale Cottage.
She is 31 now. Wonderful to look back and SEE how the Lord arranges things, and conmtinues to teach and mould us into His Will. And almost impossible to SEE close up, at the time, what He IS doing or WHERE He IS leading us. BUT, it is certain that a man or woman has no idea - no understanding - that even though they may THINK they make their own way in life, it is God that nudges, hedges in, and generally seeks to lead us in the way we SHOULD GO. God does not always win in this purpose, but He never gives up trying. And for the man or woman who has genuinely handed Him their life, trusting Him to lead them, He actually DOES go before them, arranging each step. Where would we be without HIM. Where are you now?
Catherine Senge is at home in Tyndale with her husband and family. Yes, they almost seemed on the way to missing their way......but the LORD's hand was with and upon them. He did not let go, and guided them back to the Way He has for them. He IS so good. So Patient, So kind! I wish I was more and more like HIM.....Lord hear my prayer and answer it.
Just heard from Esther! She is safe and sound in Nairobi. We like to keep in touch, and make sure all is well with each other. Not bad after 39 years!
Just shows that with His Grace and Patience two can grow into ONE. Yes, if we are willing to go ON, and to ENDURE each other in Marriage, we will eventually find ourselves with something more than precious. This surely must be what God is aiming at for Himself and US together in end. I am looking forward to it.
The sun is shining outside for the first time. I can hear faint sounds of bird song wafting in through the open door and windows. Children laughing, and the sound of the Town far away. The grass, too, has just been mown, and the fragrance of it also is upon the air - wish I could send all the beauty and comfort of this moment to you all....... And the words of an old hymn, also, faintly mingling .
Have Thine own way Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou are the Potter: I am the clay.
Mould me and make me, after Thy will
While I am waiting, Yielded and still......
Have Thine own way Lord! Have Thine own way.
Hold o'er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me.
Good place to break of for this week. Have to turn once again to Sunday's Word which is once more my burden to carry. Pray for me. Pray for Esther. Pray for all our co-workers. Pray for the CHILDREN.
Sincerely in His Mercy
John and Esther

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