Saturday 5 February 2011


SIR THOMAS MOORE (1478-1535), Lord Chancellor to King Henry the Vlll of England , later beheaded by that same King for his determination not to purger his conscience is a Man to be Remembered. Indeed he IS a man for all seasons (the Film of that Title made in 1966 still worth seeing) for his words still endure into our present age. An incorruptible man, who counted his own integrity more valuable than anything this world could give him. Reading recently some of the many comments he made in his day, and considering the state of 'education' in our present world my eye was caught by the following quote -
'One of the greatest problems of our times
is that many are schooled, but few are educated!'
INDEED, this truly is a comment that sums up our own performance. Even here in Kenya where the emphasis has been for ALL children to go to school and LEARN and which has for decades been pursued, we find ourselves with less and less real education. Our children more and more in school being schooled in the three 'R's plus a whole universe of other matters, yet not in fact 'knowing' or being able to properly converse with understanding - in many matters; still totally ignorant and without LEARNING. They have no depth, having only been lightly varnished with a thin veneer by men and women themselves themselves unlearned in the issues of world history, the arts, and philosophy. More and more TIME is given to this pursuit; more and more 'facts and figures' squeezed into lives allowed less and less leisure to read, play, or otherwise come to know the world around them. And at the end knowledge without the foundation, without the love and spirit of true learning. NO - I am not trying to downsize the intelligence or intellectual ability of our children either here in Kenya or anywhere - but it is a fact that we are not producing intellectuals of great depth or worth. In another quote we find Moore saying -
'Education is not the piling on of learning,
information, data, facts, skills or abilities -
that's training or instruction -
But is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed.'

To achieve this is not so easy for it needs to be fostered by those who themselves have been awoken within themselves, and discovered ways and means to be led on into deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them in relation to it's history, development, and spiritual awareness. In another place Moor refers to the fact that in his day a knowledge of Latin and Greek had given place to REMEDIAL English. In other words where there had once been a deeper knowledge and awareness there was now LESS - even spoken and written English had depreciated........ A diluted and even fraudulent education.
Both in England and America parents are moving away - where they can afford to - from government to privately run schools ! WHY? Are they seeking for what they perceive is being left out, lost, ignored in the 'government sectors'.

WE, in Testimony Faith Homes, also run a School. We start in Nursery and currently conclude at Secondary Form 4 level. BUT although we have sought to make changes and even innovate we are still hampered by the need to cling to the Government Syllabus for Education currently in use - the 8-4-4 System. That is 8 years in Primary, Four in Secondary or High School, and 4 in University. The ultimate goal of government seems to be to see everyone go to University. Unfortunately in the end perhaps everyone will go, but not with the hope of them all leaving with a meaningful Degree!! As paper certificates and diplomas proliferate, the quality of education reduces. It is a challenge. And perhaps the end is not one we can ultimately win. BUT we must try and do our best to ensure that at least some of our children will indeed have ability and character drawn out of them in a way that will set fire to knowledge given to them.


LAST WEEK, my mind was a blank and I could find nothing of any worth to put up on line. We had visitors from UK staying with us, work was routinely going on hum-drumly as it so usually does, and there were no available funds. The month of January had been difficult for us. Funds had been held up, and we were somehow stranded and under siege. A long four weeks when daily life went on, the children went to school, we all partook of common fare and looked to God to deliver us. Like a sailing ship of old, sailing 'in irons' before the wind, unable to steer or guide our course, we rode inexorably the seas ...... Then on almost the LAST day we were set free.
Times like these I often look back and read the Diaries of our life here, and find encouragement. Often we feel things have never been so bad - yet in truth the have, and we survived and will survive. I had taken up a Diary written from 2001 - 2005. On January '01 i had written

'During the month of January there was a serious reduction in our necessary provision.
The situation has continued to steadily worsen, which is the more surprising to us since during the same period we have become more and more involved and enlarged in many areas. BUT our hope and expectation remain firmly centred upon the Lord our god, and we know that however long the trial may continue HE will sustain and bring us all through to the end with JOY.'
THEN, in February I wrote -
'The Siege is broken. A Gift has come providing enough for the entire week ahead. Thank you Lord. It has been hard to endure these past days without sharing. Well of course we have shared with you Lord! But the desire to share with others has been a temptation. YET now, in the past 48 hours, all the outstanding debts of the month gone by have been wiped away once more. Not in one great donation but in the sudden profusion of many all sent and received at once............'

TEN years ago, and we WE still experiencing what we just recently thought was the worst time in our 'history'. But NO, again and again we have gone through this kind of situation, and HE who walk with us, proved his ongoing ability to save us. Hallelujah. Nothing changes! He IS the same, yesterday, today and forever.

THE TAX men are STILL with us sorting through three years of income and expenditure for the whole work. They have so far said nothing, and asked nothing. So we continue on in prayer.
IT RAINED all night last Tuesday - a welcome dampening of the dust. It has not continued!!
EVERYONE in good health, and continuing busy day by day. Thank YOU for also praying for and with us day by day. It is our Strength. We love you all

John and Esther.

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