Saturday 8 March 2008


Dear Friends,   Once again some many days have gone by.    It seems I cannot keep up with a daily insert into the Blog.      Now that the pressure of getting urgent news has subsided, the normal calls on my time squeeze out actually putting a daily report in place.        However it is more convenient to write a regular news update more frequently than the old Update.     Perhaps you might just check in once a week, and find at least some recent news of of us more often
I have this afternoon also put together a few photos and will be sending them on the E-mail.    Rather a heavy attachment - more than 700kb.    Hope you will be able to view without a problem IF your comp allows you to,    I have not yet learnt how to include pictures here on my blogsite.     Might have to wait until Steven visits later in the year God Willing.
WELL, the smiles and handshakes aside, it seems that Kenya has returned to a fair semblance of stable government.     Everyone - for the most part - seem happy and glad at the outcome.      We still have to wait and see the long term result of this so called Coalition will be.     MPs still struggling and striving to obtain positions of power and influence.    All of them wanting as much material gain as they can squeeze,   It still appears to me inordinantly disgusting that so much money can be squandered on men and women just to satisfy their ego and vanity when the masses are on the edge of starvation.     Our new prime minister will - among countless other 'allowances' on top of his inflated salary - have a personal motorcade of countless new cars, security men, outriders, and so on wherever he goes.    Meanwhile they tell us the weather is going to be quite devestating and will compound the destruction of our Grain Reserves that have been burned and destroyed in the 'Trouble'      Billions of sacks have been destroyed.   Prices of basic commodities continue to rise as the cost of petrol and diesel increase.
Certinaly the future looks bleak for every level of society - well perhaps not for the BIG WIGS sitting in the House of Power there in Nairobi.
Those poor people who were displaced and harried from their hovels here in Eldoret and who have been tented in the show ground ever since with their children have been told to pick up their tent (issued by the Red Cross and mostly in holes) and return to the place they were squatting before the trouble started.   Needless to say not many of them want to do that.     What they HAD, little though it was, was burned down or destroyed in other ways by their neighbours for one reason or another.    Their .good neigbours. are still there - surely a tent will be even easier to destroy!      Still more than 25,000 adults left in the show ground to brave the oncoming Rains not to speak of more than 3,500 children of school age.   We note SKY news have had their reporter here, and their comments generally correct.    
FEAR remains in many hearts and minds.    The government HAS promised Financial Support, Compensation for property lost, Protection, and Security - BUT it may take a time to actually be appreciated physically.
My Work Permit has been issued for a further TWO years without any problem at all.
My brother in law just walked into the Immigration Ddepartment in Nairobi with all the papers and walked out an hour later with the Permit.       However it cost twice as much as two years ago!   But as I have already intimated everything is quickly rising to more than double what it was even ONE year ago!
Daryl continues to be a strong right hand in practical matters for me, and for the Homes.      Together we have been making efforts to improve the general administration across the four Homes, in matters related to general 'housekeeping' and home making.     Part of this is also causing us to review the use and number of our auxillary support staff in the area of maintenance and upkeep.     All in all this looks like it will work toward a general economy and improvement in the way things run.   More efficiently we hope in every way.      All the children are continuing in good health and happy and content.   Our Houseparents also in good shape and heart.    We have so much to Thank God for, and the more we look back over the years and see the way He has led, and undertaken the more we Praise Him.
We have also suddenly realised that on December 13th this year I will have been in Kenya for 40 years, and NEXT year in August Testimony Faith Homes itself will celebrate its 4oth Birthday.       Truly God is Faithful.       Wish we could pay for you all to come and celebrate with us.
We thank you all for your fellowship - you are our Strength in the Lord.  
Sincerely always in His Love
John and Esther
I am also being urged to apply for Citizenship!!!   Amazing.

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