Saturday 13 November 2010


THIS WEEK I CONTINUED TO VISIT, and on the 10th went with Daryl and Esther to the Opening and Dedication of a NEW Home for infants called TUMAINI CHILDREN'S CENTRE. It actually began in 2007, but only recently been registered after all the initial building and ground work had been completed. Horace and Phyllis Leister from USA are the ones to have initiated, built and been parents here. They have twenty children (boys and girls) between the ages of just a few months to about 5 years. Their vision is to find adoptive parents to take them by the time they are 6, replacing each one adopted with another child. I cannot begin to tell you the histories of all the little children that are here in this Home - but I suspect that the majority could be called Outcasts. They have been cast out upon the world around them for one reason or another. Some abandoned - some the victim of AIDS that carried away their parents. Others unwanted, thrown away! All born into risk, danger, and to some extent plain rejection. Very much as Ezekiel 16v5 puts it. - 'Thrown out into the open field (the world) when you yourself were loathed (unwanted) on the day that you were born.' But the narrative in Ezekiel does not STOP there. In verse 6 of the same chapter the Lord God comments and says - 'When I passed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood (life) I said to you LIVE!' How truly Wonderful it is that God wants us all to LIVE; to grow and to prosper. Especially those of us who found themselves alone and homeless. The unwanteds!
He says in Isaiah 16v4 - 'Let my outcasts dwell with you! Be a shelter to them and the face of the spoiler.' Of course, it is the People of God that are being referred to in this Scripture. And to some extent it might STILL APPLY, at least to the Jewish Race, - AND perhaps to US, the Christian? Think about it. But anyway it may also be said that God's intention is that NO ONE however stigmatized or diminished should be just left to DIE, and so we might NOW say 'Let the abandoned and undesired LIVE with you!' HORACE AND PHYLLIS have done exactly that.
At the back of them of course is THE LORD, and also Children of Hope which is the NGO in the USA that sponsors them.
I personally have known the Leisters since 2007 and I personally have been so Blessed by their undaunted effort to reach the lost children here. They have not only built a beautiful shelter for them, (Horace has been the physical builder and designer of the new Home) but given themselves totally to loving them and caring for them. Beautiful people.
SO on the 10th many friends gathered to see for themselves the lovingly built Home and the children and to pray together for its onward blessing and usefulness. A great Testimony.

ON THURSDAY, the Graduating Primary Class of Testimony School celebrated the end of their final three days of National Examinations, and the end of their Primary School experience by attending a Luncheon in the School Hall. Teachers and invited guest also attended. I was also there and gave a short address, as were Esther, Daryl, and some of our Houseparents, and support Staff. A very stimulating occasion, and also a little emotional for some who had attended the School since they were in Nursery. Now many of them will find High School opportunities in other towns and areas whilst some (especially our own) will continue on in our High School section for a further four years.
One of our girl students from outside of the Homes lost her Mother during the Examination. It was the second death during the week - another being the husband of a very dear sister of ours in the Lord. He had been ill with throat cancer for several months and in intensive care in Nairobi Hospital. The cost of his hospitalisation amounts to more than one hundred and twenty five thousand pounds sterling. A truly crippling amount of money for the average person to find. No National Health Scheme of any worth here!! Please pray for the family. They are holding a fund raising to day in order to try to help at least a little.
The Mother of the Class 8 student is also to be buried today, and a bus load of students has just driven off to the funeral, together with Daryl and Carol and other staff members. The ebb and flow of life!


We currently have some 350 names on our Address List. Approximately half of those are able to connect to E-mail and the rest on normal postal service. Those on E-mail we have hoped would be able to catch up with our ongoing news via our BLOG - this blog - and the others we try to service with a Quarterly Update sent by Airmail Post. The next will be sent at the end of November.
Very few are in fact in DIRECT contact with us - about 15%. So we are not sure if the rest ARE in fact receiving or if so if they want to continue to do so. We also have some who from time to time seem to get lost.....? We would be glad to here from any of you who do not usually correspond, and to know you would still like to hear from us. We do not wish to force our attention on any, and we do not want to be a contribute to what some might feel is purely 'junk mail'.

++++ TO John and Alison ATKINS - We Do hear from you via AENON Trust but it seems that neither they nor us have your current physical or E-mail address. If you should read this PLEASE do get back in touch with us.


For any who may feel led to send a financial donation to us - to the ministry here - we suggest the best way for those living in the UK is as follows -

1. To send a CHEQUE addressed to
c/o Mr. A.E. Nicholls, MBE, FRGS., Secretary
137 Belvedere Road, Bexleyheath, Kent., DA7 4PA

Tel: 020-8303-5216

NB - please enclose a note with the cheque stating that the donation is to be forwarded to
TESTIMONY FAITH HOMES. The Trust endeavours to forward funds they may have received once a month direct to our Bank, and so far no funds have been lost.

2. To send by DIRECT BANK transfer to our Account here in Eldoret, Kenya at the address here given..............................................
Eldoret West Branch, Box 5197 ELDORET, Kenya 30100
To the A/c of Testimony Faith Homes
A/c No.110-346-9592
Bank Swift Code - KCBLKENXO22
FOR THOSE living in locations other than the UK it is best to use the 2nd of the TWO methods of sending to the UK.

NB - Donations sent by POST are subject to possible theft or re-direction. They will not be safe. and we do not recommend that you try.
CORRESPONDENCE - The AENON TRUST will acknowledge all gifts received.
WE will also acknowledge safe receipt of same once arrived here.
We will also do our best ALWAYS to eventually reply to ANY letter written to us either via normal post or E-mail. You letters are always an encourage to us as not only do they cheer us up, they also help to feel you have us in prayer and at heart. Thank you for that.

Our sincere love and affection to you all, always, in Jesus our Lord and King.

John and Esther

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