Saturday 7 March 2009

CAN'T RESIST just a few more shots of Janet at our Tea Party for her and her family last Saturday. It was a joyous occasion, and so many there to rejoice with. THE WEDDING will be on Saturday, the 22nd August, here in Eldoret.
And already we are a week into MARCH! Time is flying, and there seems so much to do ........ One's mind races ahead to planned events and occasions in such a way that life seems never ending, and the future unstoppable. How easy to lose all AWARENESS that Time is in God's Hands together with the future.

Watching SKY news these last weeks has been quite disquieting as the world economy slumps more and more, and the ability to actually be able to budget and plan for daily life becomes progressively more unpredictable - if not almost impossible. With all that is going on Christian Mission is also beginning to falter as income also slumps and slows in response to financial instability. Surely this has now become the time 'when upon the earth there will be distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity (without resources, left wanting, embarrassed in doubt, not knowing which way to turn) swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectations of the things that are coming on the world...' Luke 21v25/25 Amplified Translation of the Bible. Even here in Kenya the effect on Mission is clearly felt. Projects around us coming to a standstill, and and ministry being curtailed even as steps are taken to economise in the face of dwindling financial support.

Additionally as the economy begins to eat into the meagre earnings of the average labourer, and unemployment (now at 70% here) leads to hunger and thirst, crime increases. THIS WEEK we have had to dispense with the services of TWO of our clerical staff who have been found out stealing cash from the Petty Cash in the School Accounts Office. Both with Christian Testimony and good credentials. And these are those paid above the average, and not in so great a need as many others around them. Great grief and sorrow of heart have assailed us because of it. Both has previously erred and been forgiven. This time we have had no choice than to dislodge them and chase them away. So how CAREFUL we must be not to forget that although the future may be filled with attractive planned activities, nothing in fact is certain sure in our world, and that the END of all things could be upon us all in the twinkling of an eye. NOT that I seek to bring a sense of foreboding or melancholy upon us, but it is necessary that we remind ourselves that SEEING the time that it IS evil, we should EXPECT the Coming of our Lord with Gladness and Joy. For all the HAPPY things that may be in our mind's eye, the HAPPIEST must be to see His Face, and to know finally that all is well with our soul.
Life in this world is fraught with many dangers to our soul - that part of us meant for eternity.
This world is ruled (spiritually) by EVIL POWERS devoid of all godliness. It actually lies and wallows in wickedness, soaked in and permeated by it. And this seeks ever to seep into all mankind, infecting and affecting him to his destruction. Not a nice picture is it. We can easily lose sight of it, and pretend it is not so. So much of it doesn't look too bad after all........
But the world and all that is IN it is ruled, governed, and organised by the DEVIL against GOD.
We should remember it. The JUICY FRUIT held out to EVE looked good to eat, seemed reasonable to accept and enjoy - but it was POISON and DEATH disguised.
SO, with the prospect of a long awaited WEDDING of a beloved son, AND the Happy 40th Anniversary and Family Reunion of Testimony Faith Homes a week later, plus all kinds of other pleasant hopes and expectations, we also have to grapple with the effect of increasing financial constraints and political pressures, and remind ourselves to be ready for the unexpected as well as the expected. In the midst of it all we should lift up our eyes to scan for the Coming King. I do not want to be SO occupied with anxieties and daily business AND the prospect of human pleasantries that I FORGET the LORD! He must be in focus all the time.

Philippians 2v12-15

Work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal and fully complete)your own salvation
with reverence and awe and trembling self distrust,
with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation,
timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the Name of Christ.
for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you
(energising and creating in you the power and desire)
both to Will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight
you may show yourselves to be blameless and guileless,
innocent and uncontaminated children of God without blemish,
(faultless, unrebukable)
in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation
(spiritually perverted and perverse)
among whom, you are seen as bright lights
(stars or beacons shining out clearly)
in the DARK world.

DESMOND & VIRGINIA HALES came to be with us on 20th January this year, and will be soon leaving us to return to Northern Ireland in about ten days time. We have known them both from the 70's when they were working here with the Africa Inland Mission. It has really been so good to have them both with us for this time; we just seem, to have gelled like family members - which of course we are, in Christ. But Desmond was not here for a holiday but to be our 'In House' detective to flush out some 'Cash Rustlers' from our School Accounts Office. He looked harmless enough at 78 with kindly eyes and smile - but underneath he was a determined and ruthless book-keeper who left no stone unturned or question unasked. He is a fan of Agatha Christie's POIROT as well!! He has worked tirelessly, and with daily energy - 9a.m to 5p.m. - and unearthed a whole lot of wily cons operated by the two pilfering clerks who were at the bottom of it all. Virginia, enjoyed the Kenyan climate, read books, took photographs, and got to know everyone, making friends everywhere she went as the loveable, friendly person that she is. We have been VERY grateful, and even more BLESSED in having them in our home as part of our family, and firm friends. We feel SAFE now in our School Office, and able to take note of Desmonds comments and advice as to how to prevent this kind of theft from ever happening again.

DARYL, seen here with Becky and wife Carol, has completed his first week as my Deputy, and has been busy all over the place with his own usual energy. In particular this week he has worked toward buying for the School a NEW 52 seater bus to replace an old 32 seater that the School is selling. It has been fraught with the usual hassle of paperwork and so on, and kept him running from post to post but it is all done now and we should have the bus by next week painted and ready for use. He has also been helping to investigate the Cash Leak with Desmond Hales, as he, together with me, looks after the Home's Account ( TFH has TWO Main Accounts - one for the running of the School and one for the running of the Homes - but which are Audited together as one annually. Our current Auditor had not picked up the problem, with the School account, and so we may have to change HIM as well!!
However, so far I have not noticed Daryl too much since I have been even busier than usual and seem to be accumulating more work!! I think things will ease eventually. But it has been comforting to have his support around and about, and to know he is more actively keeping watch than I can, and even more to have his felllowship in prayer.
The weather is hot and dry. Usual for this time of year though long ago we would be looking for RAIN. For the last few years - in this area at least - it has not usually rained much before the first week of MAY! We are DRIER than usual I would say, and so the prayer of everyone is that RAIN will come earlier this year. Our River that passes through Town is almost dry as well, not a good sign. BUT there is still water in the tap thank God. So much to be Thankful for in the midst of SO MANY who WEEP and who progressively have LESS.
Our Love to you all, and our prayers flow up to Heaven for each one of you.
John and Esther

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