Friday 29 February 2008


An Agreement HAS been signed as of yesterday, by the President and the Leader of the Opposition.      It remains astounding that finally the two men most prominently involved who had not met face to face for a month, where the ones to actually AGREE.
There have been concessions on both sides in order for this to happen, but why did they not do it immediately instead of allowing this shameful delay and the involvement of so many 'outside' advisors?   It would have cost the Nation a great deal less if they had got together at the onset and Agreed then.     It would have reduced the number of dead and displaced.    It would have saved the Nation untold economic distress, and reduced a 90% loss of international trust and presige in the tourist community.
SKY NEWS were here in ELDORET this morning, and were also visiting the Show Ground Refugee Camp - where I myself and Daryl, and members of the Children's Services Forum also were.      The Reporter referred to Eldoret as the biggest centre of ethnic unrest and violence.    However, Eldoret might only have been worthy of such a description for about 5 days.    Living here for 37 years Esther and I have seen and heard VERY LITTLE of such ethnic animosity.      For the most part Eldoret has been and is a very tribally cosmopolitan town, where many tribes not only meet for trade and business, but where they have lived together in peace for many years.    Occasional interruptions to this picture have only occured due to a few radical individuals trying to make a name for themselves.     Generally Eldoret has remained quiet, calm, and rather unknown and univentful.        We hope it will in fact now return to that condition.
The PICTURE on the front of the Daily Nation of the Signing found most of those shown with rather dour facial expressions..... No JOY seen in THEM.  An Agreement of Necessity where perhaps neither side actually won............   BUT the Nation generally is glad and happy about it.   
The numbers in the Show Ground remain huge.      We estimate that there may be twice as many or more than the 21,000 said to be living under canvas there.   I was particularly visiting the SCHOOL that is there.    Classrooms all tented and teachers for the most part trained volunteers.      None of them have been paid so far for their services.    2,500 Primary Children, 500 Secondary, and 700 Pre Primary.    To-day they had run out of exercise books, and were short of text books.   No desks, no benches even. - when it rains as it is now beginning to do, the children cannot learn since they cannot sit on the ground when waterlogged.     What the whole camp will be like when the RAINS actually come is anyone's guess ---- VERY bad.
However it has been all set up and established efficiently by the UN and Red Cross.
It is clean and orderly.       WE were there to with the FORUM to assess what if anything we might be able to to contribute to the needs of the School.   BUT their needs are so great.... and we feel that the Government should be the ones to now deal with some of their basic needs such as exercise and text books.      One of the big issues there is how to keep track of donations made!!   Red Cross seem to be doing a good job of feeding and clothing.
Today is the last day of the month.        Daryl and I have been busy this week inspecting our FOUR Homes.     We shall be doing this monthly in future.    It is an excersie meant to keep a check on Repairs and Maintenance needs of the general fabric of the buildings themselves, and also general wear and tear related to furnishings, children's clothing, bedding and so on.    Up until now I have done this every six months.        We have found, however,  that some of our houseparents are not so hot when it comes to keeping a close eye on things like this, and depreciation can go unnoticed.     By arriving unnanounced  week by week we not only ensure standards will be kept, but also more hopefully will slowly teach our staff what to look out for, and encouraged them to do so habitually!   It is quite a task!    As we go round we have to also note loss and need for replacement.       Right now we are on the way out to buy, cups, plates, cutlery etcetera that has diminished in number......  Some paintwork to accomplish and various other structural repairs.     Daryl loves to run around doing all this so he is quite busy with it all right now.       A VERY strong right arm, but he still seems to be planning to leave us at the end of June.      By leaving us I mean the work - he will still live close by and so family wise we shall still see a lot of him, but obviously we expect him to be busy workwise elsewhere.    
The Guest Hostel continues to be built.      During the previous two months things slowed down, and for some weeks building stopped as all the workers ran away.   They are now back and the roof is beginning to go up.        Costs also increased over this recent period and we had to consider options having got to the ring beam.   Timber is in short supply normally but now it is at a premium.     Still it arrived today, and we hope to complete the building work by the end of April at the latest.     So far it has cost us £,20,000 - all paid for - but the work is being done well, and for a building that will comfortably give accommodation for more than 40 we feel we are getting value for money.
We still have it in mind to enlarge Jacaranda Cottage, and to some extent re-design it as soon as we can after the Hostel is complete.        Our vision is ongoing and progressive, and if we cannot predict a secure time schedule for events, we remain sure that He who gave the Vision, will assist it to be attained in His Time.   Pray along with us.
High School results have now come out for 2007 and we have some EIGHT of our seniors who have passed well enough to go on to College or some Training.    Even Hellen (Tweetie-pie) our teenage daughter!      We have not yet got the final details of how OUR High School has done as a school in the National Performance.
God be with You all, and thank you for praying for and with us
John and Esther

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