Saturday 8 January 2011


THE REPRINT and slightly updated edition of my Book first published in 1997 is now available - though I have limited information as to exactly HOW it may be obtained! Hopefully I will be able to communicate more perfectly about this next week, but at least SOME guidance will be provided today.

The Book is basically a sharing of my life spanning almost 70 years as from 1940 to 2008. The first 28 years were spent in and around England in various circumstances often uncomfortable. The rest of my life is described as it has unfolded here in Kenya; the second part of the book dealing with the the years 1968-1997, spilling over into the next 11 years. This part tells of my coming to Kenya and how this led to ministry and work amongst destitute and orphaned children. It tells how much may be achieved with only a little - I had only a Sixpenny piece in my pocket when I arrived in Kenya in 1968.
It is a very personal story, but TRUE, and as honest in every respect as I have been able to make it. I have quoted the Bible often - some may think too much - but do not regret having done so in any way. Nothing makes sense without the Word of God, and none of what I have written either about myself or Testimony Faith Homes which I later founded has any meaning without that same Word of God. Because of this many will have little choice than to bracket it as a product of the Christian Faith and not another. I must aquiesce to this appraisal or apology, but I feel that there is no bar or barrier set up that shuts out ANY person of any other Faith from reading it and discovering the very FACT of God, since I believe He IS the same worldwide, race wide and otherwise - a Loving, Forgiving, Seeking Father, Whose one desire is to hold each one of us in His Arms for ever.

The Book was first printed in 1997 and printed by Redwood Books and published by AENON Trust at a cost of 5 pound sterling per copy. The Reprint is printed due to the help and kindness of my family in the UK - Steven, Michael and Elisabeth. It has been published this time round by -
Peterborough, England
Printed and Bound by
As I have already said I do not have a complete idea as to how you might obtain a copy, but we do understand that it is possible to go ON L INE direct to FASTPRINT at their Address as above.
When I went to the Web page I could not immediately find any sign of the book title. HOWEVER, I then discovered that I had to choose the Subject which in this case is MEMOIRS/AUTO BIOGRAPHY - AND THEN GO TO SEARCH
Having done this I had to type in the last THREE digits of the ISBN No.-861 And then the TITLE of the BOOK - A Cry From The Street.
THEN a picture of the Book-cover pops up and an invitation to VIEW the book
If you go for that you will be led to a preview of the book AND instructed how to receive a copy.
The advertised price this time is Pounds Sterling 11.99p plus postage. No too bad if you are living in UK but almost prohibitive if you live overseas.
If you have any difficulty ( should you seek to procure a copy ) please contact our son -
Mobile phone +44 792 990 4002
For this week, this all I have time for. The week has been without event, though quite a trial to some of our College students who have been waiting on the Lord with us for their fees. Today ALL have managed to return to their place of learning. Thank you Jesus and all those who have worked together with Him. Continue to pray on for us who have been left behind and who will as always also continue to pray for their daily bread.
Much Love in Jesus from us both
John and Esther

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