Saturday 14 July 2012


EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING the entire School of Testimony Faith Homes meets on the forecourt of the School Office for Morning Assembly. No one excepted. Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Atheists, School
Announcements, and a short
exhortation to draw near to God.
This week on Thursday, I happened to be leaving Daryl's Office after another early morning prayer meeting, and found School Assembly still in progress. The School Chaplain was concluding his Word for the Day....."Who is on the Lord's side?....Who will trust in Jesus Christ to have Saved them from their sins?" more than 500 hands shot up into the air - almost the entire Primary School AND some Secondary students - though not too many. I was once more amazed to witness the continuing move of God's Spirit upon the children of the School. Our Chaplain, himself one of our old boys - now in his middle 50s - Wycliffe Ondanga, is the one God has been using to bring this about. Wonderful in our eyes - a sure miracle of the Lord. BUT there is still much to pray for - especially that once children graduate to Secondary or High School they do not let their 'faith' slip away from them - or be filched from them by a deceitful mind that tells them that NOW they have suddenly become WISE, and no longer need to trust in myths and fairy stories. This IS such a lie, one straight from Satan, for it is clear that adults do not demonstrate wisdom - else society would indeed be different. No after millenniums of education and learning, we all still live with more and more WAR, famine, and fear than ever before. Man clearly declares he is unable to successfully manage his own affairs - and the truth remains that WITHOUT GOD we will achieve nothing - for ourselves or for each other.

THIS SUNDAY Wycliffe will, with assistance, baptise at least 20 who seek to Witness to their so great Salvation. Parents have been concerned as to 'which church' their child is to be baptised into, and have been surprised to be told that they will not be baptised into any sectarian or denominational church. They will merely use the form of being baptised to demonstrate visually what they believe in their hearts - THAT their old sinful self with all their sinful life, has been taken and buried with Christ, and then AS THEY rise up out of the water, they declare the commencement of a NEW life, hand in hand with Jesus. (1.Peter 3v21-22). BAPTISM does not SAVE anyone, but instead confirms to the one baptised what he has believed in his heart - that Jesus died that he/she might live. READ also in Romans 6v3-23.
THUS Baptism identifies the one baptised with CHRIST - not a Christian denomination. On being baptised I have become part of the UNIVERSAL, Church of Believers (believers in the Salvation purchased on the Cross on behalf of each individual that will believe and trust in it for him or herself.) Thank God there will be NO denominations in Heaven - just the Church of the First-born - the Church of Jesus, the BRIDE of Christ.

Have YOU put YOUR hand in the Hand of the Man from Galilee?
There is no other strong enough to hold you up
No other that will refuse to let you go.
A nail pierced hand, pierced for you, full of God's Loving kindness

Driveway from the gate
Kitchen extension

Our Australian friends from Tyndale School will be taking the Service tomorrow. Later, in the evening they have organised a communal supper for ALL of us, children and staff, together with themselves as a traditional conclusion to their time with us. Then on Monday morning after breakfast they will leave for Nairobi on their way back home. They have ALL laboured with endurance, for the time has been often interrupted with great downpours of rain. But, in the main, their work has been completed, and has yet again made a big difference. This time the bulk of their effort has been on the Jacaranda Compound. The driveway has for years given the place a somewhat unkempt and untidy look, rough and muddy in the wet season, and rougher and dustier in the summer. Then the two new cottages, Tyndale and Drakeley found that the cost and availability of gas and electricity need them to cook with charcoal, making their kitchen smokey and grimy. NOW they have each been given an exterior extension where the charcoal cookers can be used without affecting the houses interiorally Additionally some of the dorms were in need of a repaint, and this has also been done. Quite an UPLIFT. Photos to prove the work done.
interior painting
Driveway looking to gate
There is no doubt that over the EIGHT times we have received 'VISITS' from Tyndale School, a lot of improvement and innovation has been achieved. Today the 'mark' they have left may be clearly seen and pointed out. In and through it all each Team, as it has come to us, from the youngest to the oldest member, have progressively deepened the bond and relationship between us, encouraging, and lifting up our arms on countless occasions, and in desperate moments. Our prayer is that as Daryl and Carol go to them in September, God will help them to take a Blessing with them on our behalf..........

We thank God for WATER! Plenty every day from Heaven! Plenty in the wells! NONE in the taps!!? Live is very odd at times. YET still we must and DO Glorify Him Who is our LIFE.

Love to you all

John and Esther

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