Saturday 16 February 2008


----- Original Message -----
From: John Green
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 6:45 PM
Subject: NEWS

I HAD HOPED to also include some photos today, but still have not quite discovered how to successfully import them into the text.    I WILL do so soon!     A case of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks!     At least not quickly!
TODAY in the Daily Nation we have read -
I won't leave Kenya until solution is found, says chief mediator.
Obviously a lot more talking still to be done.   More and more people coming to dabble their fingers in the pie.     Could be a case of 'too many cooks spoiling the broth'.   And of course the comfortable talkers seem quite removed from the suffering that is continuing to erupt all over the state.       They say the CAMPS are emptying as more and more displaced persons are returned to their tribal areas - but this forced manipulation of persons lives cannot be achieved without misery and unhappiness.
The Newspapers say - 'Fear of attacks and reprisals have not reduced despite the recent calm.  The CAMPS for the displaced are swelling with new arrivals'   This again printed in today's Nation.      This is certainly still true of the Eldoret Camp.
On the 13th February - Wednesday of this week - I was with others at the Church Ground of the Presbyterian Church in Eldoret.    I had told you I would be there, and there were in fact a party of more than 20 of us representing different Children's Works in the District together with the Media and some Government Officers.     We were there to show sympathy and love to the 140 odd children who were burned out of their Children's Homes together with their staff.      We were able to present more than £1000 of aid and also some bedding.     The money will go to providing school uniform and other clothing to the children who had to flee with nothing but their sleeping clothes from the fiery mayhem.        They will never be able to go back.      The spirit and animosity that caused their homes to be burned down remains rooted in the land they stood upon, and in the hearts of those that live there.
There was prayer and praise.    There was exhortation.   I watched the faces of the children.     Aged between 3 and 28 boys and girls.     None smiled.    None seemed GLAD.    They sat and stared.    I wondered if they still believed in humanity - even in us and our handouts.       Did they see their 'Attackers' in some of our faces?   We took some photos - will hope to share one or two soon.
we are handing out a lot - yet not a lot - to dozens of individuals.    We have now topped £5000 so far given in gifts of clothing, food, and even school fees and house rents for those rendered destitute in fires and robberies.     There seems no end.......
Yesterday Daryl and I went to a Municipal Housing Estate with an 17 year old boy who is on Probation for Theft.    He will conclude his Period in October this year.   I sit on the District Probation case Committee.   Last year TFH took him on, and we have sponsored him.         He lives with two unemployed brothers older than him and his mother.   His mother is about 50 and crippled by Polio and also having an eye problem.    She is unable to do much for herself except squat on the floor.      They live together in a filthy room about 15 feet square in almost total destitution.      The 'room' is supplied RENT FREE by the municipality who never maintain it, paint it, or inspect it - a room built way back in the Colonial Administration.
One room in a long row of rooms all containing physically disabled families.   All around them is greater poverty, dirt, and hopelessness.     This a slum area known as Kidewa not far from the Children's Rescue Centre.       We spent some time with the family and left very quietly.      We will continue to sponsor the boy, and perhaps also try to assist his brother.     I am beginning to think we could do more if we just walked around and opened our eyes.      Inside our Compound it is easy to forget the greater world and NEED that is outside.
Both the Peugeot and the minibus have been off the road for some days, and we have got used to life without them - not easy though.   Yesterday the Peugeot came back to us looking stronger and healthier - But the Minibus will have to have some serious treatment which will take it away for longer.       The ravages of old age come to us all!
We love you, dear friends, brothers and sisters.     We love you for your care and compassion that flows through you to us from Father.    May He bless each of YOU and keep YOU safe, well, and cared for.

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