Sunday 17 April 2011


MANY THANKS to all those who have written and commented on my visit to the UK. We ARE now safely arrived, getting to Heathrow, London on Thursday at 7p.m. UK time. A good and comfortable flight. We were met by our sons Steven and Michael and also our good friends Allan and Margaret Nicholls who had travelled from Bexleyheath. We had a coffee together at one of the Airport cafeterias, and then they left, and Steve and Michael drove us to Reading where Steve works. He and Mike had booked us into a Hotel for the night. We dumped our luggage and then had supper together. Michael then drove to his home in Welling (another hour away) and Steve drove us back to the Hotel.

We spent a good and comfortable night, and then Steve picked us up after finishing his work at midday, and drove us up to his home in Baxendon, Accrington, Lancs.

A journey of six road hours due to heavy traffic. (We hope to eventually return to London and spend some time with Michael later on.) And then On Saturday we went across to Rochdale to Elisabeth and her family - and today, church in the morning and a quiet afternoon that has afforded me a moment to write up the Blog.

Next week we will rest a little up to Easter, but we then hope to visit any that may want to see us, or offer us opportunity to advertise the ministry of Testimony Faith Homes. We are going to be in Baxenden and then Rochdale for the next three or even four weeks before turning south. We would like to visit Friends and Churches in the Harrogate, Starbeck, Wirral, Liverpool, Manchester and North Wales area during this time. We know an inter church Meeting is being arranged for us in Rochdale at the Champness Hall one day in the near future.

At Easter we expect to travel up to Scotland - to Stirling and then to Aberdeen to meet with my sister Pat's family! Her 72 Birthday on the 27th April. Really looking forward to that!! Elisabeth and her family and Steven will be with us.

Thereafter we shall consider travelling south to the South-west and then back south east, to the London area, maybe also visiting a few more friends in Wales, and Shropshire etc.etc. It looks as if we shall keep on keeping on until we leave again for Kenya on 20th June.
Anyone wanting to get in touch with us should ring or E-mail us
20 Waverley Road, Baxendon, Accrington, Lancs.

Tel; 01254-871208 email -

THIS IS just a very broad overview and NO DATES have been FIXED except the Easter week-end. Thus our itinerary such as it is remains very much OPEN to change or variation should any wish to suggest a Meeting both to have fellowship and or to Advertise TFH. We feel the Lord has given this opportunity for Esther and me to be here at this time to also awaken further interest in and knowledge of our Testimony as a ministry. Any suggestions as to how this may be accomplished or assisted would be welcome.

Please forgive this being a brief Entry - and LATE. Other Entries whilst we are in the Uk may not be always on a Saturday as before but we hope there WILL be fairly regular Entries to keep us together and up to date. SO FAR we have no news of how Daryl and the Homes are doing. My phone is now working here, and I have only today managed to get my comp working!!! Amazing. Esther and I are well, and happy to be seeing our grandchildren on this side of the world for a change. But we are still adjusting to the temperature!! We are very concerned for our Family left in Kenya, and for the staff and children of the Homes.

Please do remember to pray for them as we will be doing; they are enduring a very provoking and challenging time all together.

Much Love to you all, and keep you also bright and faithfully standing.

John and Esther

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